Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 2.djvu/999

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2238 mnnx. Union Agency, Ind. T, PMR- United States §'0urts—C0nti11ued. _ _ H39- appropriation for Indian agent at .. 246, 983 appropikizgicin fcgi court of appeals, District_0 905 U` dC dte.4`, . ooumia .. :.1, Tgziiiplkete sdlsjtieredi, to iieudgmpiled ... 884 for supreme court, District of Columbia 170, 906 “ Unio·n," B, for clerk, northern district, Illinois . . . 170, 906 payment dig French spoliation claim on ac- ger gc:)m§m?igper,_Yellowstone Park - g 1; i _____________,,_,,,,,,,_,_ 221 or u 0 mms . , Umm R,$§:;dOStm,0,, D O for salaries, etc.,marshals; advances- 475, 1141 {,,0,,50,,8 1,,, _____ Q_ _ Q _ _'j ______________ 909 for salqries, em., diritriclgztitorpegqé ,1, 475, 1141 ocation of tracks to and from ... 909 detect 9-“°m€Y 0* * nc 0 0 um' reservation for passenger trains 910 be : ············ . ··········‘·‘‘ 475* 1141 division of com of constructing mm .- mo for ¤¤1=}¤¤¤ rs>s¤1¤r¤¤¤¤¤¢¤¤t¤t¤>m¤y¤ gg location of Station ______________________ gjo Special assistant attorneys 475, 1141 cost and character ..,..,...,,, 91] for feesv Pkirks ····················· 476* 1141 acquiring lands; dedication for treet - - 911 90mm15S10D8m ··················· 476* 1141 viaduct autlacérized; passage for streets . - . 911 ggésé -·--------- · -----·—-·-·-- 476, 1141 tracks to accommodated . ... 911 · ··--··················· · yards, switches, etc., outside city limits . . 911 for "°‘}t,0f moms ········· * ········· 476· 114% freight facilities for Baltimore and Ohio for bmhffsr ct? ·-·-················· 476¤ 114 Rauroad _________________________ 912 for expenses, judges, etc 476, 1141 streets to be vacated after abutting prop- for NYY commlssmuem ··--· - ······- 476r 1141 erty is acquired ,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,, 912 gm m¤¤¤gi1¤¤<i¤¤g¤_<=¤1,i_¤¤¤e>:; ·------- gg, 1};; tobe elevated etc ,.,,,,.,,.,..,,,,,,_ 912 or QXPB Pcs: H um cm YY ·----- r laying out of Massachusetts avenue plaza. 913 for WPPIIBS ----·- ;- —; —-·----—--·~- 47(iv 1142 sale, etc., of abandoned lands ____ _ ____ Q]4 fol‘ fC8S, BOUth8l'l1d1StI`1Ct, New York. 476, 1149 repeal of provisions for former terminals 914 for SUPP?" of PHS0D9m -----------· 47*% 1142 payment for dama¥es to adjacent property 914 {9* 1£2mt*’“t*“"Y> Fort L°’“’9“W°"th> Ouemr to be re mma by United sums 914 ·-—-------·-·----------—- 47*% 1142 consideration of benefits accruing ..,.., 914 At]amPa» Ga ----·---—·~-----·-··— 478v 1143 taxation of property; exemptions, etc .,.. 914 MCNBIIS Island; wash ----····--- ;- - 1144 preparatiouan approval or plans; ampm- 9 5 <i¤¤¢¤¤;¤3S ;¤£1_;L>g;¤¤<>¤ f<>r <i<==f¤¤dmz25 577 _ tion . 1 , ---·—··-- , ------ , ··-- · tracks, md m to be 1 md · for defense, Indian depredatwn claims- 25 577 Eve 5,3:; ?_ __' _______ ____ 915 for rent of court rooms . 25, 579, 1066,1077 requirements of former act, as modified, for P“Ym8Kf;dgm€m*S —--------·- 28.584, 1070 continued ________________________ 915 for marsh Z . 32, 579, 587, 1065, 1077 tracks, etc., to be removed from Mall, ctc. 915 for SP°°ml assists-nt *m°m°Y¤ ···----- 32, 1075 surrender of Sixth Street station, rights,forggggé clerks ·- - 32¤ 58§25g08k1(£% etc .,...,..,,...,.___ 915 _ ············~ - · 1 1 y [ O appropriation in consideration of relin- wm*€€S9€ ----·--—--- 32, 588, 590, 1(T75;1077 quishment, Etc ____________________ 916 · comxmssionersr .., 32, 588, 590, 1075 prior rights, as modified, continued ,,,, 916 for SUPPON Of Prisoners --·----—--· · · - - 32, condemnation, ctc., to acquire lands .· .,.. 916 , , 579- 588, 590, 1066. 1075 powers, etc., for adgitional v.·;1iks 917 gg; ·-----~---·---- 32, 590, lg? t ifi- t ts·°t thi ...,. 917 ·----··--~·-··---·-—- r ri;h¢°t?”iv:»€ JZ, {Sr-t12nd2r em. fcrcxmnmmvatgsgjagsggw.10.075,193; ‘ ______________________________ 917 _ _ _ arms ou . at subwayjsgnd viaducts for intersecting high— for {*ddm°“a] ]“d8€» **9°°¤d_ €“‘F¤1l7 --·- 578 wu S ____________________________ 918 for pldge, Texas southern district ,,,,,, 578 use by otger companies;_ compensation.. . 918 gg; 0k;¤h¤¤;¤¤ · - · - ; —-··-~ 1578 substation near Long Bridge ,.,...,,, 918 _ _ P9 -*9% U lim ¢{¥`1'|¥90¤’y~ , OQ4 mmm Smmwhip Compfm for district attorneys and assistants 5x9 , i A , - · I r . . __ payment of Court of gimme judgment to{pr ifeggnwolgtb °mt°’m“"Y ········· mg receiver of ,,,___,__, _ ,_,,,,,,,___ 211 I for MO ,0 {nit] F3 ij; · : ···· ,· — ·---··--- ~ 579 mmm Kingdom me Great nr-ams). , fg; Cjgrglof 3**3 Q •iP**};9’¤¤¤¤’ -----—-- 579 Hzdecl Peoria and Miami Indians, ; for ua F P;;;;; lg mg ······-···- Lgjzzggéjjgvlm MS Psrmm ·-—~———-—- 263 for gm? jddgntent `1§}é£i£Z 584 _ v _ _ _ ; orincreasedsaariestd ,..., 1064 1‘€S€1'V¤§10¤ by,·8$ go 1Ut€m8t*0¤3l 3V1mm" 801 [ for additional judge, eiggxtheiicuit. ..,.. 1064 mm °°“‘€“ On ··················· I I for additional district judge, New York United States Courts, 1 southern district _____________ _ ____ 1004 appropriation for Chief and associate jus- 1 Minnesota, ____________ _ ____________ 1004 tices ... 169,905 for penitentiary, Atlanta, ___________ ___ 1066 for marshal, Supreme Court . 169, 905 = for supplies _________ _ _______ _ ________ 1075 for clerks to justices 169, 905 l Alabama northern district, gagflgrn dmfor circuit judges .,. 169, 905 sion created .. 832 for circuit courts of appeals, clerks- . - 169, 905 l Alaska, three divisions established ... 38-5 for messenier, etc.,_eighth circuit 169, 905 Arkansas western district, Harrison divifor law boo s, circuit courts oi appeal. 169, 906 sion formed ____________ _ _________ 72 for district judges ... 169, 905 Colorado, transfer of court fygm D51 N0,-15 for judges, Indian Territory . 169, 905 to Montrose _________ _ ____________ 833 ger distrrgclt c<§1rt, Hawaii 169, 905 Georgia northern district, Cerro]] County or reti judges ... 169, 905 transferred fr rth regu; 4* · - - for court of private land claims . 169, 1144 sion  ??.Ii(?- ..t‘ lv}. 42 continued to June 30, 1903 .. 170 southwestern division of southern judi— continued to June 30, 1904 .,. 1144 cial district cream;] _________ _ _____ 550