Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 2.djvu/952

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INDEX. 2 ] 9 1 Preverdicm 0 Cruelty to Children Page P b (y _ · refund offtax 011 bequests to societies for . 406 E Tltavglnl Clgrmargllrrlillnistrators or Page- P"“`e» C“·”“'”dw· S- v executors on revocation of powers 528 payment of Qourt of Claims judgment to bonds of administrators or executors linnil PH I sdménlstmtor of .. 210 of actions 0,, ________ _ ’ 529 66, _8¤¢w -, exemptions fro t f 529 ¤2<=¤¤¤¤¤ -------··---------.- ms limitation of JESSE ZQQQ SLM gf P';';;;g:';;gt~ HM Sxecgfgrs, etc., for personal debts , ----·------------- · -.-- ue te ,.,___________ _ _________ 529 PNWJG, JGm€8, executors, etc., may not bring suits for . payment of French spohatron claxm to ad- injuries to reputation of decedent, , 529 . mlmstmtor of •-·--·-----·-- - -·--- `232 1'08f·!'i0|5i0l1 on allowance of claim; dig- Pgzggggcgg Hy charged by executors, etc., re- Prolum Commem,jmem--";;liXnEl--··---`•—-- d subseq ```°````` ” ``'``'`''' Q 529 rqpprgtrjinticn for contribution ... 80 mn along, ow., 529 Pmm *P Mmumw, Bqwklym N- Y-, letwrs may be revoked on failure of execu- H?PPmPU3I$ foT ®D$$0D to -------- 747 COI`, etc., to return accounts __,____ 529 ·¤m¢¤._ _ . allow f f ral B gd 6d___ appropnatxou for support of .. 476, 1142 filing sixzzuxi ebciilagsteig dellfts, re- 529 deficiency appropriauon for support of 32, pgglgd _____ _ ____________ _____ 530 579,588 590 1066 10'5 disti ti bet a. "· deductions of sentence forg00d,c0n;luct , {no bllogd?ndeseven$lof;e11(;l;’nM11y‘}.HAlf 530 _ h d1¤¢!§¤?;l -·-.. j .1; .- :chedule of fees ,,.,___,_,____ _ ________ 541 a an mpdtg/» - ·» B tt R ted Butte . £a¥;en&${ of Claims judgment to. . 216 Preog, gfue mow I) tc , wm ., servi oil la aud 't infants .. payment of Court of Claims judgment to oncnon eompog pigguenyjf .

 adrmnistratrix of . 212 counsel assigned for nonresident infants . . 524

Prwate Clqmga, _ service 0n foreign corporations having no approprmtnon for preparing hat of, House place of business nor officer. . .. 544 of Representauves 52d-57th C0n& Pceélgvgghogggf tl; 8N8B6s -·----···---------------- s ascade Range for rgcgrd Of, iptrgduced in Senate, 56th ’ Reserve, Omg ... g-.. 1972

 and 57tn Ocugmmes ..   -- 580, 857 announcinm opening, etc., of louisiana

Prwqu LLM a&W (mam Court of Pnvate Purc ase Exposition .. 1986 n `ms) postponin 0 1 of Lo` Purgpgropriation for surveying ... 454, 1117 . iljli . 2011 e ciency appropriation for surveying. 587, 107 4 up inting Day, 1901 .. . 1987 mm 1>. 0., @2 ,v·19°2; -—---------·-- M8 tcméomry, auowcd; Pc,-mgm, etc ________ 74 changing nndsmes of Bxg Hom Forest mmegw, pmuppsw, ¥*?°°"°» “Q’° ···················· 200* . . . Medlcme Bow crest Reserve Wyo --. 2015 may be granted, for publxc utxhty and Ol . F mst R W · S°Wié°; °°°dm°°° ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘’’‘ 709 Waxptzgéiver Forest Ru rveugole_ · l - 2330 PWM MGM!}, Manda Bay Bwk, _ _ Yellowstone and Teton forest deiimency nppropnatwn for paylng ]udg· Wyo ____________ ________________ 1999

 3;:;*   --—·-·--·--·--------—-- 1072 Yelleéwgswne §`&·e¥£eserve, Wyo . 2006

. . como i ting neisco M0 tai to enforce rendition of inventoriesb etc . - . 525 - forest reserves, Aria ... x.-?? 1991 two dexuty registers of wills authorized; Yellcvgstone, Teton, and Abaamka imuties ... es reserves ,.. . ..,_, 2030 pmceeginf unknown heirs, etc.; gonming special session Ami éhe Sena?. . . 2036 . uri; er pro te ... ...- ‘ ec 'ng agreement wit ree n isms substance of issues, etc., to be published . 526 ratified .. 1971 audit0r’ s rgport, before sale of real estate. 527 supplemental agreement with Creek executory evises may besold in infant’s dnans , i 202 1 interest .. ec aringorganizationo civi governme t may lease infanfs estate with consent of etc., in Porto Rico . 1983 pm-ties in interest . 527 gmméamnmty to insurrectionists in the may mortgage property for iniant’s main- ilippines - -.i. Hg- - 2014 tenance .. 27 I open' tcentry, etc., an in ho ceded powers over lunatics and drunkards re· { mgy Shoshone and Bannock Indians- 1997 peeled , _ ,_,__ - ... 527 I in Oklahoma ceded by Kiowas, em., jury service E - . - E - 528 Indi1;gs . . - .é ... 1975 'repeal irectiug min' r- nn pu c omain eyenne Proms?;;; estate of decedent domiciled in I§Yf1i:3dian Agency bag ...,.,__ w th` District _,,,., . ... 28 ort i ian subngency , Okla . 2026 ereditm-’§ lien_on real personal estate Kiowa and Comanche agency premises, of deeedents domxcxled elsewhere- 528 Oklm: . z .. 1 ... 43 executor':} bond, may be increased, etc., part Of MIHIOH Indmn lands, California. 1970 on demand of any interested party- 528 3dd1l·I0¤¤·1-: 2005 .special bond of adminmtrator; consent of of Washmgton Forest Reserve 1969 parties .. . 5 28 semng apart Absaroka Forest Reserve, notice of application for admiuiS¤‘¤·f10¤ - - 528 · Mont --·---------·-.. · ···..-- 2027