Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1500

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CXXV1 Ib DEX. Public L¢mde—Continued. P¤s¤· . Public Lands—Continued. Pussdisposal of unsold land, Fort Crawford l receivers reimbursed for payment of fees, military tract, Wis 306 etc., to witnesses in hearings .. 822 employees in forest reserves and national records, etc., certified by recorder of Genparks may make arrests ... 700 eral Land Office to be received as entries, etc., erroneouslvmade outside of evidence ..,.,,... 185 proper land d1strict may be cou- release of lands settled on Atlantic and rmed ... 64 Pacific Railroad grant, New Mexico- 556 exchange authorized of private land claims selection to be made in exchange .. 556 on Indian reservations for vacant -. 211 patents to holders of released lands 556 fees allowed for transcripts of records; evi- resurvey directed of township in Montana. 987 dence 144 in Nebraska .,. - _,__,. 1037 forest reserves transferred to control of in Wyoming ,,.,.,..,,,_.,.,.,,_,____ 992 Agricultural Department .. 628 right to select lands in lieu of claim in grant to Beecher Island Battle Memorial forest reserve, repealed ,,..,,_____. 1264 Association in Colorado ... 319 second homestead entry permitted on in- ’ Minnesota for forestry purposes 536 ability to perfect first ..,,.___,,,,, 527 lands excepted . 536 conditions ...,...,,,,,.,..,.. 527 Minnesota o island in Bartlett Lake for selections in Montana b Saint Paul, public park ... 1001 Minneapolis and Nianitoba Rail- Nort Dakota, White Stone Hills battle way Company, ratified, etc 816- ground for park, etc .. 312 swamp—land titlesin Mississippi confirmed; Oregon for fish hatchery; conditions. . - 185 exceptions .. , . 1258 Tacoma, Wash., fora public park; con- time for opening Uintah Indian Reservaditions ... 1013 tion, extended ,,, 1069 homestead entries for640acres allowed on transfer of lands in Nebraska to com- _ certain arid lands of Nebraska . 547 plete homestead entry of Russell F. 0n_ certain void naturalization applica- mis .. . .., 819 tions, (validated ... 298 Uintah land district, Utah, established- - - 1014 permitted in lieu of those canceled by use of earth, stone, and timber permitted railroad title in Alabama .. 813 for irrigation works ,._,,,,,.,,___,,, 706 homestead locations allowed on abandoned Public Library, D. (L, Free, Fort Abraham Lincoln Military Res- appropriation for salaries .. 366, 888 ervation, N. Dak ... : .. 306 for Sunday opening ... 889 homestead settlers allowed additional time for books, fuel, etc . . 366, 889 to establish residence on Rosebud Public Printer, Reservation, S. Dak ... 700 appropriation for, clerks, etc 93, 639 on Devils Lake Reservation, N. Dak -.- 700 deficiency appropriation for Court of homesteadexs, etc., may transfer part of Claims judgments under ... 1250 claim before patent, for telegraph, _ Public Printing and Binding, telephone, etc., rights of way, etc-- 991 appropriation for Public Printer, clerks, permitted additional entries . - - 527 , etc .. 93, 639 total entry not to exceed 160 acres . 527 for all expenses. . .. . 511, 1212 restrictions; commutation not allowed. - 527 for Congress ... 511, 1212 lands of ceded Fort Hall Indian Reserve- · Congressional Record, etc 511, 1212 tion subject to entry .. 153 for Departments, etc ... 5ll, 1212 lands withdrawn for reservoirs, head- division of allotment . 512, 1213 waters of Mississippi and Saint Croix for leaves to eniployees . 518, 1213 rivers, restored to omestead entry. 990 for History of ilitary Academy ... 448 conditions ,,,,,,..,.. 990 denciency appropriation for .. 425, 1254 laws extended to ceded Great Sioux Reser- for Interior Department . 219, 422, 1249 vation, S. Dak .,.. 154 for services, materials, etc .. 39 lots in Fort Dalles addition to The Dalles, for furniture, etc., new building . .. 39 granted to Oregon Historical So- { for leaves to employees . 421, 1250 ciety . 185 for Treasury Department ... 422, 1249 mining claims to have boundary monu- i for Deplartment of Justice .. 422, 1249 _ ments established . 545 g for nig t messengers at Congress 422, 1250 monuments to govern in conflicts .. 545 i for printing Jubilee Centennial History, openin to entry, etc., of Yakima Indian i Military Academy .. .. 1226 Deservation, Wash 596 I for Navy Department - 1249 undisposed-of portion of Round Valley for Department of State ... 1249 Reservation, Cal .. 706 - allotment of Laws and Official Register to original papers in land patents to be pro- Department of Commerce and Laduced in court ..., 186 bor - . 542 to be accepted as evidence when authen- Congressional printing, reports on private ticated ... 186 bills, concurrent an simple resolupart of Government town site Port Angeles, tions; printing and distri ution 610 Wash., granted for public park 154 private bills; printing and distribution of. 611 patents for certain lands, itter Root Val- meaning of ... 611 ley, Mont., validated . 151 public bil s and joint resolutions; printing proof of loyalty not reqluired in refund- and distribution of . . .. 611 ing fees for void so diers’ entries - - - 589 concurrent and sim le resolutions; printreappraisal, etc. of unsold portion of ing and distribution of .. -. 611 abandoned Walla Walla Military distribution of "The Declaration of Inde- Beservatiou,Wash ..,,.,.,,.,. 243 _ pendence" _. .,,., 1249