Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 2.djvu/980

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INDEX. 221 9 Shipping—Coniinued. rage, Sickels, Henry, P¤S¤· trade d§tlStlCS 1*,0 be furnished, commgme pension increased _______________________ 1674 with uoncontiguous territory of Sides, Eli jah, _ _ UBI18d: Sfates 172 gavment of Court of Claims judgment t0. . 208 Shzppm C0mmmgong·r.s,_ _ " 'd'mzy," Sloop, trausierred to ]unsd1ct1011 of Department payment of French spoliation claim on _ _ of O01H11i0foG Md IAb0l‘ .. 826 _ account of .,.,_,__,__,____ 219 »S7a{?qnngIndudr1ea, Swg, [[awry IL (Bm), A 1117)* of Déptftlllént of Commerce and La- pension ,,,______,______ _ ___________ ]235 _ bor as to: 826 Siegfried, [da R. (widow), Sfwpwreckqd firrwrwagz Seamen, , _ pem¤m mcreaeed ..,___ _ ________ 1259 appropnntion for11fe·sqving testimonials. 79, 810 Sierra Leone, A frwa, 01j 10h0f and PTOUBCUOD of 87, 819 appropriation for consul at ...,,,,..,,,_ 85, $17 deficiency appropriation for relief, etc 32, Sigel, Elise (widow), Shim? vhmm 587. 690. 1075 po{¤¤5or;_j 1 VQ1H_- .(. ., .. .i .. 1653 J · , lla . 1I.‘|d0IlJ peueion increased .. . 1756 pension increased ,.,,_ 7 ,________ _ ____ 1397 Shoal Harbor, AY J., Signal Cbrps, Army, approgrriation for improvement of 350 appropriation for pay, enlisted men 509, 930 Ssoencc , Albertinz (widow), · tiorpay of ofiioers; lonaevity . 510, 932 Shgtinsionijvincreasegi). .6 ... · . 1349 u.dditions.1sergeants,Ph‘ ppineand Alaska 509 ng a s, . ‘., service ...,.,_..,,,,,_ license tax on owners, etc.; regulations. . . 626 second-class rivates to be dted _ _ p esngnn Shooting Ranges, etc., Army, prxvates .,.,., 509 appropriation for -: - Z . 517, 939 officers added; iilling vacanpies .. 932 d ciency appropriation for . 1045 chief of telegraph and cipher bureau, Sh for jepgirs, etc 13 Péxéecutive oiizioe, appointment, pay, 932 qu, . ., e .. payment to 489 certain survivors of Lady Franklin Bay Ex- Shope, IL N., pedition to be enlisted in, and reent m .. ‘ .. 488 umd . 1455 &m¢ 4gqu.·y, Wyo., _ Signal Q#ig:e,_ War Department, _ . zpmpmtion for Indmn egent at .. 246, 983 appropriation for clerks, etc ... 150, 884 Sh one ag¤d_An?>ahoe Imiuma, Wyo., _ _ or ren]: .. Z ... 885 appropmmon or fulfilling treaty with .. . 253 Signal (acc also Signal Corps, Army), Mm Indian Mmmm, Wyo., appropriation for enlpcnses : ... 507, 929 Awlzpimlprjiingion for Indian school ... 272,1005 or betizegraph an electrical appamtuséosgzg iam, 6 . . . . , pmqlgmgtign opening to entry of lands in _ for cable to Alaska .. . ... 5(B, 929 S. .. ‘}“2*.‘;..°2"’.t’.""""""°°"“ “°" ····· “"” ""‘{.f,.:‘..’,:’".§’.z..f.i'$$’.: ,.,,0.. 6.. .,.1- oa one n 1 , ev., 8 511 . · 1¤¤¤ gp ropriatiou for fulfilling treaty With- - 253, 989 of ----.-···.-·---.--.- , . 258, 994 ar gulpport, etc., of ,,... - ... 256,993 Silk C'IdhlI‘f, _ _ _ _ Slmalwne Wyo., appr0pr1ation for investigation, em .,_,,, 303 appropriation for support, etc., of .. 256, 993 Silver and Gold, _ ,57,,,0,-, Mgdgdgk, appropriation for diplomatic cooperation pension increased ________,__,,__,,, , ,... 1633 for grad relationshipof, in monetary 1138 gmm;m,pd" sys ms...z._..._ .. ‘ payment of Court of Claims judgnent to. - 216 ‘ Silver Qertq/icatgx, Phnhppme, _ ,3;.,,,,,-, Jjdgm, I issue authorized, on deposit of standard p¤y¤¤o¤¢ <>f_ Court of 01¤i3¤¤ iudzmont to- . 210 _ privor coms ... 954 Shreveport Bnmnd_Tm•mal Cbmpanok Silver Coon, _ _ my bidz River, Shreveport, - . - 181 appropriation for transporting ... I 44. , 1109 S;,,.,,,, _, · de pnency sppropnamon for trunsportmg. 1035 brieqge authorized across Red River at 181 Sgimxtézion on oi, removed ,. 1109 , Abr h , z veg na, Q37h1I ca, _ Shpgivogiion ingreczled ... 1564 pomfgeucg sulE_tr•ry, authorized 713 SM oo Ri. .N-F oz¤-fo or r --~-------·-------·---- 7 a:1'p’;op]?:·inti¢¥nr for improvement of 350 Semes, Mark, _ _ _ prelim' examination of, to be made,. 380 payment of 'French spolmtion claim to ,§7;rgpgMrl£Lqrd H, administrator of ,,,_,,,_____,__ _ , , 233 paymeniof Court of Claims judgment to.- 210 Simmons, H.,for 269 ‘ ‘ B. `d approprw o¤ - 1 - §h;>l;;fo(i{$n`q£:·l;m¤oS1”fl. ---------------- 1484 Simmons. E¥·=ob¢¢h W (oodow). 1313 Sooo. . .v<>¤¤¤ ¤ ---—----—--------·-------------- g 'ati f ’ "st resident and Summon: {Zamwm, Ppmggnnnilljgesemmtoél. . 76 peus¤cn mcrpased ... 1500 for miniowr to ---··---------··----··-- 807 · ·9·o·o·oz¤. WNW L _ for secretary of motion ond o¤¤¤¤1-sw- 808 ¤¤or;¤¤d ------~--·-------~-·--- 13*1 for inzlroreiein -·-·.· promotion in iievenue-Cutter Service au- `` : °``- · horizcd . 1490 for exniqnsos <>f_p¤¤o¤¤r¤ -------------- 819 i Simpson tmm

_   _____ 2: _,,__,,_,,,,,_,.., 1753 deficiency nppropriation for credit in so- I-

5*% ond Wounded. don to ‘ simpson -------·-·----------··----- 104· ' ‘ ‘conven as , . _ , Prmmgitpgd mmitime warfare .. 1827 pension increased ... 1736