Page. Fog Signals, appropriation for expenses. 469, 1173
Folding Room, House of Representatives, appropriation for superintendent, clerks, etc 91, 636
Folding Room, Senate, appropriation for superintendent, assistant, folders, etc 88, 633
deficiency appropriation for fitting up building for 40
Foley, Jane R., payment to. 778
Fond du Lac County, Wis., Circuit Court, deficiency appropriation for judgment against United States in 422
Fond du Lac Indians, Minn., appropriation for paying claims for supplies furnished 209
Fond du Lac, Wis., appropriation for public building
454, 1157
Food, etc., Adulterations,
appropriation for investigating, etc.; publishing results 287,874
Food Products,
appropriation for investigating preservatives; foreign tests, etc. 287, 874
for establishing standards of purity. 287, 874
for investigating adulterating, false labeling, etc., of.. 288, 874
examination and detention of imported unwholesome 288, 874
Forage Plants, appropriation for investigations, etc.... 283, 869
Forecasts, Weather, penalty for counterfeiting, etc 864
Foreign Commerce,
appropriation for investigations for promoting 681
transporting insects injurious to cultivated crops, forbidden. 1269
punishment for violations 1270
Foreign Counsel, payment of, in special cases 1207
Foreign Governments, grateful acknowledgments to be conveyed to, participating in Louisiana Purchase Exposition. 1285
invited to participate in Jamestown celebration 1047
Foreign Intercourse (see Diplomatic and Consular Service).
Foreign Mails, Postal Service,
appropriation for superintendent, etc. 131, 677
for transportation; mails to Tahiti 437, 1089
for assorting mails on ships 437, 1089
for pier transfers, New York and San Francisco 437, 1089
for assistant superintendent, New York. 1090
for balances due foreign countries 437, 1090
Foreign Markets for Agricultural Products, appropriation for expenses, extending 292, 879
Foreign Missions (see Diplomatic and Consular Service).
Foreign Nations, provisions for registration of trade-marks used in commerce with 724
Foreign Steam Vessels, deficiency appropriation for special inspectors of 42
Foreign Tariffs, appropriation for collating, publishing, etc 138, 684
Forest Reserves, appropriation for expenses of protecting, etc 483, 873
appropriation for survey of.
486, 1187
deficiency appropriation for protecting.. 33, 44, 1242, 1254
administration of, transferred to Agricul- tural Department.
surveying, locating, etc., excepted 628
cutting timber, etc., permitted.. 873
Black Hills and Idaho reserves excepted. 873
employees may make arrests for violations of laws, etc., in 700, 873
fund created from sale of products, etc. 628 disposition of 628
game preserve set aside in Wichita, Okla. 614
grazing on Bull Run, Oreg., prohibited 526
lands added to, from Uintah Indian reservation 1070
Sierra Madre, Cal., from Yosemite Park. 703
repeal of right to select other lands in lieu of claim within 1264
selection of agents, etc.; expenses 483
supervisors and rangers, selection of 628
use of earth, stone, and timber on, permitted for national irrigation works. 706
water privileges, etc.; regulations 628
wood-pulp exports from Alaska permitted 628
Forest Service, Department of Agriculture,
appropriation for salaries.. 872
for general expenses 872
arrests by employees for violating laws. 873
for administration of forest reserves 873
cutting timber, etc. 873
for agents, labor, etc. 873
for rent, etc.; leaves of absence. 873
Forester, Department of Agriculture,
appropriation for, assistants, etc
286, 872
Forestry, exhibit at Lewis and Clark Exposition 177
Forestry Bureau, Department of Agriculture, appropriation for salaries.. 286
for general expenses. 286
Forked Deer River, Tenn., appropriation for improvement of 1132
Forman, Joseph,
payment of French spoliation claim to administratrix of 798
Forsyth, James M., payment of Court of Claims judgment to 758
Fort Abraham Lincoln Military Reservation, N. Dak., homestead locations allowed on aban- doned 306
Fort Belknap Agency, Mont.,
appropriation for support, etc., of Indians
Fort Berthold Agency, N. Dak.,
appropriation for support, etc., of Indians of 203, 1057
for fence; employment of Indians Fort Canby, Wash., 1057
appropriation for cable, etc., to Flavel, Oreg. 279 Fort Clark, Ter., appropriation for post hospital. 272 Fort Crawford Military Tract, Wis., disposal of unsold lands of 306 Fort Crawford, Wis., appropriation for national cemetery. 495 Fort Crockett Reservation, Tex., for improvement, etc. 1197 appropriation for extension of sea wall; conditions 497 Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., appropriation for barracks.. 496