Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1304

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1274 F IFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 2907. 1907. fungous and other diseases of insects; for the expenses of. insect laboratory, collections, and experimental garden; mvestigatwns in apiculture and in silk culture; investigatxons of insgrcticides pnd ·insecticide machiner *· urchase of chemica s, insectici e appara us, and other materials, hdplplies, and instruments required in conducting such experiments and investigations; for the employment of local and x special agents, clerks, assistants,_and other labor required in conducting experimentsin the city of Washington and elsewhere, and m collatmg, digesting, reporting, and illustrating the results_of such experiments; Emi- freight and express charges and necessary traveling expenses; rent of buildings; for office fixtures and supplies, telegraph and telephone services; gas and electric current; preparing, illustrating, and publishing the results of the work of the Bureau, one hundred thirteen White Hr- thousand eight hundred dollars, of which sum. ten thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, may be used to enable the Secretary of A iculture to continue the experiments looking to the eradication of th; pest known as the "wh·ite ily/’ Total for Bureau of Entomology, one hundred and thirty-six thousand and ten dollars. Sprunézauoimumml BUREAU OF BIOLOGICAL SURVEY. S“*’*°**· Sxmnms, BUnnAU or Bronooxcn. Sunvnrz One Biologist, who shall be Chief of Bureau, three thousand dollars; one clerk, class one, one thoumnd two hundred dollars; two clerks, at one thousand dollars each, two thousand dollars; one clerk, nine hundred dollars; one messenger orhlabgrgg, fopr hnilndrsdliagnd eighty dollars; in all, seven thousan five un r an eig ty o rs. §f§§s’gl§,§§f;““· Bronoorcxn mvmsuoxrroxsz General expenses, biological investigations: For biological investigations, including the geographic distribution and migrations of animals, birds,and plants, and for the promotion of economic ornithology and mammalogy; or an investigation of the food habits of North American birds and mammals in relation to agriculture, horticulture, and forestry; for the employment of local and special agents, clerks, assistants, and other labor required in conducting experiments in the city of Washington and elsewhere, and in collating, digeitingilrepgirting, and *illustrat}ng tihle rzsnlts of sulch exgieriments; for rei tan express c urges; oro 'ce `xtures an su ies, gas and electrig current, telegraph and telephone service; for plieparatiorf and pgbligation of reports,] and for illfistraltgonaltield worlk, and P¢¢r¤¤¤{· $2**:*; trave in an other expenses in the practice wor of t I0 Bureau, and Kihtheillptilll g m tt; enayg the Secrgtlag of~Agriculttp1ip to carry inrto eéfecg the provisions °· · · ’· o an ct a prov ay twenty-t , nineteen un re , entitled ‘An V Act to enlarPge the powers of the Department of Agriculture, prohibiting the transportatwn by interstate commerce of game killed in violation of local laws. and for other purposes,” forty-four thousand four Bgiggénppc v¤t¤_{_¤ Lg hundred and twenty dollars. And the Secretary of Agriculture is mae." hereby directed to investigate and report to the next session of Congress to what extent, if any, the work now being done by the Bureau of Biological Survey is duplicated by any other Department of the Government, and to what extent the work of this Bureau is of practical value to the agricultural interests of the country. Total for Bureau of Biological Survey, fifty-two thousand dollars. Mfj§‘,g@{)Q1‘;j€;‘jg{;F" DIVISION OF ACCOUNTS AND DISBURSEMENTS. S¤*··¤¢¤ Sxnnums, Drvrsros or Acconxcrs AND Drsennsmmxtrs: Chief of division and disbursing clerk. two thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars; one assistant chief of division. two thousand five hundred dollars; one auditor, two thousand dollars; one cashier and chief