Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 2.djvu/868

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INDEX. 2107 Govemmcra Ifospilal for the Inaa·ne—Cont’d. P¤K0— Grand Forks, N Dak., PHG- appropnation for heating and lighting construction of public building authorized plant, etc 457 at ..., . .,...,,,,___,,,,,, 319 for e ectric fire-alarm apparatus ... 1120 appropriation for ..,..,__,,_____,,, 427, 1085 for support of District of Columbia Grand Haven, Mich., _ patients 614, 979 appropriation for improvement of harbor. 343 deficiency appropriation for new build- construction of public building authorized; ings . 20 nominal site ..,_,.,.., 316 for repairs and improvements ,...,_, 20, 1055 appropriation for ,..,,,..,_,,__,,,, 426, 1085 for re igerating p ant .. 20 Grand Inland, M K, for current expenses ... 571, 1055 time extended for bridging Niagara River for hospital extension . 1055 _ at ...,, i. 73 act changin proceedings for admission to, Grand Island, Nebr., repealled . 1043 deficiency appropriation for public build- Government Priming w (age also Public ing site ,,,,,,...,,,,_,,____,_, ___ 1039 Printing andding), purchaseof public buildingsiteauthorized. 1208 _ appropriation for lea.ves to employees- 481, 1146 Grand Jimdion, Colo., deiici cy appropriation for leaves to approgariation for Indian school ... 270, 1003 employees . 27, 1069 Grand kc, La., temporary occupation by Grand Army of appropriation for lighting channel 433, 1094 Regublic encampment 303 Grand Marais, Mich., "Govemor owdoi·n," Ship, appropriation for improvement of harbor payment of French spoliation claim on ac- of whe} . 344 count of .. 231 Grand Marcia, mn., - Governorslsland, Bodon, Macs., appropriation for improvement of harbor. 346 city permitted to in;prove and use ... 743 preliminary examination of, to be made. . 380 Governors Island, N ., Grand Rapids, Mich., . · appropriation for eniatgement ... 1130 examination of public building, directed; deficiency appropriation for improvement- 564 report ... 326 Gowmnua Bay, ., Grand River, Mich., appropriation for improvement of Bay appropzriation for improvement of · 362 Ridge and Bed ook channels-, 463, 1124 Grande ondc Agency, Oreg., Gowdey, Edwin M, appropriation or support, etc., of Indians · pension increased -..-..-..---...--.. 1450 of .--..-..-...-...-.-.- 258, 994 Gower, A. G., Granger, Irydia LL, widow, payment to -.---.-.--.---...-.-.-.- 489 pension increased .-...-.-..--...---. 1386 Grade (I'rouni1}ga, D. CC, Gram, Joseph W, provisions or abolishing ..-...-.---- 918 pension increased -.-.-.-... 1279 Grading Sreets, etc., D. O., Grant, Margaret M (widow), ‘ appxzpriation for ...,.-... i .-..--- 597, 962 pension increased --.---.--.--.. 1368 Gra , Charles, Grant Lfemorial, pension increased ...-.,...-.-,--..-. 1690 appropriation for commencing erection; Graham, Ella R. (widow), contracts, limit of cost, etc .--. 460 pension increased ...---.-... 1325 Grasses, Graham, George W, approfriation for investigations, etc . - . 292, 1154 payment to, for services ..-..-.-. ‘ 238 Gram; inland, Mich., Graham, Hannah I·L (widow), appropriation for light-keeper’s dwelling . 431 · pension -----.-.--.---.-.. . - 1414 Graves, hilander IL, Graham, Harry L., pension ...--..- 1757 pension increased ..-..---.-. 1711 Graves, Samuel M, Graham, John, pension increased ...-.-.-.-.-... 1280 pension increased .-.-.--.-.- 1744 Gray, Ambrose W, Graham, Thomas, payment of Court of Claims judgment to pension increased -...-...- . . 1715 _ executrix of -..-..--.. 209 Grainger, Charles M, Gray, James E, pension increased .-..-.- 1539 pension increased -..-.-.--.- 1472 Grand Army of the Republic, Gray, Mary L., enoampment, D. C., regulations for pre- payment to .. . . 488 serving order, etc . 748 Gray, William, _ _ appro riation for executing .. 748 payment of _French spohation claim to permit ior electric wires for illumina- administrator of 219, 228, 230, 232,233 tion ,, . .. 74% Gray, William, jr., loan of flags etc., for decorations ... 749 payment of French spoliation claim to use of reservations, em., permitted . 749 administrator of 221, 221, 227 loan of hospital tents, etc . 749 Gray, William E., permits for temporary occupancy of pension 1359 streets by railroads 743 Gray, William G., Iigrmitted to ooeupy Government Print- pension increased. . . 1365 i 05oe ,,,,.,.,... - 303 Gray, Wilson G., permittzg to erect statueto founder, Benja- pension increased . . . 1642 min F. Stephenson, in \Vashi¤gton, Grays Harbor, Mirah., . 1), C _______,__,,,... - 740 appropriation for improvement of . 347, 462 Grand 4rmy Soldier! Horne, D. C., Grayson, [cel, gpproprigtign for __,__,... . . . . 613, 979 l appropriation for employment of ... 127, 860