Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 2.djvu/613

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1850 TREATY—CH1LE. Arm. 17, 1900. AP'“1'·”°°· Treaty between the United States and Okile providing for the extradition of criminals. Signed at Santiago, April 17, 1900; ratgfeation with amendments ad/viseal by the Senate, December 18, 1900; ` rati/Zed az; the President, May 24, 1902* ratifed by Ohile, Ilebruary 26, 1902 · ratifieations exchanged at llrashmgton, Mag; 27, 1902; proclaimed 1l[ay 27, 1902. _BY mn Pnmsrnnm or mn UNITED Sums or Amnmca. A PROCLAMATION. mmm Whereas aTreaty between the United States of America and the Republic of Chile providing for the extradition of fugitives from justice was concluded and signed by their respective Plempotentiaries at Santiago, on the seventeenth day of April, one thousand nine hundred. the original of which Treat , being in the English and Spanish languages is, (as amended by thegenate of the Unite States) word for word as follows: °°'“"°““¢P°'“°’~ The United States of America Los Estados Unidos de America and the Republic of Chile, being ila Republica de Chile, deseando desirous to confirm their friendly coniirmar sus amistosas relaciones relations and to promote the cause i promover la causa de la justicia, of justice, have resolved to con- han resuelto celebrar un tratado clude a treaty for the extradition para la estradicion de los préfugos of fagitives from justice between e la justicia entre los Esta os the nited States of America and Unidos de América i la Republica the Republic of Chile, and have de Chile, i han nombradoa efecto aplpointed for that purpose the los siguientes Plenipotenciarios: fo owinig Plenipotentmries: ’l°’“|’°°°¤“*'*°•- The resident of the United El Presidente dc los Estados States of America, Henry L. Wil- Unidos de América, al sefior Henry son, Envov Extraordinary and L. Wilson, Enviado Estraordinario Minister Plenipotentiary of the iMinistro Plenipoteneiario de los United States in Chile, and the Estados Unidos en Chile,i el Presi- President of Chile, Senor Don Ra- dente de la Republica de Chile. al fael Errézuriz Urmeneta, Minister senor don Rafael Errézuriz Urmeof Foreign Relations of Chile. . neta, Ministro de Relaciones Esteriores de Chile: lVho, after having communi- Quienes, después decomunicarse catedtoeachother their respective sus respectivos Plenos Poderes, full powers, found in good and gue encontraron en buenai debida due orm, have algreed upon and orma, han acordado i concluido concluded the fo owing articles: los articulos siguientes: Anrrcmu I. Amicum I. °,“°lj:§;’“$?l m The Government of the United El Gobierno de los Estados Uniwnnmme. States and the Government of dos i el Gobierno de Chile convic- Chile mutually agree to deliver u neu en entregarse nnituamente las persons who, aving been charged personas que, habiendo side acusa-