1608 FIFTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 523-526, 534. 1903. F¤b1'¤M’Y7. 19% d CHA?. 523.-An Act For the relief of the estate of Leander C. McLelIand, (Private, No. 454.] ecws - Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United I 1·§¤¤¤¤* ¤· M¤i·¢*· States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the milayment to mm Treasury be, and he is hereby. authorized and directed to pay to the °*· estate _ of Leander C. McLe_lland, deceased, late of Cobb County, . Georgia, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of five thousand five hundred dollars, being for cotton taken by or furnished to the military forces of the United States for hospital purposes during the late war for the suppression of the rebellion. ‘_ Approved, February T, 1903.` _ · I Febmw 7- 1908- CHAP. 524.-An Act Granting a pension to Carter B. Harrison. [“'i"“°· N°· *55*] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rrfqresentatives of the United §“,,,,"*§f,,£‘ H"'”""‘ States of America in Congress assembled, at the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to lace on the _ P nsion .roll, sub`ect to the rovisions and limitations of the pension }’° 2 H. aws, the name 0 Carter B. rrison, late captain Company C, Fifty- first Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate of twenty dollars per month. Approved, February 7, 1903. F¢¤f¤¤’»’ 7. IW- CHAP. 525.-An Act Granting to Nellie Heen the south half of the northwest
quarter and lot four of section two, and lot one of section three, in township one fifty-four north, of range one hundred and one wet, m the State of
o o . , _ Be it enacted the Senate and H'ous;;fRq>resentate?ces_0f the United 5f}}.? {},"N%$·D,, States of America in Congress assembl That the following-described how muted rc. land is hereby granted to Nellie Ett lfeen, to wit: The south half of the northwest quarter and lot four of section two, and lot one of section three, in townshi one hundred and fifty~four north, of range one hun- P dred and one west, situate in the Minot United States land district, in the State of North Dakota. Approved, February 7, 1903. W reuxp¤;y~L190¤. CHAP. 526.·—An Act Granting an increase of pension to Weden 0’Nea1. ["’*""°· N°· **7-] __ Be it enacted by the Senate andllouse gl Representatives of the United },‘;°§,‘j§n‘f,§,‘j*;Q{se(,_ States of America in Congress assemble , That the Secretarv of the Interior be, and he is here y, authorized and directed to place on the ppnsion roll, subject to the rovisions and limitations of the pension ws, the name of Weden O’Neal, late colonel Fifty-fifth Regiment Kentucky Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate of thirty dollars per month in lieu of t at he is now receiving. Approved, February 7, 1903. __`_F¢§§[§Qfi_{9§_ CHAP. 534.-—An Act For the relief of L. A. Noyes. {Private, No. 468.] , . , _ Be it enacted the Semateand Hmtseo R esentatwes of the United
States of Ame;/ca in Obngress assemblgl, mt there be paid, out of
any money in the Tw not otherwise appropriated, the sum of one thousand eight hund and nineteen do rs to L. A. Noyaps, for services rendered as acting assistant Treasury agent at the is nd of Saint George, Alaska, from AHil8t iirst, eighteen hundred and eighty- sur, to May tlnrtieth, eighteen undred an eighty-seven, inclusive. Approved, February 9, 1903.