1>ARcELs-rosT cou vmmviou-New ZEALAND. 1845 any charge for fines or penalties on account of failure to comply with any Customs regulation. I Airnoms VII. Each country shall retain to its own use the whole of the postages, F•>¤¤¤>b¤¤¤¤¤n¤<1 registration and delivery fees it collects on said parcels; conseqiiently this Convention will give rise to no separate accounts between the two countries. . ARTICLE VIII. _ 1. The (parcels shall be considered as a component part of the mails T¤¤¤P°*"·¤¤i<>¤· exchangle direct between the United States and New Zealand to be despatc ed to destination by the country of origin at its cost and by suc means as it provides; but must be forwar ed, at the option of the despatching office, either in boxes (prepared expressly for the purpose or in ordinary mail sacks, marke " arcels· ost," and securely sealedhwith wiax or otherwise, as may be mutually provided by regula- - tions ereun er. o 2. Unless otherwise mutually agreed upon, each country shall Return ¤fs¤ck¤,ew. romptgr return empty to the despatching office by next mail all such hugs an boxes. 3. Although articles admitted under this Convention will be trans- mm;. mitted as a oresaid between the exchange offices, they should be so carefully packed as to be safely transmitted in the open mails of either country, both in going to the exchange office in the country of origin and to the office of ad ress in the country of destination. ‘ . 4. Each despatch of a Parcels-Post mail must be accompanied by a nampuvemr descriptive list, in duplicate, of all the parcels sent, showing distinctly · the list number of each parcel, the nameof the sender, the name of the addressee with address of destination, and the declared contents and value; and must be enclosed in one of the boxes or sacks of such despatch (see Form 3 annexed hereto). Anrxcmz IX. Exchanges of mails under this Convention from any place in either Exchange omces. country to any place in the other shall be effected through the apostoffices of both countries alreadv designated as exchange post-o ces, or through such others as may be hereafter agreed upon; under such regulations relative to the details of the exchange as may be mutually determined to be essential to the security and expedition of the mails and the protection of the customs revenues. Aa·ricm·: X. 1. As soon as the mail shall have reached the office of destination, ¤¤¤¢*v¤·>f¤¤¤¤· that office shall check the contents of the mail. 2. in the event of the parcelibill not having been received, a substi- *’¤*°°l bmtute ‘ ould be at once prepare . 3. 5Any errors in the entries on the parcel bill which may be discov- E¤°¤· ered should. after verification by a second officer, be corrected and noted for report to the despatching office on a form “Verincation Certificate." which-should be sent in a special envelope. 4. If a parcel advised on the bill be not received, after the non- c£f’“"°°°lP' °* P receipt has beep vsriéied by a secgnd officer, the entry on the bill should be anceled a the act re rte at once. zi? If a rcrel be observedxto be insufficiently prepaid. it must not be i¤¤¤¤°**>¤*P°·¤¤¤- taxed withadeficient postage, but the circumstance must be reported on the verification certificate form.