Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 2.djvu/669

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1906 TREATY—DENMARK. JANUARY 6, 1902. Jmwr 6,1902 Treaty between the United States and the M.`rgydom of Denmark for W the extradition of fugitioes from justice. igned at Was/tzngton, January 6, 1902; ratification advised by the Senate, January 30, 1.902; ratifed by the President, february 26, 1.902; ratiyied by Denmark, March 8, 1.902; ratiyioations exchanged at Washington, April 16, 1902,* proclaimed, April 17, 1.902. BY run Pnnsrnnsr or run Uuirmn Snrns or Ammuca. A PROCLAMATION. P¤•¤N¤· Whereas a Treaty between the United States of America and the Kingdom of Denmark providing for the extradition of criminals was concluded and signed by their respective Plenipotentiaries at Washington on the 6th day of January, one thousand nine hundred and two, the original of which Treaty, being in the English and Danish languages, is word for word as follows: ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¢P¤¤°¤ The United States of America Da de amerikanske Forenede and his Majest the King of Den- Stater og Hans Majestaet Kongen mark, bein desirous to confirm af Danmark onske at befzeste de their friendiy relations and to pro- mellem dem bestaaende venskabe— mote the cause of justice, have re- lige Forhold samt fremme Retfser— solved to conclude a treaty for the dighedens Sag, have de besluttet extradition of fugitives from jus- at afslutte en Traktnt angaaende tice, and have aplpointed for that Udlevering af bortromte Forbry- · purpose the fo owing plenipo- dere og i dette Ojemed udnaevnt tentiariesz til deres Befuldmazgtigede ?¤¤¤iv<>*¤¤°*°·’*°’· The President of the United Preesidenten i de amerikanske States of America, John Ha , Sec- Forenede Stater, John Hay, de F 0- retary of State of the-United States; renede Staters Statssecretar; og and His Majesty the Kin of Hans Majestaet Kongen af Dan- Denmark, Mr. Constantin Srun, mark, Hr. Constantin Brun, Kom- Commander of the Order of Dan- mandor af Dannebroge og Dannenebroge and decorated with the brogsmand, Hans Majestaets Kam- Cross of Honor of the same Order, meherre og overordentlige Ge- His M•;jesty’s Chamberlain and sandt og befuldmeegtigede Minis- Envoy xtraordinary and Minis- ter i Washington; hvilke, efter at terPlenipotentiaryatWashington; have meddelt hinanden deres rewho, after having communicated spektive Fuldma ter, der befandto each other their respective full tes i god og rigti Term, ere komne powers, found in good and due overens om og gave vedtaget folorm, have agreed upon and con- gnde Artikler: cluded the following articles: “ Anrxcu: I. Anrrxmi I. · F~·=¢‘*l>¤>¢** d°“"°’Y The Government of the United De amerikanske Forenede Staginnpgiiiiig charged States and the Government of Den- ters Regering og den Kgl. Danske mark mutually agree to deliver up Regering ere enige om gensidigt