Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 2.djvu/547

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1784 CONVENT1ON—INTERNATIONAL* ARBITRATION. JULY 29, 1899. SA MAJESTE UEMPEREUR DE Hrs MA.ms1·Y rms Emrnnon or Tonrms LES Russmsz ALL rum Russuls: . Son Excellence M. le CONSEIL- His _ Excellency the present Lmz Prawn Acrum. ni: STAAL, Son Pmvr C01mc1LL01z D1: STAAL, His · Ambassadeur a Londres. Ambassador at London. M. DE MA1rmNs, Membre Per- MR. nm MARTENS, Permanent manent du Conseil du Ministere Member of the Council of the Im- Impérial des Affaires Etrangeres, pprial Ministry of Foreign Aifairs, Son Conseiller Privé. is Privy Councillor. Son CoNsn1LLsnn’E1·Ar ACTUEL His present COUNCILLOR or ma BASILY, Chambellan, Directeur Srrxric 11 BASILY, Chamberlain, du Premier Département du Min- Directorof the FirstDepartment0f istere Imperial des Affaires Etran- the Imperial Ministry of Foreign géres. Affairs. Hrs·rY rm-: Kms or SA MAJESTE LE Rox ms Summa: SERVIAZ M. M1YA:r0vrrcn, Son Envoyé ‘Mn. MIYATOVITGH, His Envoy extraordinaire et Ministre plénipo— Extraordinary and Minister Plententiaire a Londres et a la Haye. ipptentiary at London and at The e. . SA MAJESTE LE R01 mz SIAM: 1§.iSMAJESTY rms KING or SIAM: M. PZEIYA SURIYA Nuvnn, Son P11YA SumrA Nuvnn, His En- Envoyé extraordinaire et Ministre voy Extraordinary and Minister plénK>tentiaire a St. Pétersbourg Plenipotentiary at St. Petersburg et ai ris. and at Paris. — M. PHYA VISUDDHA SmuYA- PHYA VISUDDHA SmurAsAx·rr, sA11n, Son Envoyé extraordinaire His Envo‘ Extraordinary and et Ministre plénipotentiaire a la Minister Iglenipoteutiary at The . Haye et a Londres. Ha e and at London. SA MAJms·n€: LE Roi nn Sutrm lg Mamsrr rmi Kms or m m-: Noavten: Swnnm: AND N01zwAr: M. le BA110x nm Bum, Son En- BA110x nm BILDT, His Envoy vo é extraordinaire et Ministre Extraordinary and Minister Plenplénipotentiaire a Rome. ipotentiary at Rome._ Ln Cousim. FEDERAL Smssn: Tum Swrss FEDERAL COUNCIL! M. le D1:. AARNOLD Rom., En- Dn. Annow Rorn., Envoy Exvogé extraordinaire et Ministre traordinary and Minister Plenipo— pl nipotentiaire 5. Berlin. tentiar * at Berlin. SA MAJEBTE L’E1urr·:nmm mss His lVIA.n=:s·1·Y rm: Emrmaon or O1•r0MANs: · trim O:rr0MANs: Son Excellence TURKHAN PA- His Excellency TUmmAN PA- ci-rA, Ancien Ministre des Afaires CHA, formerly Minister of Foreign Etrangleres, Membre de Son Con- Afairs, Member of His Council seil d’ tat. of State. Nomar Bar, Secrétaire-Ggnéral Noumr Bar, Secretary·Genera1 ag Ministere des Affaires tran- at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. g res. So1~zALrsssmRorALmL¤ Pxmcm Hrs Roni. Hremmss me im Bm.eAmn: Pmncn or BULGARIA: M. le Da. Dmrrnx STANUIOFF, Da. Dmrnu S·rANc1orr, Diplo- Agent Diplomatique a St. Péters- matic Agent at St. Petersburg. urg. M. le Muon Cmuno H1:ssA1··r- MAJo1zCums·.roHmssArron1mrr, cnrgrr, Attache Militaire a Bel- Military Attache at Belgrade. gra e. Lesquels, aprés s’étreoommuni· Who, after communication of qué leurs plexus pouvoirs, trouvés their full powers, found in good en boune et due forme, sont con- and due form, have agreed on the venus des dispositions snivantes: following provisions: