Tangier, appropriation for interpreter, etc.. 70, 918
for expenses, Cape Spartel light 70, 918
for consul-general at 73, 921
for clerk hire 78,926
for contribution to foreign cemetery... 928
Tanner, Zera L., payment of Court of Claims judgment to.. 760
Tappan, Herman, refund of internal-revenue taxes to.. 808
Tur River, N. C., appropriation for improvement of.. 1124
preliminary examination of, to be made.. 1154
Targarona, Peter, payment of Court of Claims judgment to legal representatives 753
Tariff, preferential treatment of imports from Cuba 3
reduction on goods from Philippines, paying export duty there. 975
Tariff of Philippine Islands (see Philippine Tariff Revision Law, 1905).
Tariffs, Foreign, appropriation for collating, etc.. 138, 684
Tariffs, International Bureau, Publication of Customs, appropriation for contribution 71,919
Tatro, Emma, payment to, damages from mortar practice. 804
Taunton River, Mass., appropriation for improvement of 1119
Tarenner, Richard, payment of Court of Claims judgment to executrix of 773
Taxation, D. C.,
sessions of board of personal tax appeals
general merchandise dealers to include common carriers by vessels 563
street railroads to pay on gross receipts within the District 564
real estate title companies; rate 564
savings banks to pay on gross earnings... 564
corporations exempted from paying tax on capital stock 564
rate on building associations reduced 564
articles of personal adornment and heir-looms omitted from exemptions 564
custody of goods distrained for taxes.. 564
sale of distrained goods by private sale if bid at auction does not meet tax, etc. 565
dispensing liquors to minors forbidden; penalty. 565
license tax for bowling alleys.. 565
Taxes, D. C., appropriation for advertising, in arrears. 367, 890
Taylor, John W., payment of Court of Claims judgment to administrator of 755
Taylor, Richard, payment of French spoliation claim to administrator of; condition 806
Taylors Bayou, Tex., channel through Sabine Lake to, directed. 149
Tehula Lake, Miss., appropriation for improvement of 1129
Tea Culture, appropriation for investigations.... 284, 870
Tegucigalpa, Honduras, appropriation for consul at 76, 924
Telegraph Connecting Capitol and Departments, appropriation for expenses 492, 1193
for removing cables from roof of Treasury 1193
Telegraph Poles and Wires, D. C., upon streets, etc., within fire limits to be taken down 984 underground conduit plan to be submitted. 985
penalty for willfully neglecting to remove. 985
poles permitted in alleys, etc., for house connections. 985
temporary permits 985
conduits through parks or reservations. 986
regulation; use by police and fire alarm wires 986
maintenance of poles, etc., outside of fire limits. 986
acquisition of conduits by Government or District. 986
Telegraph Wires, D. C., temporary use of overhead, for inaugural ceremonies 1278
Telephones, D. C., rates established. 374
penalty for noncompliance by company. 374
Telfair, James R., payment of Court of Claims judgment to administrator of 756
Tempe, Ariz., may issue bonds to build wagon road to Salt River reservoir. 6
Tenant, Thomas, payment of French spoliation claim to administratrix of 789, 799
Teneriffe, Spain, appropriation for consul at 77,924
Tennessee Eastern Judicial District, terms of court at Knoxville... 545
Tennessee River, appropriation for lighting. 469, 1173
for improvement of; above Chattanooga, Tenn 1133
Colbert and Bee Tree shoals; contracts. 1133
Hobbs Island to Guntersville 1133
lock gates at Scotts Point 1138
below Riverton 1133
for improvement of; below Chattanooga, Tenn 1195
bridge authorized across, Decatur, Ala.. 700
Gilbertsville, Ky. 84
change of location, lock and dam, near Chattanooga, Tenn. 603
construction of lock and dam near Chattanooga, Tenn., authorized.. 309
lands to be deeded to United States. 309
time of construction; deeds, etc. 309
water-power privileges; conditions 309
contracts; extension of time 310
rights, etc., reserved 310
jurisdiction over river, etc., not affected. 311
time extended for bridge across, in Marion County, Tenn 629
Tensas River, La., appropriation for improvement of...... 1130
Terminal Company, Washington, D. C., easement for tunnel to Union Station through site for House office building. 480
Terminal Station, D. C. (see Union Railroad Station, D. C.). 480
Terre Haute, Ind.
bridge authorized across Wabash River at.
Territorial Bond Issues, of Arizona for University agricultural experiment station, ratified. 559
school districts, Oklahoma, may issue bonds for buildings, etc. 535