Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1083

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FIFTY-NINTH cononnss. sm. 11. ons. 2287, 22ss. 1907. 1053 of the United States and for makin settlement and final roof under T*'“° °"°“"°" ‘¥" the homestead laws of the United Sites, in township thiiieen south, iigiiwsiwiopgi in mmm ranges twelve and thirteen east; sections six, seven, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty-nine, thirty, and thirty-one, township thirteen south, range fourteen east; township fourteen south, ranges twelve and thirteen east; township fifteen south, range twelve east; sections five, six, and seven, township fifteen south, range thirteen ` east; township sixteen south, range twelve east; township seventeen south, ranges twelve and thirteen east; sections five, six, seven, eight, nine, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, _and twenty-one, township seventeen south, range fourteen east, San Bernardino base and mer1dian, in the county of San Diego, California, settlement, proof, and payment of which has not been made, be, and the same is ereby, extended for the period of two years from the time settlement, proof, and payment would be required and become due under existing laws. Approved, March 1, 1907. · CHAP. 2288.-An Act Granting to the city of Durango, in the State of Colorado, M“f§l$*}W· certain lands therein described for water reservoirs. 0, . . Be it enacted by the Senate and [{0use of Rqwesentativee of the United _ States of America in Congress assemble , That the following-described E°$$,lE.;`i;(Li0_ tract of land situate in suspended townships thirty-eight north, range wg{,';j‘;,c*°" ‘"‘°" six west, and thirty-eight north, range seven west, New Mexico princi- D¤¤¤ri1>¢i¤¤· iéal meridian, in La Plata County, Colorado, within the San J nan Forest eserve, to wit: Be inning at corner numbered one, at the junction of · Missouri Gulch with the 1•lorida River, running thence north twenty degrees and seven minutes east four thousand nine hundred feet to station numbered two; thence north seventy-seven degrees and two minutes east one thousand and sixty feet to station numbered three; thence north eight degrees and twenty-four minutes east two thousand four hundred feet to station numbered four; thence north seven degrees and twenty-eight minutes west four thousand six l1undred feet to station numbered tive; thence north ten degrees and twenty-three minutes east five thousand four hundred feet to station numbered six; whence corner numbered one, reservoir numbered three, or Lake Lily, bears south fifty de vrees and seven minutes east one thousand two hundred feet; from said corner numbered one, Luke Lilv, the monument on Mount Valois bears south twenty-three degrees and ten minutes east four thousand seven hundred and ninety-two and six—tenths feet; United States location monumentTem est bears south thirty-one minutes east two thousand eight hundredjnnd ninety-six feet; thence from station numbered six, aforesaid, north eightyseven degrees and thirty-one minutes east one thousand five hundred and fiftv feet to station numbered seven; thence south thirty-eight degrees and thirty-seven minutes east three thousand three hundred feet to station numbered eight; thence south eighty-four degrees and thirty minutes east two thousand seven hundred feet to station numbered nine; thence south thirty-three minutes east four thousand feet to station numbered ten; thence south thirty degrees and twenty-four minutes east two thousand five hundred feet to station numbered eleven; thence south seventv-seven degrees and twenty-six minutes east three thousand two hundred feet to station numbered twelve; thence south fortv-three degrees and fifty-one minutes east one thousand seven hun— dred and fifty feet to station numbered thirteen; thence south five degrees and fifty-eigi.t minutes west two thousand two hundred and fifty