Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 2.djvu/531

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I 766 · CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS OF CONGRESS. Much TL 1902- EDWARD KERSHNER. E‘Q§,“,,'fl,f,{'§§'}’({§.“,‘f;.; Resoooed by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That relief <>f» ¤=<1¤¤¤¤i· the President be requested to return to the House of Representatives the bill (H. R. 5224) “An Act providing for the relief of Edward Kershner." Passed March 1-1, 1902. ° March 18, 1902."REVIEW OF THE WORLD’S COMMERCE/’ ETC. w;}f§X,i$,f,',,,,,Q,c,il}° Resolved oy the Senate (the Home o f Representatvnzes concurring), That uvrzmrgprglvzl there be lginted mneteen thousand copies of the general summary s§.tes._ entitled " eview of the Wor1d’s Commerce,” for the year nineteen

  • "‘“‘“‘g °""“’°‘*· hundred and one, of which three thousand shall be for the use of the

Senate, six thousand for the use of the House of Representatives, and ten thousand for the use of the Department of State; and eleven thousand copies of Commercial Relations of the United States for the {ear nineteen hundred and one, including the general sununary, of w ich two thousand shall be for the use of the Senate, four thousand for the use of the House of· Representatives, and five thousand for the use of the Department of State. Passed March 18, 1902. __M¤rcn 19,1902. INTEROCEANIC CAN ALS. Revem °¤ 1***** Resooved by the Senate the Hou.seofRey>recentatioes coneurréng) That °°?iiiE?e•i¤f¤e¤. there be printed three tliousand copies of Senate Report Numbered One, from the Committee on Interoceanic Canals, one thousand for the use of the Senate and two thousand for the use of the House of Representatives. _ · Passed March 19, 1902. ___ Apdl1,1m. PROMOTION OF ANATOMICAL SCIENCE, ETC. R°“¤’“ °' bm '° Resolved by the Senate (t/ae Ilouse of Representatives eoncurrin ) That Krxilés iii°YiiZ°ii°iZ the President be requested to return to the Senate the bill (S. ,2291) f,'*,,§§,§’§_°°'“'“°" ’°‘ ‘QFor the promotion of anatomical science and to prevent the desecra- ` tion of graves in the District of Columbia." · Passed April 1, 1902. - ____.iErn 4, mz. ROBERT S. WOODBURY. ,,,,*}jfP"" w"""‘ Resolved by the Senate (the House of Repreaentattveu mimmng), That biaeqzm ot Kinsion the President be requested to return to the Senate the bill (`. 3910) °r°°°°° " “Granting an increase of pension to Robert S. Woodbury." Passed April 4, 1902. _ ___APril4,1902. ABBIE GEORGE. -*Q'°*° G°°’¥°· . Resolved by t/ee Senate (tim House 0 f Representatives concurring) That »,.ii4iiir;`eq3i¤P¤iilis`°u the President be requested to return to the Senate the bill (S. ,187 2) " Granting an increase of pension to Abbie George." Passed April 4, 1902. _