Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 2.djvu/624

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TREA'l`Y——-BOLIVIA. Arun. 21, 1900. 1861 demanded be of a political charac— caracterpolitico 6 si prueba que ter, or if he proves that the requisi- la peticion de su entrega ha sido tion for his surrender has, in fact, hecha con el propésito de perse been made with a view to try or guirlo 6 castigarlo por un delito punish him for an offense of a po- politico. itical character. No person surrendered by either Ninguna persona entregada por ?<>1i¤¤¤l q¢l<>¤¤¢¤ of the high contracting parties to una de las altas partes contratantes p“°H° °m°dm°°' the other shall be triable or tried, a la otra sera juzgable 6 juzgada or be punished, for any political ni sera castigada por ningun cricrime or offense, or for any act men 6delito politreo 6 porningun connected therewith, committed actorelacionado con ello, cometido . previously to his extradition. antes de su extradici6n. If any question shall arise as to Si se suscitase cuesti6n sobre si D¤¢i¤i<>¤· whether a case comes within the el caso de gue se trata esta 6 no provisions of this article, the de- comprendi o en las estipulaciones cision of the authorities of the de este articulo, la decisi6n de la vernment on which the demand Autoridad del Gobierno ante el gr surrender is made, or which cual se ha hecho la demanda de may have granted the extradition, entrega 6 la de_ que debe acordar shall be final. la extradici6n sera deiinitiva. ‘ Anrrou: VII. · Anricuno VII. Extradition shall not be granted, No sera concedida la extradicion, mm€i{$3:fJ¤¤l in pursuance of the provisions of en ejecucién de las estipulaciones y ° °°' this Treaty, if legal proceedings de este Tratado, si los procedi— or the enforcement of the nalty mientos legalm 6 la ejecuci6n de for the act committed by th;€(per— la penalidad por el ncto cometido son claimed has become barr by pg; la persona reclamada ha quelimitation, aceordi to the laws of 0 prescrita 6 limitadadpor las the country to whwln the requisi- leyes el pais al cual se ha rrigido tion is addressed. la requisitoria. .ARTICI.E VIII. . Anricuno VIII. No rggn surrendered by either Ninguna persona que haya sido '1‘ri¤1¤ w be oulyfor of thephigh contracting parties to B¤t1‘€g¤d8· p0l‘ una de las altas i)g.°iiii€Sf°r whim "` the other shall, without his con- lI{•¤’t<>S ¤0¤U'¤t%}1t€§$ UR ctw, P0d1‘6· mnt, freely granted and publicly sm su consentimiento, hbremente declared by him, be triable or tried manlfestadcy pfibhcamente declaor be punished for any crime or redo, SGP P1Q00€S¤bl€ 6 procesada, offense committed prior to his ex· nl S01a 08$Ilg&d8 por nmgun critradition.,otherthan that forwhich mw 9 d9l1t»0 G0¥¤6¢1d0 GU épocu he was delivered up, until he shall 8{1t¢§¤`10¤‘ji 121 de Sli Bxtmdicion y have had an gppgptunity of return- (l·lSlSl!lt0 3 ilqllél p(?I‘ el Cll8.l éSlZ8 I18. ing to the country from which hp sido conccdxda mrentras no haya was surrendered, l’0g‘l‘€S8·d0 al pais (IC Cléndc fué extraido. Anrrcnrz IX. Anriccno IX. All articles seized. which are in Todos los objetos secuestrados é Di¤r><2¤i¤¤¤ of mithe possession of the person to be la persona que debe ser entregada §iI.°;.Sm°d with pm" surrendered at the time of his ap- al tiempo de su a rehensién, ya A prehcnsion, whether being the sean productos dei) crimen 6 del proceeds of the crime or offense delito imputado 6 ya séan capaces charged, or being material as evi- de dar una evidencia 6 prueba dence in makin proof of the crime material del crrimen 6 del delito, or offense, shali so far as practica- seran remitidos de acuerdo con las