Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1301

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FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 2907. 1907. 127] reserve is in more than one State or Territory or county the distributive share to each from the proceeds of said reserve shall be roportional to its area therein: And provided further, That there shall not “’“"'““"*· be paid to any State or Territory for any county an amount equal to more than forty per centum of the total income of such county from all other sources: Provided further, That hereafter no forest reserve ,,§g;{§;‘*g,';°},:$,“f; shall be created, nor shall any additions be made to one heretofore ¤<¤rve¤¤min created within.the limits of the States of Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Sm°s' Montana, Colorado, or Wyorning, except by Act of Congress. d Tlgtal for Forest Service, two million four hundred thousand o rs. . BUREAU or cumuisrmz. i,£?.'°"" °‘ “*’"" Samnms, Bunnau or Cmamsrmrz One Chemist, who shall be chief S“l“"°°" of Bureau, five thousand dollars; one chief clerk, one thousand six hundred dollars; one clerk, class four, one thousand e` ht hundred dollars; two clerks, class three, three thousand two hundred dollars; four clerks, class two, five thousand six hundred dollars; one property clerk, one thousand six hundred dollars; beven clerks, class one, eight thousand four hundred dollars; five clerks, at one thousand dollars each, five thousand dollars; one library clerk, nine hundred dollars; one assistant propzrty custodian, nine hundred dollars; six clerks, at nine hundred do rs each, five thousand four hundred dollars; one engineer, one thousand two hundred dollars; two messen ers, at eight hundred and forty dollars each, one thousand six hundred and eighty dollars; three skilled laborers, at seven hundred and twenty dodlars each, two thousand one hundred and sixty dollars; one skilled laborer, six hundred dollars; one fireman, six hundred dollars· three messengers or laborers, at four hundred and eighty dollars each, one thousand four hundred and forty dollars; two messengers or laborers, at four hundred and twenty dollars each, eight hundred and forty dollars; in all, forty-seven thousand nine hundred and twenty dollars. Lauonyromr, Dsranmnur or ABRICULTUREZ General expenses, ‘*‘”°"‘°’Y°‘P°’“*’”- Bureau of Chemistry: Chemical apparatus, chemicals, laboratory Hxtures and supplies, repairs to engine and apparatus, gas and electric current, purc ase of all necessary office fixtures, supplies, and necessary expenses in conducting investigations in this Bureau, including actual and necessary traveling and other exglenses, telegraph and telephone services, for express and freight c urges, labor and expert work in such investigations, in the city of Wsmhington and elsewhere, and in collating, digesting, reporting, and illustrating the results of such experiments; to continue the collaboration with other bureaus and divisions of the Department desiring chemical investigations and to collaborate with other departments of the Government w hose heads request the Secretary of Agriculture for such assistance, and for other miscellaneous work: for the employment of additional assistants and R_ ‘ chemists, when necessary, and or the rent of buildings occupied by Alduulterntion the Bureau of Chemistry; to investigate the comoosition, adulteration, *°°"'·°"`· and false labeling, or false branding of foods, drugs, beverages, condiments, and ingredients of such articles, when deemed by the Secretary of Agriculture advisable, and also the effect of cold storage upon Fwd rrvserrnrives the healthfulness of foods to enable the Secretary of Agriculture to investigate the character of food preservatives, coloring matters, and other substances added to foods, to determine their relation to digestion and to health, and to establish the principles which should guide their use, and to publish the results of such investigations when P Y. M thought advisable: Bwivled, That before any adverse publication is Hle/iiiiilnss made, notice shall be given to the owner or manufacturer of the articles in question, who shall have the right to be heard and to introduce testimony before the Secretary of Agriculture. or his