Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 2.djvu/985

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2224 ummx. Stagg, Thomm, PHG- · State Claims, _ _ _ _ ***8**- payment of French spoliation claim to sd- · settlement of mutqal claims of Virginia and minigtrgm-ix or _,,.,.,,.,,,,,,,..., 220 South Carolina and theUnitedS¤1tes 235 Swhle and Artist, Florida, Ingiian war ... 235 deficiency appropriation for services .. 573 Nevada, nusiug troopq, pm., 1861 .. 235 Skahlc, Edward E, reimbursing West \’irg1m.a, payments w deficiency appropriation for services 572, 573 certain officers 236 Stainer, Jose}; ¥ refunding Wyomingpxpenses Yellowstone appropriation for repairs Sioux Indian Park . . ... 236 fardscml 266 I State Courts, _ risd_ _ m bank tc Slam , n., · - concurrent yu xcuon wi mp y spprodpriation for improvement of harbor. 334 Y courts to recover preferences, etc. . . 800 Stampe Envelopes, , as to voidablc conveyances, ctc 8(D appropriation for manufacture; distribu· ) Stale ?»artn•zr•t (acc Department of State). tion ,. 117, 1174 State arbor Commissioners, Stun Francisco, Sldehdclpcy appropriation for manufacture- 1061 I d 6 _ Cal., _ _ f amps, ue, · e cxency appropriation or damages to deficiency appropriation for rebate on to- wharf 1 ... 1036 bwco 8 Sale Homes for Ibluntcer Soldiers, for redeeming 8 appropriation for aid to; deductions., . 472,1137 time for documentary, etc., ex- 506 defgiency appropriation for ... 15, 1049 ten . . . . ... State we o, aims to, Stamps, Postage and Spwkzl Delivery, appropriation for fumisbing .. 437,1098 appropriation for manufacture and distri· Sale, War, and .‘\`2wy De rtmmt Building, bution 117, 1174 appropriation for clerg, engineers, watchdciicicncy s propriation for manufacture- 23 men, etc ,...,,,_,,, 152, 886 may be mule at Engraving and Printing for fuel, repairs, etc ..,..,,.. 152, 887 Bureau .. 117 for repairs w granite columns, approach Stanbridgc, Canada, w ..,..,,.,.,,,,,_,_,_ _ ___,__ {52 lppwpfilticll for consul It . 85, 817 UBB of public buildings, etc., for ceremonies Standard of Value, . orbidden 152 gold pogo to gacomepw an silver pesos in 952 [ Stalmlalarzi, Aifli, { cn. ... l npprep tion or im rovemcut o channel &andarda, National Bureau ey (sec National i between New gems shore and 335 Bureau of Standards . 1 Staten Inland, N. Y, Lighblaymmz Depot, Standing Rock Agzncp, M Dak., appropriation for new oil house and coal approprmtion for ndinu agent at .. 246, 983 shed ,.,...,..,,,,,, , ,_,__ 430 Sanding Rock Indian Reservation, S. Dak., for lamp shop ... . 1092 spgropriatiou for survey,fetc .. 262, 397 Slaten Island Sml7;d, , c cneucy a riation orsurvo 1 74 appropriatiou or im rovement of; conm,.;,,, .,,..1 p.,‘}.;"§£., ’“‘g Pp Rum ____.__,, ¥’ _____._.._.__...,, 335

 chogk to, authorized ... 1446  

, gerr . ., cien appropriation for refund to, for pension increased ... 1478 rzfiginggolgumem ,,,,,,_____ 30, 586, 1073 Semky, John M, Statianevjy, Postal Service, pension increased ... 1617 appropriation for ..,,., , ,,_,,________ 113,117] Sanley, William R, Statistical Hbrk, pension iuoreased: , . 1556 of Executive Departments may be mms. Rantorg, Momma Elzzabeth (widow), ferred to Department of Commerce ponsnon mcmasod ... 1418 _ and Labor ... 830 Slamvogd, Louisa Josephine (widow), IHS »S'¢¢gistica;nal H f pension ...,,... ‘ wenco action 0 s ia}, under Di- Sapp, J WZ, rector of Census ..F? .,,,,,_,,__ __ 52 Shpsykment  ; 487 of trade between United States and its nou~ r num, a .Scn·u·‘ ',r, conti ous territory uired .. 172 apgmpriation formail transportgtionby 114,1172 powers of gopartment of golminerce and c dogg appropriation for mail tramspor- 24 Loborlim to collgcting, etc .. - 827 on y . . .. , specia co ections y Census Office on ‘ U _ 33, 576, 588,590, 1062, 1075, 1077 _ _ order of Congress . C . . - 53 ‘Har, Shep _ _ _ Statwtzca, fluyenu of ramry I)e>pm*tmm¢, payment ol French spolmtmu claim on ac, appropriation for officer in charge, clerks, Sm k gmpt of . , 220 f etc- ..,,.__ _ __,_________ 139, 873 ._ r ey, enynmm, or ex rt, services etc ,,_,,,,,,,.,,, l payment of Court oi Claims judgment to trunsferrxgl to Depaitme-nt of Commenye40’874 administrator of .. - ... 216 and Labor ..., 828 ga,.k,y' gym"- _; ’ Statistics Ihiviuirm, Deymrfmr/nt ry' .·|gri¢·ulhu·e, pension increased ,,__,_,_,,,,_,,,,,,,,,, 1280 ¤pFr·>r>ri¤ti¤n for ¤¤l¤ri•·¤ . 300, 1162 Siqrkwegther, "7H;01lL A., H‘‘’'`'‘’ w' gum) my t° ’‘°‘°‘'`'’‘'’'‘`’’'‘'‘ 239 mgm on conmliyatiou with Weather y 1 ndzoniigcnmy ( urzzuu ____ ____ _____ ____ _____ ___ 3(X) _ ·-·-··-··-·----··--· ··- * _ » e8_ eee a onuments), Suda Authqritoes, _ deficiency appropriation for base of, to Gen- ¤ouperguon_mques(od of, for_umform reg- eral Sherman ,,,,,__.,.,.. 758 rstntnouof vital statistics. . ... 1231 , Statutes at Large (see Laws of Congress).