FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 716. 1904. 105 d 5;* purchasing material for binding important records, six hundred B*¤‘“¤¥· o s. For newspapers, law books, city directories, and other books of N°'°P°P°¤·°°°· reference re ating to the business of the Department, one thousand two hundred dollars. For investigation of accounts and records, including the necessary I"°¤**8°¤°¤¤· traveling expenses, and for other traveling expenses, when ordered b the Secretary of the Treasury, in connection with special work, includ? ing the temporary employment of steno hers, typewriters, accountants, or officrcixpert oumilde tilealbistrict of (golutpbia wher; no pro ry argea e an o erappropriation un er e contro of hthe Department, live hiixlrdgddlclhixrsil or e' the ressage te e ra an te e one service, seven F*°*¤’*'- thousand dbllalrsxp 7 g P P For rent of buildings, twelve thousand two hundred dollars. Rm' For rent, including heat, light, and janitor and elevator service, for office of Life-Saving Service, three thousand six hundred dollars. For rent of additional quarters for accommodation of clerical force of Auditor for the Post-Oiiice Decpartment, fifteen thousand dollars. For removal of furniture an files from Post-Oliice building to mE”§€,X°1 °f mm' gparters rented for accommodation of clerical force of Auditor for e Post-Oihce Department, and erection of shelving therein, three thousand five hundred dollars. _For urchase of horses and wagons, for office and mail service, to H°’”°“ wd "“°“ be used only for officialfpurposes, care and subsistence of horses, in- ` cludingl shceing, and o w ons, harness, and repairs of the same, _ three thousand five hundredudollars. . _ For parchaseof ice for the office of the Auditor for I"- the thousand four hundred dollars. . For and ile cases, tour thousand dollars. 1******- For purchase of coal, wood, engine oils and grease, grates, grate ""°'•°‘°- baskets and tixtures, blowers, coal hods, coal shovels, pokers, and ton , thirteen thousand five hundred dollars. Pg; purchase of gas, electric current for lighting and power pur- L*¤l"’· poses, gas and electric·light iixtures,electric-light wiring and material, candles, candlesticks, droplights and tubing, gas burners, gas torches, globes, lanterns, and wicks, seventeen thousand dollars. For washin and hemming towels, for the purchase of awnings and M’°°°“"“°°“’· fixtures, wincE>w shades and fixtures, alcohol, benzine, turpentine, varnish, baskets, belting, bellows, bowls, brooms, buckets, rushes, canvas, crash,cloth, chamois skins, cotton waste,door and window fasteners, dusters; ilower garden, street, and engine hose; lace leather, lye, nails, oils, planks, picks, pitchers, powders, stencil plates, hand stamps and repairs of same, stamp ink, spittoons, soap, matches, match safes, sponges, tacks, traps, thermometers, tools, towels, towel racks, tumblers, wire, zinc, an for blacksmithing, repairs of machinery removal of rubbish, sharpeningvtools, advertising for proposals, and for sales at public auction in ashington, District of Columbia, of condemned property belonging to the reasury Department, payment of auctioneer fees, and purchase of other absolutely necessary articles, ten thousand dollars. For purchase of registering accountants, numbering machines, and ¤=¤· other machines of a similar character, including time stamps for stamp-` ing date of receipt of official mail and telegrams, and repairs thereto, two thousand five hundred and ninety dollars. For purchase of carpets, carpet border and lining, linoleum, mats, <>¤rpe¤¤.e¢¤. ru , matting, and repairs, and for cleaning, cutting, making, laying, andsrelaying of the same, by contract, four thousan dollars, For purchase of boxes, book rests, chairs, chair caning, chair covers, 1·‘¤r¤i¤¤¤· desks, bookcases, clocks, cloth for eoverin g desks, cushions, leather for