272 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. sm. 11. cH. 1485. mn. exceeding ten dollars, to be issued upon release from confinement to each prisoner who has been confined under a court—martial sentence involving dishonorable discharge; for indemnity to officers and men of the Army for clothing and bedding, and so forth, destroyed since April twenty-second, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, by order of ~ medical officers of the Army for sanitary reasons, four million dollars. H°°P*'·¤‘¤- CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR or HOSPITALS! For construction and repair of hospitals at military posts already established and occupied, including the extra-duty pay of enlisted men employed on the same. H°‘SP"*“¤'“· Mk- and including also all expenditures for construction and repairs required at the Army and Navy Hospital at Hot Springs, Arkansas, and for the construction and repair of general hospitals and expenses incident thereto, and for additions needed to meet the requirements of F°" Rmyi K"'? increased garrisons, three hundred and eighty thousand dollars; of F°" T°°""‘ N' l' which sum not to exceed forty thousand dollars may be used to build KEQQT L°"°'"'°"h’ a modern hospital at Fort Riley, Kansas; thirty thousand dollars to _ build a modern hospital at Fort Totten, New York; thirty thousand F°“S“°“"*·m““‘ dollars to enlar the hospital at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas; thirty· A five thousand aoiftm to enlarge the hospital at Fort Snelling, Minnesota; Fm Sh°m°°‘m' twenty-five thousand dollars to enlar the hospital at Fort Sheridan, Fm Cm; Tm Illinois, and thirty thousand dollars gr the erection of a modern hosital at Fort Clar , Texas. m§Q‘§§‘jf”‘°’h°“P*““ P QUARTERS Fox HOSPITAL sTEwAnDs: For construction of quarters for · hospital stewards at military posts already established and occupied, including the extlraiduty pay of enlisted men employed on the same, fifteen thousand ol ars. ‘ S"°°‘*“g““”—‘“·°‘°· Snoormo GALLERIES AND RANeEs: For shelter, shooting galleries, ranges for small—arms target practice, repairs, and expenses incident thereto, forty-five thousand five hundred dollars. "°‘“°“*°°’“"“‘°“°· MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. S¤PP¤¤··>¤=- ’ MEDICAL AND HOSPITAL DEPARTMENT: For the purchase of medical . and hospital supplies, including disinfectants for military posts, camps, hospitals, ospital ships, and transports; for expenses of medical supply depots; or medical care an treatment of officers and enlisted men of the Army on duty, and of prisoners of war and other persons in military custody or confinement. at posts and stations for which no other provision is made, under such regulations as shall have been or shall be prescribed by the Secretary of War; for the prope1· care and treatment of epidemic and contagious diseases in the Army or at military posts or stations, including measures to prevent the spread thereof, and the payment of reasonable damages, not otherwise provided for, for bedding and clothing injured or destroyed in such N¤¤•¤· pirevention; for the pay of male and female nurses not including the urse Corps (female), and of cooks and other civilians employed for the proper care of sick officers and soldiers, under such re ulations fixing their number, ualifications, assi nment, pay, and allowances as shall have been or shall be prescribed iy the Secretary of War; for the pay of civilian physicians employed to examine physically applicants for enlistment and enlisted men, and to render other professional services from time to time under proper authority; for the pay of other employees of the Medical epartment; for the payment of express companies and local transfers employed directly by the Medical Department for the transportation of medical and hospital supplies. including bidders’ samples and water for analysis; for supplies for use in teaching the art of cooking to the Hospital Cor s; for the supplv of the Army and Navy Hospital at Hot Springs, Arlkansas; for advertising, laundry, and all other necessary miscellaneous expenses of the gérgslgvkrkm pm; Medical Department, five hundred and fifty thousand dollars; Plc chases. ceded'. That hereafter the purchase of medicines a11d medical stores