Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 2.djvu/854

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INDEX. 2093 Egner, Joseph H, Y¤8¤- Elizabrth, X J, P4189- payment of Court of Claims judgment to construction of public building authorized administrator of .. 208 at ..,.,.. 319 Ehmke, Henry, zppropriation for .. 427, 1084 pension increased ... 1619 dc c1cucy appropriation for public build-

 Eight Hours, ing .. .-.. 1038

a day’s work on irrigation construction- . - 389 limit of cost increased, public building--- 1205 Eighth Judicwl Circuit, Elizabeth River, N J, aglditjonal circuit judce autigoyized ... 791 apggopriation for improvement of 350 circuit court of appea s, uddmonal regular Hk ver,

 terms ..   . .: . :-  ..  . . 329 sppropnsqon for improvement of  351

dcticncncy appropriation for additional c1r- gr xghgging · ... 433, 1094 cuit ju gc . · ... ivcr erm. Eiaelm, Omrrad, rmlimicaay cénminatiou of, to be made. . 382 payment of Frcuchfpclintion claim to ad- E I: Ifiver, . Va., ministrator 0 rc iminary examination 0 , to m c. . Ejcctment, D. Cl, - l%£har¢, Ind., parties added to actions for .. 537 construction of public building authorized provision as to plesdingfepealod 537 at ... 318 effect of legal title as u- r to mcovary 537 appropriation for . - - 4 .. 427, 1085 action of movcqgfom default of mort- E]k0 Nw ’ . 8 TBP9a ···~--··--·~·---- ¥·· a. if f t bl lf I din discret%g§ of court as tu combining judg- pP p;:J$ _ _ _ ?f_ _ ji? _ _? _T§ _ _ _1 _ 2;-0 ments

 periodoiaccou.utingforms¤nepr0iits,ctc.,·   E £$ ?:  1453

exwndug ‘‘’‘°‘°‘'‘'‘’ 537 Ella} and Company, John E, assessment of 1mprovcments made by de- denden a m datiou for 560

  • °”d“”* --·--------·-·----·------- 538 mm 1.umy JPY prmmagmm ```````

Jmnnwégrmw °f m°P'°"m°m° by Jury 538 deiicieggzy appropriation forimprovements, terms of court . 69 785 ‘‘‘‘ r1 ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ .

 {wma aww (wriivw),   {ZZ Z f$.}§?$ §1$°hLAg,i{51 ZZZfZZIIIICIII lg

Ercuqm l1 m c l ‘`‘’‘‘'''‘'`' 332 _ for new fcrryboat, ...,,,,,,... 1085 d dw;l{:m” D"! 1273 {or mpnirsagw .,,, _,,,,.., ‘‘'‘’ . ‘°‘‘°‘‘’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ or constru i new is

 Bw V   (:'_"E’°°y’ 89 above pa. agi from immigrant fund.. 1085

¤L';.‘,!£’i235 mm, 1sfa,'°’· ········ - ¤¤<·» MM V?. _ M, extension of, Masonic fair at Convention mgdyyé ‘‘‘‘‘’‘' j ‘’‘‘’'`‘‘‘‘‘ H l · E!:,;!' '’'‘‘''’’ 738 pc;ment of French spolistion claim in adappr0prm tz;11{0r ¥>y underground wires 602 minml wr of ''''''‘'`'‘' 233 overhegd wires pcrmitmd. beyond Bm Hwigww W, lwl E.m,·‘*,~:‘.*,:,‘;·;,;.;;.§; ····················· *2 Ezmmim, M "‘tH‘j1;_ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ appropriation for, gun and mortar batter- ¤PP?0}m¤U0¤ fvr PU ic W m2 -·~-··-· 420 ics _,,,,,______,_________,,,,,_ sou, 1025 Elrod, ame·¤fC6 f Cl _ d Elqm-i Depa D. C., payment 0 ourt 0 sums u gmem to np r£mu¤m?;m» ... cox, scc ¤¤<<>¤x3¢ri¤< <>f ·--·----—------------- 214 gv! Supplies, repairs, ctc .. . .. 601,966 El3·’· 0{""l€·’ *’·¤ _ for putting wires underground, ctc . 601 FP€b;?°g[{3°'°2$m ···--·-- --·······----·- 104* for exten mg fire-alarm telegraph . 601 -77* _» f 0** -1 for extending police-patml system . . . 601, 966 P°¤¤0¤ m°'°”°d ··-···-··------~·-·-·-· 1291 for iirealann office, nmprcvements . 601 Emergencies, for replacing wom·out circuits, ctc . 966 appropriation for diplomatic and consular, for iig·e·gl¤rm transmitter .. 966 unforeseen .. 79, 810 . deficiency appropriation for supplies . 561 for Qcpartmenp of Agriculture, suppress-

 for cxpeuses ..,,,,,,,,., •, .,...   ... 1 042 {ng contagmus mttlc diseases .. llgg

Llecmcmnig, for nvm- and arbor ,, 3; 1 appropriation or scrgexmts- . -- .. 930 for; unforeseen, Ngvy I . Q63, 1148

 or musgerb pay and allowances  930 deiimencg appm&m¤0p for, diplomatic  

rt t . ., an consu servxce .. a

i:Hz;ncnté0r injury, ctc., to electrical Emerge·m,·y Eund} D. C.,

, _____, _,, _,,.,. , ..,. .-.. RPPYOPHB 10D Ol`.' .. , . , I Eleventh giggzllzcesc Dblrict, Emergency Mmd, Navy Department, appropriation for relief vessel for Ninth appropriation for ... { .. ;- 663, 1178 md ___,,,,,.,,,,,... . eticieucy appropriation or . 565, for dc t, Minnesota Point, Minn .. 1093 586, 589, 1050, 1073 “ Eligq," Emergemju Emd, War wzlh Spain, payment 0 French spolistion claim on an- · reappropriatiou of balance for Army War count of .. 233 j Cogcge bcigirgs . 512 .Hizabcth Oih N. C., °mergcncy capita . . nppmpdagibn for public building 1 . . . 420 appropriation fof mainicmmce . 612, 978 hmit, of cost. increased, public buildmg; j Emerson, Edward, yr., change of site . 313, 1204 f pnymenticf French spolistiou claim to admgdg pon of entry . 190 H11!11StlHt0T of .. 230, 230, 232