Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 2.djvu/962

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TREATY—NETHERLANDS. JANUARY 18, 1904. T rear:] between the United States and the Kingdom of the Mthwlands, ·'°“` extending the extradition convention of June 2, 1887, between the two countries to their respective island possessions and colonies. Signed at Washington, January 18, 1.904; ratifcation advised by the Senate, Janua%27, 1904* ratified by the President, May 26, 190.4; rdgjied bg the etherlands, April L 1.904* ratifications avohanged at askington, May 28, 190.4,* proclaimed, Jlay 31, 190i. BY THE PRESIDENT or THE, UNITED STATES OF AmEmoA. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas a Convention between the United States of America and Pm the Netherlands extending to their respective island ossessions and colonies the Convention for the extradition of criminalg, concluded at Washington on June 2, 1887, was concluded and signed by their respective Plenipotentiaries at Washington, on the eighteenth da of January, one thousand nine hundred and four, the original of wllich Convention, being in the English and Dutch languages, is word for word as follows: _ The United States of America De Vereenigde Staten van Ame- °°“'* and Her Majesty the Queen of the rika en Hare Majesteit de Koningin _Netherlands, having judged it ex- der Nederlanden, nuttig geoorpedient to extend to their respec- deeld hebbende het op 2 uni 1887 tive island possessions and colonies te Washington gesloten verdrag the Convention for the extradition tot uitlevering van misdadigers tot of criminals, concluded at Wash- de wederzijdsche insulaire bezitington on June 2g 1887, by means tingen en kolonien nit te breiden of an additional (oonvention, have door middel eener additioneele to that end appointed as their plen- overeenkomst, hebben te dien ipotentiaries: einde tot Hunne Gevolmachtigden benoemd, te weten: The President of the United De President der Vereenigde PM States of America: John Hag,Sec- Staten van Amerika, den beer retary of State of theUnited tates; John Hay, Staatssecretaris der and Vereenigde Staten; en Her Majest the Queen of the Hare Majesteit de Konin 'n der Netherlands: heron Willem Alex- Nederlanden: den beer Willem ander Frederik Gevers, Her Maj- Alexander Frederik Baron Geesty’s Envo Extraordinary and vers, Hoogst - Derzelver Buiten- Minister Pllenipotentiary to the gewoon Gezant en Gevolmachtigd United States; Minister bij de Vereenigde Staten; who, after having communicated die, na elkander kunne wederzijdto each other their respective full sche volmachten te hebben medepowers, found in good and due gedeeld, welke in goeden en beform, have a reed upon and con- hoorlijken vorm zijn bevonden, cluded the fodowing articles: omtrent de navolgende artikelen zijn overeengekomen en deze hebben vastgesteld: