Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1628

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clxxii INDEX. Sineemh Street NW, D. C., P¤z¤· 4 Smokeleas Powder, Navy, TPS86- procoedings to condemn land for géukway I approgiation for . 558, 1180 along Piney Branch to Roc Crock Smoot, on. Reed, _ Park _,_,,,_,_.,,,.,,...,... 1000 deficiency appropriation for reunburso- Sixth Light-Home Dwtrut, mont for expenses .. . ... 1395 appropriation for tender for inspector. . . . . 1317 Smm, Turkey. tender for inspector, limit of cost in- i c iiicaticn and salary of consul . 99 creased - . 323, 858 _ appropriation for clerk hire .. . . . 294, 924 Sixth Street NE., D. C., 1 Smyrna River, Del., proceedings to condemn land for extending 844 appropriation for improvement of . . . . 1081 S gp;;-opnagcnhfor .. 844 I S pr];a1?inaryI4;ax%Cmmation of, to be made .. 1112 kagtt wer, as ., | na e wer, as a, kproliminary examination of, to be made - - 1118 l time extended for completing improve- S mandoah, Hcndrizc, Indian Allottce, 5 ment of ... 1109 fee-simple title to .. -.- 380 E Snake River, Oreg., Woah., and Idaho, Shenandoah, Joseph, Indnhn Allotlcc, appropriation for improvement of . ... 1107 S fee-simplxrtitlo ... - . . 380 br1dgcI;.a1£h0rized across, at Lewiston, ' away amnur ., 0 .. 98 Sks;_Y§im£13)atio1l;;0r,impmvcmm1t of . ... 1085 between `Vxghgmau and Columbia counor, im, ties, .. 107 Sladrni ion permitted; condition . . 899 Snolaomkh River, Whsh., f b aug derhmwes, pre iminary examination 0 , to e made .. 1118 sanitary in action of, etc . 676, 1262 Snow and Ice, D. C., Slave Trade, gpureau for Reiprcmlon ofJ1f7"iC(1'7l, appropriation for removing from cross . appropriation for armua contribution. . . 291, 920 _ walks and gutters . , . 495, 1132 Sleeping Car Ccmpzmies, Smls Bureau, Detpartmenz of Agriculture, included as common carriers in interstate · appropriation or salaries - 687, 1272 Sha Cmnmercefyslgtiom .. 584 · or ggncerd crrlpcnsos  ;. . . 687, 1273 , ommodorc 0 ., to coin ustry . , . 687 1273 , appropriation for monument to commomo- Soldier, Taylor, Indian Allottee, ’ rate occupying Pacific coast by . - . - 1408 alienation restrictions removed .. . . 345 ' Smallpox, Soldkra and Sailors Orphans' Homes, State, appropriation for prevention of cgi- issue authorized of obsolete ordnance for S h (demic- . . 09, 1316 drill and instruction ... 817 mi! , YOTMWB -, | S ld' II D. O., S aP£r?g“ti°D for '€P“i” to Wharf and boat- 1291 Odegifctignniiom pay of retired men for, re- ""' » _ .°"`» _ _ _ pealcd ... - 242 d€H°*°g§}érO*;(I;Ié;°P'*at*0¤ for SBYVICGS to 656 Soldakraf Homes (xiao Naticém1iHomc for Dis- ···-—-—-·--------·------- bl d V t I\. EMM Edward A-, and MMS, sozmwzyrim Jgzggrgsznzoojiigizie may construct dam, etc., across Rock appropriation for ______________________ 44Q 985 River, at Lyndon, 111 -----·---- 933 Er mimm sonicims ,_,,,,,,,,.,.,.. 402: 948 Smith, Eulala, Indian Allottee, Solicitor-General, alienation restrictions removed 346 appropriation for .. 440, 985 Smith, John, Indian Allotuc, Solicitor of ("vmtoma, apgrcgnation for purchase of land for . 1045 appointment of, and assistants; duties, sal- Smtt ,_ oscph Leonard, Indian Allottu, aries, etc ... 763 fee-srziple title to . 373 Solicitor of Internal Revenue, Smith, _ on. Thomas 4., _ appropriation for .. 440, 985 dcfic1c!r<i•{t_sppmpnat10u for contested- 661 Sonmtor Iofbthe Department of Commerce and e ron expenses ..,.,.. a m, Smith, _W A., _ _ appropriation for, clerks, etc 441, 986 detimency spprogr nation for extra services. 43 Solicitor of the mmm S if mv;] ’¤b1>;y; ---·-·-------- 660.1394 apfmiimtaoukgm, mismr, cmks, m.. 441,986 mit , 1 wm . Ctatzs, or a * boo .,... 441, 986 my bridge Tug Fvrk of Big Sandy River, sm of u; Am-sm zzmzumm D. 0. Na. Wi li¤m¤0¤, W- V3 -----·---------- 69 tional Society gfthe,’ Smilhsowiqn ]'mlitufi0*n, _ incorporated; powers, etc , 227 appropriation for mtcmatronal exchanges. SOM of wmam, D_ gw l l · for American E¢k¤¤i<>gy -·---------- 704,1310 pumshgigig, T 62 for International Catalogue of Scientihc S h I.immm·e . . 704,1310 "9 ""‘· . t. f . t. t. f for Astrephfrsical Observatory . .. 704, 1310 appmpgm gem if mves lga Hm 0 Sugar prgél 1267 for Nations Museum 704,1311 uc mn °m"_‘ ‘*‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘`‘‘‘ I * 10; National Zoological rm 704,1311 South and, Mmm Rmlrvad Cmpanyi By-, for improvement, ctc., of grounds . . . 733, 1341 1%, ani} Tcmko {oi- printing mid binding ____________ 760, ]367 may budge Cimch Rrvcr and branches. Va- 191 doiioioii appropriation fg]- American Holsmn Rnvcr and bmnchos, Ya. and Eihuolcgy 1403 T91m- --·· - ··-----··---·--·-—---·· 191 rcappointment of George Gray on Board of South and Western Railroad Company, Va., _ Regmxts . . . . 1419 mag bridge Clinch River and branches, Va. 191· Rrchar O1:;;] pu Board of Heights 822 olscou River and branches, Va. and Andrew D. xtc on Board of agents . 827 Tenn ..._,,.. . 191