Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 2.djvu/917

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2156 INDEX. A'aL·y—C0ntinued. Page- Nemda—Continued._ _ WZ6- deiiciency appropriation for emergency appropéiation for inc1dental expenses, I1;58 993 fund ..,... 30 586, 589 1050 1073 ian service in . , for printing and binding . ... 285; 1069 deficiency appropriation for volunteers. 30, 1073 for rent of additional quarters . 565 for surveiyor-general .. Z - 1057 for expenses of maintenance, new pub1ic—lan rece1pts m, to be used for1rr1- 388 quarters . 565 tion I .. _- 2 - - for Hydrographic Office .,..,..,... 1073 reopening of claun for expenses rmsmg printing of Nautical Almanac authorized . 740 troops, etc., 1861 , 235 statistical or scientific work in, mag be Nevada, M0., transferred to Department of om- construction of public building authorized meree and Labor . 830 at ... 318 Nmy- Yards and Stations, t appropriation for .. 428, 1088 appropriation for repairs and preserve- New Bedford, Mass., tion ...,,. 676, 1186 appropriation for improvement of harbor- 332 for ecpuipping, for constructing vessels- . 691 New Brighton, Pa., battle s ip to be built at one of the .. 691 limit of cost; increased, public building. . . 315 construction of new vessels at, in case of appropriation for . 425 combinations by builders ... 691, 1202 New Brunswick, N J, Nay may puck, appropriation for public building 1088 allotment of lands to, Red Lake Reserva- lunit of cost increased, public building -- . 312 tion Minn .. 261 New England Naval Magazine Neal, Ijllizabethlwidmv), 655 Napigoprialtion for board to select site for. - 1189 pension 1 ... . ... 1 aw amp; we Neary, Anmh A. (whlow), adjustment oi claim for raising volunteers. 586 pension increased . - . 1572 deficiency aplpropriation for expenses mis- Ne aska ing vo unteers ..__,.,.,, 30 1078 indemnity school lands confirmed to . 105 New Hampshire Judimkzl District, i proclamation establishing Dismal River circuit court terms changed _,____________ 199 Forest Reserve ... 1995 New Harbor Me. Niobrara Forest Reserve .. 1993 preliminaiy egaminaticm of, to bg made_ _ 379 pub1ic·land receipts in, to be used for irri- New Haven, Conn., · V h Rgauor} ».. 388 sppropriatzion for improvement of harbor; z ec ea wer, ex., , cx usxou . 333 463 1125 appropriation for improvement of mouth- 355 preliminary examination to be made of I Neet, John S., jr., 239 N J harbor channel -,..-.---.--..-...- 376 payment to . ew ersey, A'egley,_ Grqce A. (widow), 1617 deficiency appropriation for raising vohmpension increased _-,- . ,-,_,____-,..,-,- , teers --_________,_--_--____,__--__ 1078 Negotiable Instruments, D. C.,_ _ condemned cannon donated for statue of prov1810ns of Code not applicable to instru- General William J. Sewell .-.. 745 mentsmade before January 12, 1899- 543 New London, Conn., Neifectpf legal holidays .. 543 appropriation for improvement of harbor; elson ere contracts .,...---...-..----...- 333, 1125 puyriienlz of Frenchfspoliation claim to ad- 232 N fg; public works, naval station . 672, 1185 mxmstrator 0 “Kew- a rh , Mp., Nela¢m,_ Jolgn 0., 1 appropriation for improvement of Missispens1o]n,1ncreased .-.. 1531 sippi River at __________ _ _________ 367 Nelson 0 an S. New Mexico v1:>¤€i<>q¤3h ---- if ---------·------····----- 13% ¤ptp¤·<>pri¤iqi¤nf<>{s¤.l¤rie¤,governm¤¤¢i¤. 148,882 1 ‘e 0Tl _ QHIG8 ., 01* con tngen ex nggg ____ __ ________ 148 882 [1C11g10D 1!lC!‘€3H€d 1391 for legmlative expggsgg _______ _ _____ _ 148; 882 NeLsmn,,_ Willwm A., for quryeyongeneml, clerks, etc _--___ ]63, 898 vpezxsxojnf ... . . 1591 for rncndenml expenseg, Indian Sewgce 4 eos 0 0., in ,--,____ _ _________ _ __________ 2 2 vapggbprilation for fish hatchery . . 1106 for ?pp0rt, etc., of Apache, gm, In-5 ’ 993 1 ea ey , . 0 11, ians -_______ _ ______ _ __________ 255 992 fee simple tents to 1008 r for surve ing, emu bm d C 1 ad ’ ive: Lau {Mgt Rammioq, mm., _ _ okiaiioma, and,. c0§°ti2§’,Qd f’j lm \;pprloprd?t10u for surveying and 3ll0tt1l1g. 268 ¥ d8H01€DCy 3ppl‘0p1"13tion for contingent A er m _ _ _ _ expenses ---________ _ ____________ _ 10 appropriation for rmmster to 76 I for resurvcy of boundary. Colorado, Okor secretary of legatxon .-. 77 lahoma, and ..---- 574 Netherlands, gnd Luxemlgurg, l proclamation establishing Lincoln Forest appropriation for minister to .,.. 807_ l Reserve ___,_,,,.,..,.,,..,___,,. . 2018 V oiksecretlarycof legatmon ... 808 1 public·lapd receipts in, to be used for irri; ‘@‘u8€ lf8T, , , gall;)]'] ___ ______ __________________ appropriation fdr improvement of 352 New Orleans and Jliaszlssippi Midland Raumqd 388 preliminary einammation of, to be made- - 381 , Company, ridge authorized across, at Kmston . 180 ‘ maybridge Pearl River between Monticello Neulrulcly ,4% f sud Columbia, Miss ... 187 Yappropnauon for expenses under ... 79, 810 New Orleans, La., Zvemda, _ _ I appropriation for assistant treasurefs officeapproprmtmn for surveyor-genera], clerks, l Salaries ________________ {44 878 etc ..·--··. l63,898 4 for salaries, mint at . 146; 880