Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 2.djvu/906

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INDEX. 2 145 MMM, Sarah E. (widow), Pmé- Mwmi, Fla., Page. P01181011 1H0f9S-Bed- - T 1702 appreplriation for quarantine station, site . 423 Merrmq, Mary Ann (wzdorw), 10 Michw, aria Louisa (widow), 1181011 . . - - 14 nsion increased ... 1325 Melxjq, Jonathan, n, paymeuQ of French spoliation claim to ad- deiigctieucy appropriation for refunding ex- M l léllnlgtgawf of . - .. 228 1131sing volunteers _ _,,,,_,, 586 esa ·’ , ., 1* _ 1 ·»_ dgscfgngy a?) Oropriation for Survey of _ _ _ §pE]'OpI'13t1OI1 fOI' H1]pI'0VOID€Il1'» of h8I`bOI'. · · P · 11 1. Lau su P · 0 negotiahong or securing _ __ _, _,,__,,,,,. 998 W WGVQ P6""' WF 0mP“"¥€_ Meme hom, p_ q, may divertyqater from Saint Marys wer; period of accounting for, extended, in 7 Eddie £l0¤?llUOnE H -—-- ·M_- it-- -~-—----- 36]- ejectments ,,_, _ ,__,__,_,,,,.,, ,, . 53 Q"? _; _ V70", W •» Mm, Jouph ,52, Mz.£pl1·0pnationforl1ght·home, etc 1093 pension increased .,. 1528 zu] °P’;m°’ I md h 6 6 Mama"' eo navu ets c amged to .. 8 appropriation for, House of Representm nuygbogapwmtmenm Increased ‘‘‘‘"'° {197 tives ____ _ ,, 126 ssc . “ °“ ·-··-·-- z ---·············· 192 for Senate ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ 122’ 856 iilling present vacancies ... 119: Messengers to Cbmmwees, mmunl uotnicption of V3(?11Cl6E.--:..-:.'. 1197 appropriation for Home of Bepmmntw appomtnient if Congressional nomination 197 . 7 1 no ma e 1 for Us l "té ···‘‘‘‘‘‘•‘·‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘ gg? g punishment for hazing .. 1198 . · ·; ‘·'‘·‘*'•‘"‘‘‘‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘ ’ · increase to continue ten years . .. 1198 Messick J mus W 2 ‘. ‘* appointment from Porto Rico ... 1198 1I£°;:;°l5;1;m”°d ‘'‘'‘’‘·'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ "' 1583 . age of admission changed to between 16 » 1 1 l appropriation for consul at . 256, MMM, ,20 '`'’```’°' ‘ ‘'’'``’‘‘ 1198 M °’,°1€"kzh“`°S: ···············•·‘·‘‘‘‘ ’ payment of Court of Claims judgment ho uppropdriutiolnl for innintenance, WVest gxés 1149 Mmm Jgigcgmr of `' ° °``'`` 214 'es awaii etc - . ’- · " _1M;wdmIEmc0pa'· z church, Mammzmg, wiM,§,j°§’,’,j,;,”°'°”“°d ······················· 1666 ’¤·» . ’ 1 s1: 83815

“;s,5‘i',$*$,2$.‘;,"”B"‘é“ ·----· **3* »»·“$5’·‘5’,"€1“··»#’·’€·1?F·‘¥»€’¢1·`¥·~i‘ — ’

n r , . ., · gwimhigg on old saxmmm mm pmnirf 731 jg; ‘‘‘‘’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 1*54 ·················‘‘* ‘ ‘‘‘'‘‘‘'‘' cieased . - 1421 um, Jawa, » ,$“°“m · 1>¤y¤¤·=`r$ égwvggn 0* 01¤1¤¤¤ iudgmm *¤ 209 ap££:1Lg;.i’10r11gh¤ md fog-signal m 431 ·‘‘‘‘‘·‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘‘‘'‘‘ tion . MW, Joel Mileage, pension; increased . _. .: ...-------· 1274 appropriation for Representatives and Mexican Ovrrmiumorg, Delegates ...,. . 124, 858 Mgpprgpgatx 01'L(?i0nl1DU3tlOh. . 80, 811 M fg; \;()]g ____ _ ___,___ , .,..,.,.. , , 121, 85-1 exican au ne _ _ `Z n., ¤PP!‘°P¤’i¤·ti°¤ ?é€Si¤¤1’°°¤°¤ and "°P°“' °f 478 glfsnreplriationlgor improvement oi harbor. 334 monumeu - - ·--·-·-- Milford avcn, a.. Hexman` Silver Dollars, ° ti f ° t f ... 336 receivable in Philippines for public dues. 954 ]gag£;,?F1?b;¢n$?r lmpmvcmen 0 Mwican War, _ _ 1228 payment of Court of Claims judgment to . 215 nsious to survivors increased ..·---- -·- Mditary Academy Mgm, up ropriation fer support of the .. 409, 1011 sp roprintion for ¤.mb¤$8d0!' to --·----- 76, 807 [or pay of professors, etc.; rank. 409, 101] Ear secretary of embassy . .-.-- 77. 808 for pay of cadets; rate .. 409,1011 for gooopd gecretnry . ... - . .- - 77, 808 traveling allowance ,._..,,.,,,_, 409 for third secretary ... T . 1 .-.-- 77, 809 cadets, number at large . . ._ .. 410 for water www C<;¤1b1;1l¤¤é0¤ ----·- 80, 811 { appointment gum Porto R100 . 4-0 for inspection, . 0 un Hy ¤10¤¤· or extra pay, officers .. 1 , 1 _ mmm ,,,,,, _ ,Z, . . 487 10¤¥v£5» pay ..,.._, 410, 1012 doiiogoooy appropriation fqr repayméllt, for en is men ... 410, 1012 _ Lg Abu grid Weil .4;]:1111:18- - t . . . 5 for band ______,___,,,___,_________ 410, 1012 citizens of, exempt from imrrngration QSX. 1213 for field musicians .._,.,__, 410, 1012 protocol of agreement submitting “PIOUB for ogvalry, etc., detachments; extra Funm mam to arbitration ... 1916 pay ,,. 411, 1012 rules for of 8116118 {1*0111, to be P|’€· 1221 {or paxof civilians. Bf .. sen . .-·----- - ··-- or ex uses, . , · · · for contingencies superintendent - - - 413, 1015 Maiylcgogydrintggnxigi consul-general at .. 81, 813 for repairs and improvemeuts ... 413, 1015 K),. clerk him_ ___________ _ ___________ 86, 818 for fuel, lights, etc . 413, 1015 Mqyer, Jam Ml (widow), for postage, stqhoncry, etc . 413, 1016 pension increased ___________ _ _________,_ 1516 = for transportation . 413, 1016 Meyers cmd Richardson, _ [ hazel my ¢w¤ Mew, 1901 -·------ L4 131; payment to _______ _ _________ _ ______,__, 48, , for prmting . . . , VOL xxxu, PT 2--58 s