Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 2.djvu/846

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mnmx. 2085 Director of the Mint-Continued. P¤8¤~ District Cburts-—Continued. M89- approprmtion for cpllecting statistics of clerks to keep bankruptcy dockets and in- 1*64:10118 meta S . 140 875 dexes· fees; inspection 800 annuslpreport 1901, ordered printed .. 1770 concurrent jurisdiction with circuit courts report Oagrodrgctllggn of the precious metals, in immigration cases ,. 1220 I 0 8 printed .. . ... 1769 District Judges Dircctm·k.s, C., _ appropriatidn for salaries .. 16, 905 pugicinases to be allowed m accoxmts .. 562 de degli appropriation for increase in Dua tty envious ries _,_______________________, 1064 con truction of former act ... 750 additional, authorized, Minnesota district. 795

 Galt? Carriages, New York southern district ... 805

tests, ore opting ... 307 salaries increased ... 825 Diaburaing Oficers, War Department, Dismbt of Columbia (see also Taxation, District allownncehog credits for losses, etc., war of Columbia), wit pa n ... 956 appropriation forexpenses(halfh·om Treas- Diachazgec, Army, _ · ury, half from District revenues). 590, 956 certi eutes to be IBDOd in lieu of lost ..,. 629 for general expenses, executive office. 591, 956 effect of final honorable discharge on pre- penalty for obtaining offices, etc., by vious service . 750 money etc ... 591 _ conditions ... 750 penalty for perjury extended to inves- Dwaltlargcpgi BanL1&u;}tcy, had 97 I tigauorns bgore Commissioners 591 a itio groun s 7 or assesso s office .. 592,957 obtaining property by false written state- forexcisebourd; liquor-license receipts. 592, 957 ments 797 liquonlicense receipts to be credited c0ucea cinl condition by destroy- 797 f to . . . Hi . 957 in etc ... or person tax a ...,.,.,.,,, 9'7 fraudu1ently transferring property, etc., for c0llect0r’s office . 592, 958 within four months ... 798 for auditoi-’s office ... ;. . 592, 958 previous voluntary bankruptcy within differences in settling accounts .. 592 six yearsbé...;& . f .. 7 98 application to Comptroller as to anrefusm' gtoo yo erso court, etc..--- 98 counts ... 592

 and legal liabilities not released 7 f signaturp on 1::11 dgbursementn ... 592

y ... 98 or city so icit.0 s 0 ce ... 592 Dincriminating Duties, for corporation c0unsel’s onice . 958 - on Cuban vessels and goods suspended - . . 2013 for sin ing-fund 0tHce .. 593, 958 .Dhcrin;•Cnation.s, Interstate Commerce, 7 for coropg . 593,958 na ty for giving etc .. 84 or mar masters, etc . 593,958

 of Congrms, for sealer of wepbts and measures. . . 593, 958

deficiency gpproprintion for index of 580 for engineefs 0 ce.é ... 593, $ Due::' sea, · inspectoro gas an meters .. aliens ltsishome or contagious, ex- for special-amessmenit;ioffice . 593, 3559 clu mission . 1214 or street-sweeping office 593, 9 Dalsintermerua D. C., f d 1 5 for board of examiners, steam engineers- 594, notice to Ozcmmissicners 0 ju icio .. 34 959 Dismal River Forest RLT, Nebr., _ 995 · payment of temporary employees, etc. 594, roclamntion establug ... 1 959 Dgpatch Agents,detailed statement of employees reappropriation for, diplomatic and consular7S W quired lnsmnual estimates 594 service .. , SA for insurance egurtment ... 59-I, 959 deficiency appropriation for rent, New York 1032 i ict e;urveyc{)r's oboe . 594, 959 Distilled l pirils » or ree u llc I nry ... 594, 900 lukggoagplpanceh extended to ull, ln 770 forimntgégent expenses.} ... 595, 960 n ware ouses ... : thetai . report require . 595 Dmlillera, D. (‘., g restriction: on use of horses, eu- 595,960 license tax on . . .. .. 627 [ not to be used tm- tlre insurance . 900 Distinctive Paper, Ntzticnal Curre(nrjz;, ; stable expenses .. . 595,980 appropriation for .4 .. _. T . . . 448, 1110 rent . ._ . . . 595, 960 Dminaive P¢n»er,f [ mled States biwurctrec, 448 1109 gzolleetrng personal taxes .. 595, 961 g roprlatnon or, etc_ , i u ww expenses . 595, 961 dggciency gpproprintxon for 6, 1037 t coronepsaetckigxmmm .., 595, 961 Dum' ‘e¢ Adm u nenem s ve ng ... 596, 961 gpproprigtjgg for salaries . 475, 1141 repairs, market houses ., 596 for regular assistants ... 475, 1141 enforcing game and fish laws .. 596, 961 limit removed, Illinois northern dis- U4] register of wélds ofiioe expenses _____ 596 tri t , . ... surveyo so ceexpenses ... 596 for spegial assistsnts . z . _475, 1141 i for extending permanent system of highdeticiency appropnauon for specml a$1sté2 10 f ways ..-£.. li . Zi ii ______ 596, 951 m-gg___ _____ , ,,_,, -..;- , 75 V or assessmen an permi wor ____ _ 596 961 for salaries, etc _ ... Z _ . . - 579 ‘§ for work on streets and avenues; sched~ ’ to institute proceedings against carners ; ules I ,.,,,,_ : ,_,_______ 596, 961 not tiling tariffs, etc .. 848 l strte)et£sep¤\·od mesh Belgian blocks not Dzklricl Court: 3 1H1p110V -.- 962 appropriation for judges .. Z _ 169, 905 g order to beobserved, etc.; estimates. 596, 962 or expenses of ]udgee outside of dns- 1 for paving specxfled streets ...,._,__ ___ 597 tricts . 476. 1141 contracts or asphalt pavements 597, 962