Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 2.djvu/867

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MONEY-ORDER CONVENTION—LIBERIA. ` ARTICLE 1-1. 1. Repayment of Orders to remitters shall not be made until an authorization for such repayment shall first have been obtained by the country of issue from the country where such Orders are payable, and the amounts of the repaid Orders shall be duly credited to the former country in the quarterly account (Article 16). 2. It is the province of each postal administration to determine the manner in which repayment to remitters is to be made. Arrrrcrrz 15. mgség 1. Orders which shall not have been paid within twelve calendar months from the month of issue shall become void, and the sums received shall accrue to, and be at the disposal of, the country of origin. 2. The ostal administration of Liberia shall, therefore, enter to the credit of die United States, in the quarterly account, all Money Orders entered in the lists received from the United States which remain unpaiddat the end of the period specred (Article 16). (See form “F," A n ix.) ‘ IgE0n the other hand the Post Office Department of the United States shall, at the close of each month, transmit to the postal administration of Liberia, for entry in the quarterly account, a detailed - statement of all Orders included in the lists dispatched from the latter office which, under this article, become void. (See form ‘*G," Appendix.) p .` ARQJICLE 16. °°°¤'·°· 1. At the close of each quarter an account shall be prepared (form "D," Appendix) by the postal administration of Liberia, showing in detail the totals of the lists containing the particulars of Orders issued in either country during the quarter, and the balance resulting from such transactions. 2. Two copies of this account shall be transmitted to the Post Office Department of the United States at YVashington, and the balance, after roper verilication, shall. if due by the Post Office Department of the United States. be paid at London, but if due by the postal administration of Liberia, it shall be paid in New York, and in the money of the country to which the payment is made. 3. Payments may also ie made in money, or by si ht drafts, or by bills of exchange, aayable at sight, on London, on the basis that the pound sterling shall be considered as equivalent to four dollars and eighty-seven cents ($4.87) of the money of the United States. ARTICLE 17. vi M- 1. lf, pending the settlement of an account, one of the two postal administrations shall ascertain that it owes the other a balance exceeding one thousand dollars ($1,000), the indebted administration shall promptly remit the approximate amount of such balance to the credit of the other, but nothing herein contained shall prevent such administration from remitting a ess amount than one thousand dollars ($1,000),

  • -**66- at discretion. This account and the letters which accompany such

intprnigdiate remgtancgs sgall be in accordance with the forms “C " an ‘ annexe to t is onvention. 2, lf payment by the debtor administration be not made within a period of three months from the time such balance accrues, the creditor administration shall have the right to demand and receive interest thereon, at the rate of five per centum per annum.