Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 2.djvu/826

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INDEX. 2065 Cherokee Natvkm, Ind. T—C0nt’d. P¤g¤·Chickasaw Indians—Continued. Page status of Eastern Cherokees and others l expenses of paying, per capita, to be from C': least of the Mississippi ,,,.. 996 i C same fund 1058 erry niel, hickasaw Nation, Ind. T, comieyance of real estate, Dothan, Ala., to- 1491 appropriation forsurvey, etc. , town sites. 259, 996 Chesley, Charles C, appointment of town site commispension incroased ... 1682 sioner in case of vacancy ..., 259, 996 Chester, Jane P. (widow), town limits of small towns .. 259 Chpeusiocn incrjezsed .. . 1635 1 f disposal of lands gi . Ii . 259 ester iter, ~ ., or removing intru ers an settling appropriation for improvement of .,., 336 allottees ,.,,.. . ,,,,.,,,,______,_ 259. Ohryemw and Arapaho Agency, Okla., lawful possessors of lots may remain . 259 Clnppropriagon for/·1India;1:ag7;ut at 245 , _ share oglegch member in tribal lands eyerme n iam, rapa a ,‘ unti tted . 260 appropriation for support, etc., of .. 255, 991 interest to be paid on national fund .. 262 Cfutents fee jsimple I; gaariitain .. 1009 1 nationaleéund transferred to treasurefs cyenne iver gency . ., { c it ..,. 262 appropriation for Indian agent at .. 245, 982 { deduction, aid to indigent . 262 proclamation restoring lands to public 1 Chicott Pass, La., ` Oh dI<;mai1}-&- . . E .. 2035 { appropriation forghghting 433, 1094 eycnne iver n ian servalion, ’ * Chief Justice of the prreme Court Chdeficienc¢;7appmpriation for surveying . - . 1074 appropriation for compensation ..., 169, 905 cyenne, yo., salary increased 825 appropriation for public building 420 Chief of Engineers, Army, Clregular terbn, circuit océoiugt of appeals . 329 1 duties ]of,Cpublic buildings and grounds, iicago and rieRa·1l'r ompan , · . L ,... 152 may bridge Calumet River, at liammoud, i Chkf of Stay) Army, C, In 3%. . d; .. . . - 660 l appropriation for conitingeutaexpenges. 927 nbago and te ine Radroad mpany, superviso powers 0 over ine an sta - 831 may bridge Calumet River, at Cummings, i Chihuahua, lhexico, , C}; Ill ... 660 } appropriation gvor consul at . 83, 815 icago Ill. { Chdcoat, Joseph ., appmhriatio;] for assistant tre¤surer’s of- pension inojreased ... 1702 fice; aries ... 143, S7" Children, D. ., · for improvement of Calumet River. 368 planfor careof delinquent, tobesubmitted- 978 for rent, temForag* building ... 420, 1084 C'hildren’s Guardians, D. C., Board of for rent, pub ic 0 cos , 1084 appropriation for administrative expenses. 612, for new public building post-odioe, 978 ew .,..,. , , 420 , 1084 for feeble-minded children .. 613, 978 f special employes on plfms; limit 420 for board, etc., of children .. 613, 978 or enforcing r r ations 435, 1096 payment to sectarian institutions- . . 613, 978 deficiency appropriation or public build- for care of children,_Hart F arm School. 613, 978 ing, repairs .. 558 . deficiency appropriation for care, etc- . . 119, 1044 care, etg., o;é‘C0nfedera.te Mound," an- _ Q for €X}é6D§€Sk ,.,... ...,.. 562 t oriz .. - ... ‘. . . 804 w or S. . ar man, reim ursin 562 limit of cost increased, public building . - . 1204 payment to sectarian institutions . 562 payment of damages, explosion of artillery A Childrenhx Hospital, D. C., caisson- .1 .. 1452 apfropriation for care of patients .. 612, 978 postmasteis sa ary Hx 1166 Chi! s, A. H., assistant’s. ... 1166 · claim referred to Court of Claims; payment. 764 Chicago River, Ill., Chile, _ appropriation for improvement of; turn- appropriation foriuiinister to 76, 807 ing basins 363 or secretary 0 egation .. 77, 808 Chicago, Rock Island and Pacbic Railway denciency Sppropriation for payment of Company,lawsr to . 5 may bridge Missouri River, Kansas City, extradition treaty with .. 1850 Mo .. 56 · Chillicothe, Ohio, Chicago, Sioux Falls and Pamfc Railway construction of public building authorized Company, ; at ... 3] 9 time extended foriirildging Missouri River, Q I appropriation foréé - .15 . . . 427, 1084 (mcmnu, S. Ja ... 305 5 imit o cost increas , pu ic ni ing . . . 1203 Chiclcamuuga cmd ('haffiznooga National Park, { Chilocco, Okla., appropriation for establishing 466, 1131 1 appropriation for Indian school ... 270, 1002 deficiency appropriation for establishing. . 1048 3 China, _ _ _ _ Chickaauhuy Rh-ev, illiax., E appropriation for minister to ... 76, 807 appropriation for nmprovement of 355 for secretary of legation .. 77, 808 preliminary examination of, to be made. . 380 {or séicond secretary .. 77, 808 Ch 'ckowa F erdmen, _ or inese secretary ..,. 77, 809 » riightmuetci, to be determined by Court of for student interpreters; appointment- 78,809 Claims . - , 649 for rent of legation buildings, etc . 78, 810 Chickasaw Indians (sec also Choctaw and g for erection of legation buildings, Pekin. 78 Chickasaw Indians), for interpreters at consulates . S6, 818 deposit of fund for relief of indigent . 178 [ for marshals, consular courts in ... 87, 819 commission to distribute .. - v.. 178 i for expenses0f prisoners . 87, 819 von xxxn, PT 2—53