Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 2.djvu/733

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1972 PROCLAMATIONS. Nos. 3, 4. a proved the twenty-fifth day of May, nineteen hundred and one, by (1E4h hdp " f 'dpa hth'rffill w 10 the rovisions o said ragrap 1 y—six are speci ca y rove : céeyglygdyégh Nbgv, therefore, I, William McKinley, President of the _United States, do hereby declare said agreement, except paragrafph thirty-six thereof dul ratified and that al the rovisions thereo , except said 7 p , h thirty-six which failed of ratification by the Creek national P“"“g!`“P . counc1.l, became law according to the terms thereof upon the twenty- fifth da_y of Many, nineteen hundred and one. In witness w ereof, 1 have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be aiiixed. _ Done at the city of Wgjhiggton this tweéity-fifth day og Juéie, in the r f o r r one thousand nine un re an one an sun,. bfmthh Inde ndence of the United States the one hundred [ ] d t t Ififth an wen y· . Wmnrau MGKJNLEY By the President: Dsvm J. HJLL ` Acting élecretawy of State. _ . · [N0. 4.] - J¤1y1.1901- Br mm Pnmsmmvr or rim Uurrmn Sums or Anmmcs. l A PROCLAMATION. P'°“"‘*’*°- Whereas the Cascade Range Forest Reserve in the State of Oregon v°l`28’ P` mn was established by proclamation dated Septeuiber 28, 1893, under and V°l·“°·*’·“°“· b virtue of section twentygiour of the Act of Congress, approved Ldlarch third, eighteen hun g gud rzipetymne, entitlexk ‘;1An actl to re l timber—culture laws an or o er purposes w ic provides. " That the President of thd United States may, from,time to time, set a rt and reserve, in an State or Territory having public lands wholly or in part covered timber or undenégtiipwith, wchethegaaf commercial va ue or not,as u ic reservations, an e residents , bydptiiblic proclgmatipp, declare the establishment of such reservations an e limits thereo ; "°l· ’°· P· “‘· And whereas it is further rovided by the Act of Congress a roved June fourth, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, entitled; Rgn act making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government forbthe iiscpl yea}: ending June tlprtietgileig) tees hundngnd spd ninpty- • ` t a orot er u1 ses t at ‘ e resident is ere yauthoriezlgd sit dn time to any: Executive order that has been or may hereafterlve mgéle estglblishing anyhforest xéesebrye, spd bylsuch modiiicatio ma r uceteareaorcangete un ry esofsuh reservli, oryrnafy vacate altogether ag? order creating such reserve "? “§{,•,f,$Qf*(,*{;,:_l'°'· S Now,bthere ore,fI,hWill1am Mc ilnley, Prgsidglnt of thedUnited Laudsnddea. tates, virt e o the wer veste in me y the a resai a t Con ressira rtbved Junelfdurth, e' hteen hundred andonine —s§veh H PP lg ty » do hereby make known and dproclaim that there is hereby reserved from entry or settlement, an added to and made a part of the aforesaid Cgascacllka gauge Forpize Reserve, all certa1n(tjracts, pieces or parce s of in lying an ing situate in the tate of regon and particularly described as follows, to wit: B°‘*¤°¤’*°·· The south half (S. i)] of Townshi one (1) South, Townships two (2) South, three (3) Sout , and four dl) South, Ran eleven (11) East, Willamette Meridian; Townships five (5) South, Illanges nine (9) and ten (lt:) East; and so much of Townships six (6) South, Ranges nine (3) an gen (10) East, as lies north of the Warm Springs Indian eserva on. .