Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 2.djvu/1215

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IN DEX. 25] 1 Jlilltary ._lcadem_a1—-Continued. PHSé- Illilitary Secretary: De rtmem, Army—C011. Pageadmnssnon authorized of Luis Bogrén H., { senior officer to be Bmitary Secretary, with ` of Honduras . 1279 rank of major-general . 262 Fmtos Tomzis Plaza, of Ecuador ... 1279 second officer to have rank of brigadier- ` Alfonso Zeluya, of Nicaragua .. 586 general ___, _ _____,___,,_________ 262 _Ying Hsing Wen and Ting Chia Chen. . 1286 rank of subsequent appointments 262 !'€|¤S|’»¤¢€1DPDt Hf All*X8Hd€r G. Pendleton, retention of present txtyes .,,_____ 262 _ _ jr., authorized 843title of omcers hereafter . 262 Malutarq; I 'ommisxions, Army, title of Assistant Chief, Record aud Pension gppropriation for expenses ...,... . . 832 Office, and Assistant Adjutant-Gary _ Jhlrturju [lf_f?)'1'IIlfIf’if17l I}irf:ri0n, Army, eral, to be Military Secretary .. 830 upluropnatnon for uontmgent expenses. . 260, 82,7 service on Soldiers’ Home Board 263 l or translator, etc . . . 266,832 Jlhlitary Se:·reta1jq’s Oqice, War Department, Mrlildry Innlrwlliou, E appropriation for c erks, etc _ 659` detail of retire:} officers and enlisted men 25 4 for rent ._ 662 t0 M: 00 S OT . 2 amounts for Adjutant-Generul’s and Rec- Milimry I’ont.~, 1 ord and Pension Office, available appropriation for officers’ schools .. 269, 835 1 for ...____,,._.,..,.,,_,_____ 401 ormnrkinguivilian graves in cemeteries. 496 1 Military Stores, for buildings, etc .. 496, 1197 I use of funds received from Philippines for- 275 for Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., barracks. 496 = Militia, · ‘ for Des Moines, Iowa, barracks 496 I appropriation for joint cncampmcuts, ctc., for Fort Meade, N. Dak., barrack ..'.-. 496 5 with Army .,, 265 ” for Indianapolis, Ind., buildings ... 496 . for pay of officers and enlisted men 265 _ for Fort Sheridan, Ill .. . .. 497 1 for supplies, Quartermastefs and Ordfor Ctgubr:bus,k;)hio, new site; sale of 497 I f uznce Departgmutsi .. 265 o rrac .. or su sismnce an su ies ... 265 boundary of Fort \\'aync, Mich., Res- 497 [ f report on u¥o3fu11€? .. té- . i.f.. - 265 ~ ervation . , or procuring c -srti ery ma ria or; for Presidio, San Francisco, Cal 497, 1198 , issue ... 275,840 for Fort Crockotg, Tsx., Reservation [ invitcdbto participate in Jamestown cole- 047 or Govcmors s an .. rution .. 1 for For: Monroe, Va ... 498: 1198 { issue of magazine rides for reserve, target for Fort Niagara, N. Ymadditional ground 1198 practice .. 986 for Presidio of Monterey, Cal., target 110 part of support of the Army to be used range .,,.., , .. 1198 1 fOr .. . .. - 265 for Fort Logan, Colo., target range .. 1198 g restriction on payments to - . _ 26 7 deficiency afp ropriation for buildings at - 26 ‘ to contest for marksmarfs trophms, madauthority 0 gongmss required for estab- [ als, ¢f»¤._ ...--- 274 lishing ... 836 sums gpgm? for Regular ttrxpy not Him Remrdet 0I' €DC8mpm€H , 8 0., OX- of wzlm priortc civil wm-, no be transferred g , , , 8****5** 0* ---·—-----—-———-·---·---· 837 Mmary AME '````````'` 591 . Mggf>a}<>pri;&}>¤ for expenses ------------ 389, 910 up www mmey, em., or .. 485,1186; t0;¤¤*·<·g;*g,gg ¤¤m¤¤·¤·¤**¤g wml---589 3*;*; for custodian Fort Sherman, Idaho-, 485, 1186 g deudgg a rgsgétibgiét]'t{1éi*'é£c_ ’ grant of Fort Marcy, N. Mex., to Santa Fc. 2330 5 mgm £5it£ ’ 460 12.,3 (!()]‘]’€(]\'.i0I1 il] title ... . . 2339 { for horses, ctc - - - - - — U - - · - - - - - · - - ’ · homestead 1<>s¤¤¤¤¤ ¤11·>w•=d <>¤ Fm Mm- [ Mu, Lag Indem, M;;;.;.; ‘‘``````‘‘'`‘```‘‘ ham L¤gf_°’¤’ I" gah " "(E ‘‘‘‘ · 306 · a pmpriation for land for burial place ... 1069 part of ,Fort L arman, onat 0 oeur E Muah Abraham Bw d AIBHS, Idaho . . . . ..-...-.·-- 485 nsion mymeggggugtwtg of We *<· ¤¤¤·*¤ i¤ 2006 A 515% ,.,..,;`jL[;r2,g,j °`°‘`‘‘‘°‘``‘‘`‘`°‘‘‘‘

  • 88 ‘‘‘‘‘’‘‘ I ‘‘’`‘’'‘ . ayment of French spoliation claim on

Rcdbnnk, N. J., granted to Gloucester I P _ . _. . , County my memorial park . 620 i Mmm }§f’“"""“g *’“’“"" ······· *86 Military Sc4·rc’lM‘y, ·|T{7¢!/, { pension increased ... 1614 to have rank as rnu]or·general  : ..-:-- 262 M,;;,,., gha,·ge_,_ ¤¤b¤0q¤€¤¥ ¤;YP¤*¤W° W Yank N b¤8¤d*°*" r payment of Court of Claims judgment to. 759, 762 ¤¤¤<=r ----·---·—-------.-------- 262 Mm", gh.,,-zu, 00 Servo OD Board of C0¤¤mi¤¤i0¤€'¤» S0]- payment of Court of Claims judgment to diem' Hvmé -·-----·- · ·----------- 263 administrator of .. 766 Mil21a7jq.€em·rtrzry’x Iieparlment, Army, Miller,_Chqrlea IL, _ gpprqpriatjon for contingent €Xp€DS€S, PODBIOD 1HON8B8d .--···-· - ------- ··- 13IO headquarters t --·-» - ·· - 827 Miller, David A., for pay of officgm; lon;ie_v1ty .. . 830 pension increased .._ 1818 , o ce of Assistant C nef, Record and Lauer David L Pension Omffi, N) f€\'m1I1¤f€ ---·---- 830 Penh0n incréxd ________________ 1669 creeatcd from Adjutnnt·Genernl’¤ depart- I _ d H ` " ment and Record undPcnsion0f1ice- 262 1 Jn""- Edu'"' C -· Cl , , d hmmm in wm, Department constituted __ 262 _ payment of _ punt of f mms gu gment to 754 rank and promotion of officers ·. 262 5 _ adm"" mt" 0 ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ officers subject to Chief of Staff .. 262 i- M zllcr, .E(l1!’0Td T, uulnbgr Og majors limited _______,_, , ,,,_ 262 peusioninereasc<l ... 1321