Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1449

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nw DEX. lxxv _ J. P¤8°- ‘ Janitors to Committees, P¤g<>- Jackman, Kalharmc, 7 appropriation for House of Representapayment to, damages from mortar prac- i tives ,______,_______.,,,__,,,,,,_ 90 636 tice .,... , ..,. 804 * Japan, ’ Javkvvrg, IPM- A- IL, _ l appropriation for minister to ... 68, 915 deficiency appropriation for contested elec- for secretary of legation .. 68, 916 tion expenses ..,. 1247 for second secretary .. 69, 916 Jackson, Daniel and charles, for interpreter to legaticm 69, 917 payment of French spoliation claim to ad- for rent, legation, Tokyo . 70 918 mmistrator of surviving partner . . . 783 for interpreters at consulates in ... 79; 927 J¤¢}·`80¤, ·]¢¢m¢·*, _ _ negotiations with, requested for agreement payment oi Court of Clmms judgment to to revised fur-seal regulations .. 586 udrmmstrators of . 748 Jaques, Chtmoue, Jackson, Jenner, l payment of Court of Claims judgment to patent lu fee to, Cheyenne and Arapaho l gdminigtratrjx of __________________ 756 allottee .. 1067 Jayne and Son, Doctor D., J€wk807wrUf, la., _ _ refund of internal-revenue taxes to ... 807 appropriation for (public building 455 Jcferson, Jessie, · or public buil ing; additional 1158 payment of Court of Claims judgment to deficiency appropriation for public build- administrator of . . 744 ing, rent . 23 Jqferson, Thomas, Jacksonville, ll., _ appropriation for commission on site and appropnation for public building __,,, 455, 1158 plans for statue of . 491 hoo mon, Axel, Jcfrey and Russell, appropriation for reimbursement 1063 _ payment of French spoliation claim to ad- Jeul, D. I '., _ [ ministrator of surviving partner 786 appropriation forwarden; maintenance. 385,906 ‘ Jqjfry and Russell, , deficiency appropriation for maintenance, I payment of French spoliation claim to adetc ... 1222 5 ministrator of surviving partner ____ 796 Jabupa, Jlexico, Jenkins, Sarah E., appropriation for consul at .. 925 payment to ..,..,,,,,,,,,,________ _ _ 303 "James and William," Ship, Jennings, James, payment of French spoliatiou claims on · payment of Court of Claims judgment to account of ... 781 heirs of .,.,__,___,__,_ 743 James, Booker, Jerusalem, Syria, deficiency appropriation for stock stolen apprcyriation for consul at _,_,,_____,___ 74,922 by Comanches from .. 425 Johns, lizobeth, ,, . James, Henry, payment of Court of Claims judgment to payment to 778 administratorof _.,.,..._,, 748 James, Reubin, Chickasaw Indhm, "J0hn Eason," Schooner, deficiency appropriation for stock stolen i payment of French spoliation claims on aeby Comanches . ... 1254 · count of ..., `,_ 783 ' James River, Ht., "John," Schooner, Lewis, Master, appropriation for lighting 469, 1173 payment of French spoliation claims on acflorimprovement of 1124 count of ,..,,_ 734 Jamestown Island, Va., i "J0hn," »S2·ho0ner, Lufkin, Jllasler, appropriation for protecting by sea wall, , payment of French spoliation claims on noetg ,_,,_,,.,..,., 498 l count of ..,.,,.__, _ _,_,___ 783 Jamestown, Saint Helena, l Johmrm and (bmpany, J S., appropriation for consul at .. 923 _ refund of internal-revenue taxes to .,._,,, 807 Jamestown Ter-Centennial Celebration, - 1 Jolmxon, Benjamin, international naval, marine, and military g payment of Court of Claims judgment to celebration, at Hampton Roads 1047 ; administrator of ... 769 appropriation for expenses; allotment 1047 Johnson City, Tenn., for expenses of commission 1047 * appropriation for expenses, Volunteer Sol- {0;- entertaining foreign guests; division. 1047 d¤e¤·’ Home - . 503, 1203 for permanent monument; site, etc 1047 I Johnson, Edward, for moorings for vessels participating .. 1047 l payment of French spoliation claim to adior exhibiting monitors on scene of N on- { mxnistrators of 798 itor and Merrimac engagement 1047 i Johnson, Mm-ia, invitation to foreign nations, etc.,topartic- payment of Court of Claims judgment to i nm ________,__,_,, , ,__,,,..,,... 1047 administrator of .,.,_,_ 744 to mditia ,,,,,,,,,.,.. , .,,... 1047 .[ohm•o#n, ilfortiger L., ` commission created; composition 1047 payment of ourt of Claims judgment to- 753 powers and duties ,... 1047 Jo/nikon, Pcfvr, Jamestown Ter-fbntenniol Commission, payment of Court of Claims judgment to- 772 appropriation for expenses of celebration Johnson, Peyton, qndgf _____________ _ ____... - .. 1047 payment to 778 composition of; powers and duties. .. 1047 , Johmon, Thomas G., _ _ Jqmbgn, Wiley ,1,, payment of Court of Claims judgment to. 757 payment of Uourt of Claims judgment to Jo nxton, Holloway and Company, _ adminimmyix of _______________ ___ 756 refund of internal-revenue taxes to ... 807 Jcmitora, Public Buildings, Johanna, Francbr, and ('ornpqny, _ sp mprpmop fm- ______ _ _,_____,____, 464, 1168 payment of French spoliation claim to addggcigucy pppmpmtinn for , ,,,.,... 20 · ministrator of surviving partner 791