PROCLAMATION S. Nos. 7 ,_ 8. 1983 (1) said township; thence easterly to the south-west corner of Section six (6), Township twenty-one (21) North, Range eight (8) Vlrest; thence southerly to the south-west corner of Section eighteen (18), said township; thence easterly to the south-east corner of Section sixteen (16), sai township; thence northerly to the n0rth—east corner of Section four (4), said township; thence easterly to the north-east corner of Section six (6), Township twenty-one (21) North, Range seven (7) West; thence southerly to the south—east corner of said section; thence easterly to the north-east corner of Section twelve (12), said townshi ; thence southerly to the south—east corner of said section ;- thence easterly to the north—east corner of Section sixteen (16), Township twenty-one (21) North, Range six (6) West; thence northerly to the point for the north-east corner of Section nine (9), said townshipl; thence easterly to the south—west corner of Section six (6), Towns ip twenty-one (21) North, Range five (5) West; thence northexrtlly to the north—west corner olfsaidh thence easterly to the no -east corner of said towns 1 , e heginmng. lgxceptihiafrom e force and eifect of this proclamation all lands ‘·'“*‘l*¤°°P°°°· which may ve been, prior to the date hereof, embraced in any legal entry or covered by 513* lawful filing duly of record in the prop:; United States Lan ce, or upon which any valid settlement has been made pursuant to law, and the statutor period within which to make entry or tiling of record has not expired; Provided, that this exception shall not continue to apply to any particular tract of land unless the entryman, settler or claimant continues to comply with the law under which the entry, jiling or settlement was made. W'arning is hereby expressly given to all persons not to make set- umgm f¤¤¤ ¤¤¢· tlement upon the lands reserved y this proc amation. That the lands hereby restored to the public domain shall be open msgmgy ¤f ¤»— to settlement from date hereof, but shall not be subject to entry} ii ing or selection until after ninety days notice by such publication as the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be ailixed. · . Done at the City of Washington this fifteenth day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand, nine hun red and one, and [sun.] of she Independlpnce of the United States the one hundred an twenty-sixt . y Wxnnum NICKINLEY By the President: ’ Joni: Har Secretmjy of State. · [No. 8.] [A PROCLAMATION.] ·'¤*F25·1°°¤· Whereas, by an Act of Congress, approved April 12, 1900, entitled ${,*j•}*;g°:·,8_ "An Act Temporarily to Provide Revenues and a Civil Government for ' Porto Rico and for other Purposes," it was pligovided that, " whenever rom l\lco.f wm the legislative assembgy of Porto Rico shall ve enacted and put into c°°“"°"° ' operation a system o local taxation to meet the necessities of the government of Porto Rico, by this Act established, and shall bylresolution duly passed so notify the President, he shall make proc mation thereof, and thereupon al tariff duties on merchandise and articles going into Porto Rico from the United States or cominggnto the United States from Porto Rico shall cease, and from and a r such date all