Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/508

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478 F IFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. L CHS. 3546, 3547. 1906. compensation of anympersons permanently incapacitated for perform- Pension mu etc., ing such service. e estab ishment of a civil pension ro I or an mbmm ‘ honorable service roll, or the exemption of any of the officers, clerks, and persons in the postal service from the existing laws respecting emllployment in such service is hereby prohibited. _ m:_e1_;r¤vri¤¤:: w _ hat if the revenues of the l’ost—OiHce Department shall be insuf- . iicient to meet the appropriations made by this Act, a sum equal to such deficiency of the revenue of said Department is hereby appropriated, to be paid out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise a propriated, to supply said deficiencies in the revenues for the Post- (lilice Department for the year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and seven. Approved, June 26, 1906. gm CHAP. 3547.-An Act For the protection and regulation of the fisheries of [Public, No. £ · I Be it enacted by the Senate cmd Home of Repreaentatéves of tiuz United Q m wk States of America in Congress assembled, That every person, company, wm.or corporation carrying on the business of canning, curing, or preserv- 2u1g tis or manufacturing fish products within the territory known as aska, ceded to the United States by Russia by the treaty of March ` thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, or in any of the waters of . Alaska over which the United States has jurisdiction, shall, in lieu of umnmmpm- all other license fees and taxes therefor and thereon, pay license taxes “°"‘ on their said business and output as follows: Canned salmon, four cents {per ease; pickled salmon, ten cents TT barrel; salt salmon in bulk, ve cents per one hundred pounds; iis oil, ten cents per barrel; museum. fertilizer, twenty cents per ton. The payment and collection of such v°‘·°°*’·“’°· license taxes shall be under and in accordance with the provisions of the Act of March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, entitled "An Act to deline and punish crimes in the district of Alaska, and to phrovide a code of criminal procedure for the district,” and amendments ereto. P¤*¤•¤ 1=•¢¤¤¤r1¤•· Sec. 2. That the catch and k of salmon made in Alaska b the ui§E5$$ii°° M In owners of private salmon hatchdligs operated in Alaska shall be exbmpt B°‘°· ‘ from all license fees and taxation of every nature at the rate of ten cases of canned salmon to every one thousand red or king salmon fry liberated, upgn the following conditions: Y¤¤l>¤¢¤¤¤· That the cretary of Commerce and Labor may from time to time, and on the application of the hatchery owner shall, within a reasonable time thereafter, cause such private hatcheries to be inspected for the purpose of determining the character of their operations, efficiency, Apvmval. and productiveness, and if he approve the same shall cause notice of such approval to be tiled in the office of the clerk or deputy clerk of the United States district court of the division of the district of Alaska wherein any such hatchery is located, and shall also notify the owners H 0; mom; of such hatchery of the action taken by him. The owner, agent, officer, ’“ or superintendent of any hatchery the eifectivenessand productiveness 0f_ w_ ich has been approved as above provided shall, between the thirtieth day of June and the thirty-first day of December of each year, make proof of the number of salmon fry liberated during the twelve months immediately preceding the thirtieth day of June, by a written statement under oat . Such proof shall be filed in the office of the clerk or deputy clerk of the United States district court of the division of the district of Alaska wherein such hatchery is located, and when so filed shall entitle the respective hatchery owners to the exemption as herein provided; and a false oath as to the number of salmon fry liberated shall be deemed perjury and subject the offender