Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/228

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140 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 716. 1904. pets, matting, oilcloth, tile cases, towels, ice, brooms, soap, sponges, fuel, lighting and heating; for the purchase, exchange, and care of horses and vehicles, to be used only for official purposes; freight and ex ress charges, postage, telegraph and telephone service, typewriters, and adding machines, and all other miscellaneous items and necessary expenses not included in the foregoing, seventy-five thousand dollars, which sum shall be so apportioned as to revent a deficiency therein. Rem- For rent of buildings, namely: For oiiipce of the Secretary of Commerce and Labor, and the bureaus of Corporations and Manufactures, eleven thousand eight hundred and thirty dollars; for the Light-House Board, oiii ce of Steamboat Inspection Service, and Bureau of Navigation, seven thousand six hundred dollars; Bureau of Statistics, four thousand five hundred and thirty-nine dollars and eighty-four cents; stables, one thousand two hundred dollars; in all, twenty-tive thousand one hundred and sixty-nine dollars and eighty-four cents. rumen. JUDICIAL. ‘ _§¤P’°'¤, °°°‘¤’*~ Svmzmm Colmr: For the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of ' the United States, thirteen thousand dollars and for eight associate justices, at twelve thousand five hundred dollars each; mu-sm. For marshal of the Supreme Count of the United States, three thousand five hundred dollars; cm-is to justices. For stenogra hic clerk for the Chief Justice and for each associate · justice of the Sldpreme Court, at not exceeding one thousand six hundred dollars each; in all, one hundred and thirty thousand nine hundred dollars. cneua judges. Cmoorr oormrs: For twenty-seven circuit judges, at seven thousand dollars each, one hundred and eighty-nine thousand dollars. cmu. For nine clerks of circuit courts of ap eals, at three thousand live hundred dollars each, thirty-one thousand five hundred dollars. Messenser. eighth For messenger, to act as librarian and crier, circuit court of appeals, d"'"" eighth circuit, two thousand dollars; in all, two hundred and twenty- two thousand five hundred dollars. 1>i¤v·ri<>¤¤¤¤rr-·· Drsrnrcrs comzcrs: For salaries of the seventy-three district judges of the United States, at six thousand dollars each, four hundred and thirty-eight thousand dollars. Indian Territory. Unrmn Srnrzs oormrs, Inman Tmuuronr: For salaries of the four- °°°"”` judges of the United States in the Indian Territory, at five thousand dollars each, twenty thousand dollars. H¤vy¤¤¤n'r¤mmry. Drsrnrcr comrr, Tmmrronr or Hawaii: For the payment of the sal- °°°"”' aries of the 'ud e, clerk, and the reporter of the United States district - court for tlie lerritory of Hawaii, at five thousand dollars, three thousand dollars, and one thousand two hundred dollars, respectively, nine thousand two hundred dollars. Rerirediudsea Rrrrrnnn Juno11s: To pay the salaries of the United States judges B` S" “°°‘m*"lB°‘ retired under section seven hundred and fourteen of the Revised Statutes, so much as may be necessary for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and five, is hereby a propriated. wggjcfwlmbw. Oomrr or Approved, Drsrmor or COLUMBIA: Pldr the chief justice of "°°]s' court of appeals of the District of Columbia, seven thousand five hundreg dollars; and for two associate justices, at seven thousand dollars eac ; For clerk, three thousand dollars; For assistant or deputy clerk, two thousand dollars; m For reporter, one thousand five hundred dollars: Provided, That the reports issued by him shall not be sold for more than five dollars per vo ume; For crier, nine hundred dollars; For messenger, seven hundred and twenty dollars;