Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/388

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358 FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. 1. cu. 2504. 1906. Lpjségfksing That John Oldman, Santee Sioux allottee numbered one hundred and tions removed. sixty-two and one hundred and sixty~three, to whom a patent has been issued containing restrictions on alienation, may sell and convey his allotment, but such conveyance shall be subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior, and when so approved shall convey full title to the purchaser the same as if a linal patent without restrictions had been issued to the allottee. . ` Nevada. NEVADA. Aézxm S¤¤¤¤<>¤¤ For support civilization of the Indians of the Western Shoshone etgupportol mums, Agency, evada, including pay of employees, eight thousand dollars. · cans0N SCHOOL. · °"’°“'°l’°°'- For support and education of three hundred Indian pupils at the Indlipn school at Carson City, Nevada, fifty thonsand one hundred dol rs; d Sor pay of superintendent at said school, one thousand eight hundred 0 ars; For general repairs and improvements, three thousand dollars; For addition to schoolhouse, five thousand dollars; For employees’ cottages, three thousand dollars; For moving and rebuilding barn, one thousand dollars; In all, sixty-three thonsan nine hundred dollars. I"°*‘*°”'•l'- For general incidental expenses of the Indian Service in Nevada, ` including traveling expenses of a ents, and sup rt and civilization of Indians located on the Piute, Walker River, ando Pyramid Lake reservations, five thousand dollars; And pay of employees, including physician at the Walker River Reservation, four thousand dollars; _ W lk _ In all, nine thousand dollars. m,°{;,,§T R"" R"' That in addition to the allotment in severalty of lands in the Vifalker €dl"°°" l’""’S ’°*°"`· River Indian Reservation in the State of Nevada, and the selection and setting apart for the use in common of the Indians nonirrigable, graz- V°'·“2·P·’“· ing lands therein, as provided by the joint resolution of June nineteenth, nineteen hundred and two (Thirty-second Statutes, pa e seven hundred and forty-four), the Secretary of the Interior shali before any of said lands are open to disposition under any public land law,. select and set apart for the use in common of the Indians of said reservation such tract or tracts of timber land therein at one or more places as will subserve the reasonable requirements of said Indians for Y fuel and improvements. iQ:}:.`},,'?,"; 0, md For the purpose of purchasing from the State of Nevada lots two,

  • •**· three, and four, section thirteen, township forty-seven north, range

thirty-eight east, Mount Diablo meridian (forty-eight and eight hundredths acres), for allotment to Pah Ute Indians in connection with adjoining public land, seventy dollars, or as much thereof as may be necessarv. I`"' M°""`°’ NEW MEXICO. (See Arizona for “Su port and civilization of the Apache, etc.," in Arizona and) New Mexico.) Anauqumzoca scuoor. _c;,‘0{,}f“ ‘1“ °' ‘¤“° For support and education of three hundred Indian upils at the (Indian sc ool at Albuquerque. New Mexico, fifty thousand) one hundred 0 ars; d For pay of superintendent of said school, one thousand eight hundred 0 lars;