Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 2.djvu/956

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mm12x. 21 95 Pilpliq BNUJMQ8, Omnibus Ada—C0¤tinuod. 1***8**- { Public Buildings, Omnibus Acts-Continued. P¤S¢· l1m1t of cost mpreased, Memphis, Tenn- - - 314 I no enlargement of sites without specilic appropriation for ,_...,. 425 1 authority ________________________ 315 Menomnnqo, _Mi¢h 315 { limit of cost includes all changes, repairs, appropngmon for ... 425 etc., of buildings ..._.. 315 Milm68p0i1S, Milm ... 312 repairs,ctc.,0f completed buildings allowed appropriation for ... 425 by increase of limit of com; ...,,.,. 315 Monmouth, Ill ... 311 construction of, authorized on ground appropriation for .,. 425 owned in Champaign, Ill .._,______ 1206 Montgomery, Ala . , .,. 310 deficiency appmpriation for ._,______ 1038 a;;)pr0f·riation for ... 425 Columbia, Mo., . L ...,,_. 1206 Nas vil e, Tenn ,.. 314, 1205 deiiciengg appropriation for ._,_,____ 1038 appropriation for .,,_,_____,..,, 425 Emporia, ang _______,.._________ 316 New Brighton, Pa ..,. 315 appropriation for ,..,.,__,,_ 426 appropriation for ... 425 · Guthrie, Okla ..,.,... 316 New Brunswick, N. J .,,,.,.. , 312 gpgropriation for ...,.,,___. 426 New York, N. Y., custom-house ... 312 Hastmgs, Ncbr ..,.. . . 316 Newport News, Va ... 314 appropriation for . · .. ‘ 426 Newport, Vt . . ...,... 315 Meberly, M0 ..,,,,.,.,,.. 1206 Niagara. Falls, N. Y ...,,..,... 1205 deficiency a mpriation for .,... 1038 Norfolk, Va .. . ,,..,.. . , . . 315 N atchifoches, E ,. . .,,... 1207 ap mpriation for __,,_____,.,... 425 deficiency appropriation for ...,,,_,_ 1038 Oak gmk, Ill ..,.. 1206 Norfolk, ebr .,,.,.,. 316 Oil City, Pa ...,...,,. 1205 a agropnatiou for .., 426 Omaha, Nebr .,... 315, 1205 Oklp 0mn_City, Okla . 316 appropriation for ,,,,,__,,, . 425 approélrlation for - ., 426 ()¤k»so0sa,.J0wa ,. 315 Pierre, . Dak . . .. 1207 appmpriation for .,.,,_. 425 _ detlciehoy appropriation for - ..,. 1038 Owoggo, Mich .,,..,,, 1212 San Francisco, Ou., cushcmdxouse . 316 Ottumwa, Iowa ...,,,,.,..,.. 311 approprmtiou for ... 426 appropriation for .,, 425 Spokane Falls, Wash . . 1 .. '. 1207 Pgduggb, Ky .,.,,_ _ _,______,,..,,.,.. 311 deiicxeuciv appropriatxou for .,... 1038 appro riation for ...,... 425 Sterling, I1 . . - .: . z ... - ... 1206 Pekin, E1 ,,,,,,_...,. 1204 delicxeuay agp;-oprmucn for . 1038 Perth Amboy, N. J ._... ’ ,. 1 203 Tammy, as ... t ... 1206 Philadelphia, Pa,., min: ._. 315 dedcwncy apxirogrimsnon for . 1038 gp rg rigtion for ,_,__,,_, ; . 425 Tra.v61'§G City, ic : . 1 ... 1206 Portiszmiz Orcg., custom—house .. ; . . 314 deiicncnrg xmpmon for . 1038 gp rg rietion for .,,,__,.,., 425 Yankton, . . 7 ... 1207 Portiimesz Omg., post-oiliee and court- deficiency appropriation for ..,., 1038 hong __,__,_____________,,,,, . . .. 314 constructlql authonzed, if cost of site 3 pl-Opyigtion im- _______,__,,... 425 nomuisl, in Adrian, Mich .. ... 316 Ricgmopd, Ky .,.,__. 311 appropriation for ... 426 a pmp;-union for ______,,,.. 425 Atlantic, Iowa ... . 317 Ricgmond, V; ,,_,________,,,. approprmucn for ... 426 appropdxtiou for _ ______, , , , . . . . CCDtBYV1119, ;OW8. . . . . • - - . . . . . . . . . Rochester: N, Y, ____________,,_ ., . 312,1205 appmwhon for ... 426 gpprgpngfjoll {Ot ,... - - . - ... 425 ESB10U, _ · r · . ·.·-- - -··-··.. . . . . . 316 deiieieméy appropriation for . _ 1038 appropriation for ..,,,,, 426 mkhi1l’ _ (J _____ _ __________ , _,_, ,,_ 1206 Florence, ...,...,,_,, 317 Rome, Ga _______________ _ _,,. 314,1203 agproprmtnon for ... 426 gpp]·()p|•i3ti0I\ for ,.,.. . . . . . - 425 Gt esvnllg, ml ...· . . · ----··-- · - ·... . . 316 deficiency appropriation for . 1037 uppfggnhtion for . . , . . , 426 Saint Joseph, L10 ____________ , ,_.,. 314, 1206 Grand Ayéll, Mich . . .. . . 316 ap ygpngtjon for _,__,,,.,. , 425 8pp!'0P|'!$f|0¤ {Of ...--·-·-·· 426 degcienqy upprolpriation for . . . . . 1038 Il‘0¤U0¤, Qhlp -..--------- 317 Sen Francisco, Ca ., custom-house . 1203 sppyopnutxon for .,_ _ _ _ _ 423 Sandusky, Ohm _______________, , ,,,,. 313 Lou1s1m13,_ M0 316 appropriation my ,_,___,,,.. . . . . 126 apfroprmhon for .. . ... . 426 Scranton, pa _____________,,,,.. 320, 745 Mus egon, Much .. 317 appro fiat1Q11i0I',,,,,,, B prepnnuon fOI°·-·•·-··~·-·-··--.. Seattle, QVHH -..·--·--- - ----- 315 08*1;*% UW}! · ··~--·· 316 Shennan, Tex _____________,_,. . .. 1206 BPPTOPUQUOH for ... 426 SpringHeld’ m ___________,___,,.. . 315 Owosso, Mncp 317 appropriation 50,- __________,, , ,,..., 426 apgroprmtnou for ... 426 Superior, win __________________ _ ,,,., 1205 Pert Amboy, N. J .,.,_,_ 317 Tampa, mn _______________ _ ____ _ _,,,_ 311 · appropriation for ,... 1. . T ,,_____ 426 WMO, Tex _____ _ _____________ , ,,. 315 . mines only ipvéptalrle where bmlding may P Bp ropriatjonfg]-___________",,,-,. 426 b0F'lt1]ID11lDlFofo(Bt- .._, ___ 31; wnsgingwml). C., Bnrmu of Staqdayds- 315 construction nuthonzed at Allqntgwn, wuhiugwn, D. C., municipal b¤1|d1¤8- 1206 I P3- -·;-; ···--···--·-—---·-·-- 319 deficiency appygpyigtigg for _ _ _ , . 8ppP0p¤at1OD fC)]' . . . ... - . . - - - - . , wumngum, Pa ...-- - ---- 1205 A¤¤¢¤b¤*’1» Mm --·----—----·-··------ 31*} “·a_umu’ Win ______________ _ ___,,. - . . . 1206 nspropnatxon for _.. 424 Youngstown, Qhjg _______ _ __,_ .. - - . 313 All Gl'$0Uy_I!1d . . . .. . . . 318 app,-Opyietion for . ..--- - 426 ¤PPFoP¤¤¤0¤ f<>l' --··-·------ · ---... 427