Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 2.djvu/973

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2212 unix. Saline Lands, Philippine, Pan- , Son Francisco, CM.-Qontinued. _ Pmé- provigigug for disposal of ________________ 705 , deticioncy appropnatnon for mint 9, 10, 1076 Salisbury, O. J, E construction of new custom-house authordeticiency appropriation for mail service- - 588 1 ized on old post-office site . 316 "Sally," Brig, Oruji, Master, E appropriation for ,..,,.,,,,,,,, 426,1089 payment of French spoliation claim on ac— l limit of cost increased, custom-house . 1203 count: of ,,,,,,____,,,,,,_,,,,,_,,, 218 loan of tents for Knights of Pythian en· "Sally," Brig, Stacy, Magtgr, cgmfpment ,,,,,,_,,,_,,, : ,__,,.,, 187 payment of French spoliation claim on ac·removal o Blossom Rock authorized . 346 count of .,,,,,___,_,,..._..,.,..,. 218 Sem Francisco Mounlalns Forea5.Rcservc, Ariz., "Sally," Brig, Welle, Blaster, p prolplanpation constogdatiugalnd extending- lgl yment of French s liation claim on ac- ri t 0 ws gran throng .--.--.. 7 pa count of ...,,, YY ,.,,,.,.,.-... 233 SangGabricl lyoreat Reserve, Salmanhsheries, Alaskan, deficiency appropriation for extinguishing appropriation for ..-- 450, 1111 fires , -.----..--.. 574 transferred to jurisdiction oi Department i San Isabel Ibrest Reserve, Cblo., of Commerce and Labor ..-.-. 828 { proclamation establishing .-.---.--.-..-- 1988 Salmon, Hon. I SC, late a Representative in j San Joaquin River, Cal., Cbngresa, , appropriation for improvement of -..-.--- 369 deficienpj appropriation for widow ..-... 581 g or ighting .-...-..--..------. 433, 1094 Salomon, enrietle {widow), f San José, Coda Rica, nsion inc -.-...---..-... 1263 i appropriation for con ul at --.---... 84, 816 SaE>z¤y, Lester, , San Juan del Norte, Nicaragua, Sapcnsion increased .-.--..-..-.--. 1597 j appropriation for consul at --.---.--- 82, 814 t Lake City, Utah, A San tum, R R., appropriation for public building. -... 422,1089 appropriation for public works, naval staterms of district court at -.---.-.-.-..--- 841 ¥ tion -...--.-...-..---..-..-.- 675 Salt River, Ky., San Juan Rirer, Nicaragua and Coda Rica, preliminary examination of, to be made. . 378 mag be used for Isthmian canal -.-.-...- 483 Saltillo, Mexico, E San uis Obispo, Oc}., appropriation for consul at ---.-...-..-- 85, 817spgopriation for improvement of harbor. 346 &1lmdor, Nivumpuu, Com Rica, and, Sun mms, Tex., appropriation or minister to -...-...-.. 76, 807 appropriation for additional ground, lishor secretary of legation .---.-.-..-.. - 77, 808 l cultural station ..-.-,...,. 444 Samclabcrger, Mschad, San Pablo Bay, Col., pension increased -.-.-..-..-.-.. 1299 · appropriation for improvement oi; mn- Sammis, John S., tracts ..---..---.--.-.. 346, 1126 payment of Court of Claims judgment to San Pedro, Cal., administrator of ---.---.-.-... 209 appropriation for improvement of har- Stzmpaon, .-lm E., _ bor .,.,,,,,,_,.,__ _ _ _ _ 462, 1124 pension .,...-..-... 1570 bon Salvador, Sulmdor, Sbmuela, E., and Lbrnpany, ayépropriation for consul at .----.-..-..- 84, 816 claim referred to Court of Claims; pay- Sem Bur 1·2~rry, Gu., ment .-..----.-..--..---..--. 764 bridge mnthorimd across Savannah River San .lnge·In, Ter., at ..-.-.--... 760 terms of court ,...- . ... . ...- 69 Nwd Key, Pla., San Antonio Arveml, Tu-., atwroprintion for cable to Key West ---.. 288 appropriation for storehouse; sewer - 458 Sam wm-In. Mich., Sun .-Inlonio, Te.:., appropriation for improvement of harbor terms of court .-..-..-.. . -.---. 69. 786 of refuge .-..--... 343 San Gurloa Agnwy, Ariz., Nmdera, John G., appropriation for Indian agent at .- 246, 983 pension increased --.-..-...-.-.. 1397 San Slew. Uul., Sandmron, Elnah, appropriation for improvement of harbor; payment of French spoliation claim to gdcontracts ---...-. . . 346, 1126 ministntor of ----..-...-...-...-. 220 for quarantine station ..----.-. 1091 Ahuderson, .hr·ob, for steam launch, quarantine station... 424 payment of French spoliation claim to udadditional land for quarantine station 424 ministmtor of ,___,, _ _________ 220 San Diego County, Cal., Sands, William, resurvey oi certain lands in, directed . 728 pension increased .,.. _ ______________ ____ 1725 San Francisco Bafy, Cal., Sondxbnry, John R., · appropriation orogpht-house, etc., South- pension increased .,.,_____ _ _________ 15;*5 ampton Sh 1093 "b¢mdusl·y," Ironclad Monitor, light-house, etc., established on South- claim for extra compenmtion, referred to ampton Shoal 822 Court of Claims ,_,_______________ 2;.; preliminary examination to be made of Sandusky, Ohio, Belvedere Harbor . 376 appropriation for improvement of hm-bon 342 Sm: Francfam, Cal., limit of cost incmasd, public building; appropriation for asistant treasurer':; additional land ... 313 oifive; mlaries .. 145, 879 appropriation for ., . . . 426 for mlaries, mint at ..,...,., 148, 880 &rmlm~£y River, Ohio, for wnges and contingent expenses. . . 146, 881 preliminary examination oi, to be made. . 381 for mint, new machinery .. 448 , Smaduaky Rolling ,11:11 and _1{;m.,_;·,u·;w-my for nmnne barracks ... 689 Company, for improvement of harbor; removing claim referred tu (`ourt of Claims; pn-- Blossom Rock 11:25 mem ,,,, _ , f _ 764