Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 2.djvu/699

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1936 ADDITIONAL ACT——INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY. Dncmmnmn 14, 1900. D°°°“‘b°’ “·1’“"· An additional act, concluded at Brussels December 1.4, 1900, by the Plennotentiaries of the United States and other eountmes, for the protection of industrial property, modifying the Industrial Propnty Convention of March 520, 1883. Signed at Brussels, December 14, 1900* ratqfcation advised by the Senate Marek_?, 1901 ,• ratgjied by the Aesident, April 16, 1901 ,• ratifcation deposited at Brusse s, May 3, 1901 ,· proclaimed, August 25, 1902. BY THE Pnnsmmrr or THE UNITED STATES or AM11moA. A PROCLAMATION. P’°“¤"’°· Whereas an Additional Act modifying the Industrial Property Convention of March 20, 1883, was signed at Brussels, on December 14, 1900, by the Plenipoteutiaries of the United States and other Powers, a true copy of which Additional Act, in the French language is word for word as `follows: [Translation.] Union internationale pour la pro- International union for the protection de la prrpriété indus- tection of industrial property. trielle. v¤1.zs,p.1:m 10*1*1: AD1:•1T10NN1:L DU 14 miomm- ADDITIONAL Acr or Dmommnmz 14, ‘ mm 1900 Monrrraxr LA cos- 1900, Monrrrmo THE conven- VENTION my 20 Mans 1883 TION or Maxon 20, 1883,As wsu. ams! om: LE PROTOCOLE DE AS THE FINAL PROTOCOLTHERETO CLOTURE Y ANN1·:x1€:. ANNEXED. °°“"""“”¥*’°’“°°‘· Sa Ma`este le Roi des Belges; His Majesty the Kin of the Belle President des Etats-Unis du gians; The Presidentogthe United Brésil; Sa Ma`este le Roi de Dane- States of Brazil; His Ma`esty the mark; le President de la Re u- Kin of Denmark; the Rresident blique Dominicaine; Sa Majestgle of tie Dominican Republic; His R01 d’Espagne et, en son nom, Sa Majesty the Kin of Spain, and in Majeste la Reine Re ent dn his name, Her l\Ia`esty the Queen Royaume; le President des Stats- Regent of the Kingdom; The Unis d’Amerique; le President de President of the United States of la Republique Francaise; Sa Ma- America; The President of the Leste la Reine du Royaume-Uni de French Republic; Her Majesty the Grande-Bretalgne et d’Irlande, Queen of the United Kingdom of Imperatrice des ndes; Sa Majeste Great Britain and Ireland, Emle oi d’Italie; Sa Majeste l’Em— ress of India; His Majesty the gereur du Japon: Sa Majtzste la King of Italy; His Majesty the eine des Pays—Bas; Sa rlajeste Emperor of Japan; Her Majesty le Roi de Portugal et des Algar— the Queen of the Netherlands; His ves; Sa Majesté e Roi de Serbie; Majesty the Kin of Portugal and Sa Majeste le Roi de Suede et de the Algarves; Ilis Majesty the Norvgge; le Conseil Federal de la King of Servia; His Majesty the Conf' eration Suisse: le G0uver· .King of Sweden and Norway; The