Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 2.djvu/638

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MONEY—ORDER CONVENTION—()ANADA. 1875 Arnemled Convention between the Post Ojioe Deparmmt ¢%t}ae Domain- S°(g>;$,)*Q)*gg,3‘};,},’{°l· zon of Uanada and the Post Ojlce Department of the nited States ——--4- of America, for the purpose of faoilztating the mmmé of postal money orders, to take the place oft/le Amended Oonvention signed May 2.9-—Jume 4, 1880. The Post Office Department of the Dominion of Canada and the {’,¤;]¤*;}°l°· 6,3 Post Office Department of the United States of America being desir—’P` ` ous of amendinglthe system of exchange of Money Orders between the two countries, the undersigned, duly authorized for that purpose, have agreed upon the following articles amending the existing Convention. Arrrronn I.—]ssue. The transfer of sums of money may be made b means of Postal m_§;g¤¤¤8° °* m°¤°Y Money Orders from the Dominion of Canada to the llnited States, and from the United States to the Dominion of Canada. Arrrronn II.-Form, mamimzmz, etc. . 9g0m, mximum. Sec. 1. The Money Orders issued in the Dominion of Canada for payment in the United States shall conform, as nearly as practicable, to model "A" hereto annexed, and the Money Orders issued in the United States for payment in the Dominion of Canada shall, in like manner, conform to model “B," also hereto annexed. Sec. 2. Each Order shall be delivered to the remitter thereof, to be forwarded by him at his own expense to the payee. Sec. 3. In filling up the Money Order and Advice the writing must be in the English language, and in Roman letters and Arabic numerals, without alteration or ob iteration, and no Order shall contain a fraction of a cent. Sec. 4. The maximum amount of each Money Order is iixed at one hundred dollars. JXRTICLE H1.-——Trans/mittal of paid orders as basal; of settlement. °,;`;'g‘j§‘*{,f,*;,};’,§,P,'Q§ tlement. Sec. 1. On the 1st, 9th, 16th and 23d of each month (on the next succeeding day if such date falls on Sunday,) each Administration shall make out in duplicate, and forward a certified list of all Money Orders issued by the other Administration, which have been paid by and received from its inland offices and examined up to the date upon which such lists are prepared. Sec. 2. These lists must exhibit in detail, and in alphabetical order, by States or Provinces as the case may be, the names of the issuing offices, the serial numbers rintcd on the Orders, and the amount of each Order. The sum totalpof each sheet of paid Orders must be stated in a summary attached to the lists. Sec. 3. The. lists shall be numbered consecutively throughout the fiscal year, beginning with number one on the 1st of July, and ending with the last number included in the business of the year.