Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 2.djvu/904

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MONEY-ORDER C()NVENTION—PERU. ing payment of the Orders shall be carried out. 3. Each list, as well as the en- 3. Cada lista, asi como las en- '1`¤b· tries in the lists dispatched, shall tradas en las listas despachadas, bc numbered consecutively 1, 2, se numeraran 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, &c., en 3, -1, 5, etc., in the order of dis- el 6rden de despacho, comenzando patch, commencing on July 1 of el 1° de Julio de cada ano, y el each calendar year, and the receipt acuse de recibo de cada lista sera of each list shall be acknowledged comunicado por ambas partes or on either side by means of the iirst medio de la subsiguiente lista dessubsequent list forwarded in the pachada por la otra parte ("A" P°¤*· opposite direction (form "A—re- reverso del Apéndice). verse " of Ap ndix). 4. Such a Et shall be trans- 4. Dicha lista sera trasmitida D“P' mitted by each mail dispatched por cada mala que se despache del from Peru to the port of New ern a New York, y vice versa, y York, and vice versa, and of each se enviara un duplicado de la lista. list dispatched a duplicate shall be despachada por el siguiente correo. sent by the following mail. 5. Should it happen that on the 5. En caso de que en el dia en day when the list is to be dis- que la lista tiene que ser despatched, there are no Orders to be pachada no hubiere giros, se recertitied forpayment, the list must mitira no obstante dicha lista. · neverthelessbe sent. But, -in that Pero en este caso la oficina de event, the Exchange Office will cange anotara al traves "no hay write across the list the words: giros." "No Money Orders." ' 6. Should any list, or the dupli- 6. Si una lista 6 su duplicado no cate thereof, not be received in llegaren oportunamente, la oticina due course, the despatching Ex- 1'€IllltBI1t(·) al recibir este anuncio, change Office, on receiving mfor- trasmitira sin demora un duplicado mation to that elfect, shall trans- 6 triplicado de la lista certiiicanmit without delay a duplicate or dolo como tal. triplicate of the list duly certified as such. . 1.* ARTICLE' 10. Anricnno 10. 1. As soon as the list of the dis- 1. Tan pronto como la lista dc d,§‘p‘fj patching office shall have reached una oiicina remitente haya llegado the receiving office of exchan , ala oficina de cange receptora, esta the latter shall reissue Money Oli- ultima procedera a emitir giros zi ders in favor of the pavees for the favor de los destinatarios por las amounts specified in the list, and respectivas cantidades anotadas en shall forward them, free of post- las listas, y los despachara libres a e, to the addressees or to the de porte ia los destinatarios u ofiodces of destination, in conform- cinas destinatarias de acuerdo con ity with the regulations in each las reglas vigentes de cada pais country for the payment of Money para el pago e giros. Orders. 2. lVhen the lists shall show 2. Cuando la lista contenga irreirregularities which the receiving gularidades que la oiicina recepoflice shall not be able to rectify, tora no pueda rectiiicar, esta dira that office shall demand an expla- una explicacion a la mavor hiieve nation with as little delay as pos- dad posible. Mientras llega la ex sible. Pending the receipt of the plicacion se suspendera la emision explanation the reissue of Money de los giros referentes a los asien- Orders of payment relating to the tos que se consideran errados en entries found to be erroneous in la lista. the list should be suspended.