Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1481

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INDEX. cvii s .·-¤» Pearl and Leqr`Ri•·ers Railroad Company, Page, Pensacola, Fla., page;.) right of, tqbridge Pearl River transferred appropriation for public works, mwy- to Mlsslsmppi Central Railroad Com- yard _______ ; __________________ 236, Hog pany 607 for improvement of harbor 1126 Pear] River, :\[i3.q,, dcfic·1en<·y appropriation for navy-yard, , , 30 appmpnatnon for improvement of, below Pension Agents, R0vkF<>]‘l ... . 1129 appropriation for salaries, etc ,__,______ 316, 349 between ldmhurg and Jackson ,,.. 1129 Pension Appeals, Board cj] preliminary} esarainzgirlot of, to be made, H 3 appropriation for members ,__________, 123,668 _ umm l o oc po ._ ..,_.. 5 pm,.;,,,, Attorneys, _ Edlnburg m Lakc Bummde --·_--;-;·-; 1153 fee for securing special pension acts fortxmc extended for budge, by Mississippi bidder,. penalty _______________ 316 849 Centml Railroad Company, succqs- pemgon gmx, ’’ sor to Pearl and Leaf Rxvers Rml- _ appropriation for Commissioner, deputies, P road Company ... 60r cl?-ks, €4;§___i_a _____ K_ iO ______ ]25_ 671 canon, . mm, empo ees ata1e to ot or urcaus . 671 payment of French spoliation claim to ad- for per (gem, special examiners. . 126, 672 minlstrutor of 791 d for additional special examiners ..__, 126, 672 Peck, Jesse, · ciiciency appropriation for private secrepayment of French spoliatiou claim to ad- f tary . I . EQ .- - 1233 ministmtor of 791 use or iuaugura ceremonies permi --- 1276 Peek, Ida C., p ‘ 7 D . d ¤¤|’¤¤U'l¤*¢dP¤»t¤¤N0i¤¤¤9foT¤u°tm€¤tw- 219 eK•;1T§;;iati?;a?or’investigating claims for Peekskill, X K, expenses of ... 465 1169 appr¤}priatir»n for improvement of harbor. 1120 restriction on fpayment of funeral ex- ’ Pekin, ll., pcuses 0 .. 465 1169 appropriation for public building . 456,1159 peémmwg, jnqne, ’ Peking, China, isposition o_ eusions to in Govcmment appropriation for legution bqildings 505, 918 _ Hospitaffor Insand ... t ... 731 or completing legation btpldiug ... 1211 Penmons, _ _ for furmshing legation building 1211 appropnauou for army and navy ... 315, 848 Penalties (see Crimes and Misdememnors). navy, from naval tund_ 315, 848 Pwd d»0";”c Rim., Idaho, I l sefparate accounts reguxrcd .. I,. 315,848 bridge authorized across, ID Kootemu 720 fm` ggiingzgbhgxammlng 8W8B0n5y Bxém 848 Pm, OrgQ§‘}§§.;,;·;g¢g;,;_; ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ratinggnd cinditlopin mpgs- mj 849 appropriation for improvement of ..., 1145 m$P$_°tS °¤ 0 ¤P°°”*l °X’·mm9¤'$ $16 849 Pendleton, Alexander G._, jr., tr) _···f·‘ i)1&H··· E ···· if ·-—·- . 1 v to be reinstated to Military Academy 843 ’· °*`“f"5S O" 1 en aes 0* ”P°°*“ _ _ , , . acts, penalty ... 316,849 Penctentmrvea, {noted Slales, _ for ems, Saunas __________________ 316 849 appropriation forjzonstructton, Fort Leuy-y for Zark him; apportionment___ _____ 316: 849 enworth kans 000, 1205 1 , . for rents ... 316,849 for mmgrrucuou, lr1Q5g11S Island, Waqh., for stationery, etc ___________________ 316, 849 m*g*“°° hr bmldmgs M6 “vm?66 1205 for_ examination of ggeocies .. . .. . 316, 849 M c~·»€Péé6€»¥-3`~¤=··¤¤» G=· ------»--- ’ 1205 ""£,?i‘;2’I&£€;‘;‘L$1$,§l§’(3]S?§;;;:z;:;; 3; ::1 *233 for Enagnteuancé, Fo1T L€3V€¤W0TT;¤69 1208 for army ___________________ 44,413,425’1254 “ S — : ·-····················· L ‘* for navy . 1254 Atlanta Ga · 010, IZO9 · · · f · tes g t ·¤e¤¤<=¤¤v ¤’p¤>¤>¤¤¤¤·>¤ for A·¤···¤=· M- 3- ""’“""‘£fZ-,3§§i&1¥82l‘¥I2Y£m.‘C.T’T?Y?T?f‘T??. 731 Pe I Enggcuon ---·-····················total blindness rating increased .. » 1 63 mm mn , V. . . claidx for expenses, etc., war of 1812, to be 777 Pesggxéggxzzfgegidw clerk ew 125 671 fwdiuvfed --------·---···----·-·- _ · # · · · * Pmnx_;lr¢mia Eastern. Judicial Dvhtrict P*·"m"at" M'”'!·v wldgtiomn ‘“EU.i(.t judge autborizgh ____ :_ 155 approprmtion for 1mprovemsnt of harbor. 1136 dciiciencv s_ppr0pruntion for addrtronal dm- ‘ Pentwater, M och., _ _ triot judge ,... 417 preliminary cxamxnatxon of harbor to be P»*nr»¤yl~~ri~, Niw York and L<mg· Islcmd _ made ..-- 1152 Ruilmml Company, _ _ Pqorm, Il]., _ _ _ , _`} appropriation for site for post-office m Lew xmmednate transportatmn pnvnleges cx- A York from .. . 434 tended to .,,.,..,,,,.._______ 362 Pen'"?/[,.,,1,;,, R,“y,0,,,z wmpanz/’ terms ofréoun; office of marshal and 995 deficiency appropmmon for damages to C ° —··--·----··-·----·--------- pier . 408 1’¤~v» HMM T- . , __ Ppmmml mv", AIM. l payment of'C0urt of Clmms Judgment to,. H4 preliminary exammatnon of, to be made at Perkzyzs and ( hoqtg, Bangor _______,_, , ,.,,..,..._ 1152 q131m of survwing Yarmer for refund gf to be made of south branch, F nnkfort - 1152 duty on stge blooms referred to Pemrwvla, Alabama and Wemrrn Razlrvrzcl P H of Claums ... 809 . Q; , cr na, 0 n, _ _ _ may bridnggmgfombighee, Alabama, and I paymenQ of French spohatxon clam; to ud- Black wm-50; river; _____,____.,,_ 1261 mmxstmtor of 794