Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1470

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xcvi 1N DEX. Mullan, D. UC, P¤H€· * "Nancy," Brigantine, Moulton, Master, Puze Jayme? oi Court of Claims judgment t0- - 752 I payment oftF1;s·nch spoliation claims on ac- 782 ullgr, E mud, coun 0 .. M_5:g’i;¤€?1T;l710 -----···—·-···------ - -·-·---· 805 "Nancy," £St·;ui;1ner,lf1'ad¢{?¢v¢;y, J[i'(8!81‘, , - a men renc s 0 ia none aim ona - appropriation for public buuaing 455 P y QOH2t of ______ Y ____________ F ____ Y _ 794 Mimi6h, GWWLWII "Na ·y," Schooner, Ward, Mast , ¤PP¥'°P¥‘ia·ti0¥} f€>r consubgeneml at ----—- 73v 921 pagvlirient of French spoliation eciiaims on ac- 0I' Cl8l‘k hll'0 ..-- - ----------------- - - 78, 926 count, of _ _ ____ _ ____________ _ _____ 792 Mmmm 21E5i?:??} giiciziuction 368 890 Naming' Chgmk 1 t 74 922 apprep 8 5 - ·--—---- » u ro rm. "on or cousu a .

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umbipa arporatnons, qs -4:, · - 3 M¤*¤v¤ig·;$0g¤¤j¤3;>,ggc~;;;*g *;;*5* -----·- 52** NZ75?€’L’22'Tz*`=$§?2$T $Zf$£‘·'?f$m£1 ‘`‘`‘‘‘‘‘’‘` "’ 924

'°;{)';riati0!{l' fgr mama2mg1w'- _ - ---N 388 appropriation for improvement of 1123

Ear salaries and maintenance .. 909 N“"'“ck‘*¤_ Maw-» _ Mumdfgd Omcers, Hmmm Ngggrppzigtgz for improvement of harbor. 1118 legis Sgté; gg Nappgoprmticg ict improvement of 1143 tg cg ______, , _ , __,,_,_,,., a G, 8 C. ulvmvblb?8 _ Munggigzgtig, Philippine Islands, films to be’put out aftér entering and rcmay borrow money for schools, ctc., if lighted before leaving steam passentnxation inadequate .. ; 690 ger vessels 720 Mb0n<i]i$'suc1;1uth0hzed; limit . 690 Naphthabggzgnchos, ac., _ _ f 1050 unt, o n . ‘ steam mspcc on provisions or .. payment of ,C0urt of Claims judgment to Naples, Daly, ’ ¤dmi¤i¤¢mO¢l;¤X ofé ------------·--·- 771 appropriation my consul at . 75,924 Murakami, Zi K can , { 1 kh' ________________________ 78 926 deficiepcy aippmpriation for refunding du- 1217 Na";;,;,;:; 3;% R_ jj, _ f i 188 -.------··- . ----·-------·- appropriation or improvement 0 ; con- Murderkill River, Del., t ts ____________________________ 1119 splpropriation for improvement of 1122 Nash Fmrggs S Mw- ack, . B., ’ - " · a v¤v¤¤¤¤¤¤f ¢·>·¤¤ <>*<>1¤i¤¤S i¤d¤m<=¤* *0-- 755 “pP°"iZ'§`(i¥'E€'Sdi}i0gnEJf. Y`. FY. . fif$rI me M';)'{g,°l;’gn?;;]'gZ‘u£:· gblaims judgment to I payment oi Court of Claims judgment to- - - 747 administmmr of ``'````'`'```` 747 N(g;'iiéig1€g#Isippropriation for services 400 •mp;i9;1m`gii(:,0g¥*(i·;-nggii spoliation claim to ad- N‘"h“"» A? Ii- . . . 5 M h lgluiatmyix of __________________ 786,78-; N(tplp`;§pr1;?n;u for public building . 455, 11 9 urp y, ares ., ‘ . . " . . . payment of Court of Claims judgment to,. 752 v¤PP!`0P{¤¤¤0¤ PQ? Public bullding ·.-.. 455, 1159 Murphy, Edward, _ _ Laswu, .`\ gw_Pr0vul•mcc, __ _ vdg6’:·ie;;gy appropriation for pay .. 1222 Nmppl‘0p;;tl0¤ Fo? COHSUI M ---··-····--- 45, 924 _ 4 y, ran 111, fl c wz _N!•q. _ _ , ii1ppp0inStg?d0n Bovlgd of Managers, Volunteer 592 upprcipnutuin for public building . 455, 1159 iam' 0me ... y gchggochq Ln_ Jhmvzll, Eélggard Ii, 803 iggpmpriiéiun ior pulgfp léuilfllipg - . 456 Wymen ·--··-·--··----··---··-···-·- · c angc 0 site or pu IC ui e mg, author- Muxkegon Mich. ‘ ‘ , I __________,______,___,,,,_,,_ 999 apfpmpiiatiomfgr improvement of harbor. 1136 ; ·· ymh,,nl$:¤ Brig, W [gr pubgq bmw;!); .-..--·--.--..-·---- 1159 : payment of Frfnch spoliation claims on ac- 794 A Us 7lg‘UJ{P {WCW [@0 ¤ count 0 ,,,.,,... . $·P{)¥'0PYt;a{;?19 E°;;;‘;?")"?%§¤t {Ji ---·-··- Xatimizag Banks (sgrézlso Eiaticxml (gurrencggi OTN ui mi! am m ---·---- · ,t' 0 irec ors; s oc ui Mutual Investment 1*7re Insurance Company, qual §g:1S;s0{¤m¤|]mp3ga]md;éc§d ____ 313 D- C·» ‘ [ National Bureau `of Standards (séc Standards inconpgzlmd; pulgroses, etc .. 622 . Bureau, gm,). M¤Z2l¢· _ W9 Fir 6*17**, érmy, I National Cemetcriea, ¤PP?0li"¤g_0¤ for °°¤"€m¤8» W bY€€€hé7_ 840 I appropriation for maintenance 495, 1196 _ _0¤ 1 ----·----···--··-----·—- 0, or superintendents 495 1196 My!-W6 RW??`, _¥w·» _ I for headstones for soldiers’ graves. . . 495; 1196 appropriation for improvement of ... 1118 S for repairing wwwa)-S to I _________ 495, 1196 PY€h'm¤”·*'Y exammatmn Of “PP€I'» m be i for burial of indigent soldiers ... 495, 1196 made ------------·-~------·------ U5? ; for Presidio of San Francisco, Cal. .. 495, 1197 Mywm Hv_v·eU P-, _ 1 for Fon Crawford, Wis . 495, 1197 KPPYOPYHUOU {OY €‘¥'€dlY to ··-—-·-·---— - - - 1062 for Antietam battlefield, Md 496, 1197 N * for Cggfedamte cemetery, Camp Chase, 496 - . · io . Nagasaki, Japan, for Confederate Mound, Chicago, HL-, 1197 appropriation for consul at .,.,_,,_,,... 74,922 . for Arlington, Va ... -. 1197 "M,mcy," Bri%¤ntim, Brown, Master, | for additional ground, Richmond, Va... 612 payment of reuch spoliation claim on sc- I deficiency appropriation for road to, count of . _ . 790 . Springfield, Mo ... 26