Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/653

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FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS." Sess. I. Ch. 3617. 1906. 623 CHAP. 3617.:-An Aut Granting to the Territory of Oklahoma, for the use and J¤¤€ 29» 1996- benefit of the University Preparatory School of the Territory of Oklahoma, section [H' R·1718°·] thirty-three, in township numbered twenty-six north of range numbered one west of [Public, No. 363.] the Indian meridian, in Kay County, Oklahoma Territory. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rqrwesenmtives of the United States of America in (bngress assembled, That all of section numbered Oklahoma. thirty-three, in township numbered twenty-six north of range num- usIg°Z,I§({;f${$§1,;i{§)’p£‘Q{ bered one west of the Indian meridian, in Kay County, Oklahoma P°jf3°'Y $****00*- Territory, same being a portion of the lands reserved to said Terri- ne' P m` tory for public building purposes, be, and the same is hereby, granted to the Territory of Oklahoma for the use and benefit of the University Preparatory School of said Territory of Oklahoma, to be and become the property of the said University Preparatory School for building purposes, but no indemnity shall be allowed for this section: Provided, Qgl Ommhmd hat the board of regents of the said University Preparatory School ` may set apart any part of said section of land as a campus for said school, and may sell and dispose of and convey the residue of said section of land, either by proper subdivisions or latting the same into town sites as an addition to the said town of Tbnkawa, or otherwise, and at public or private sale, as the said board of regents of the said University Preparator School may deem best, and all money arising _ use Oypmeeeas. from the sale of any ofy said lands shall be used and ex ended by the board of regents of said University Preparatory Schoorli only for the erection of buildings for the use of said school. S121c. 2. That the leases to the present tenants thereon, made by the L¤¤~¤¢¤~ board for leasing school lands of the Territory of Oklahoma, shall remain in full force and effect until their respective expirations, and Avpwmé of imthat the governor of the Territory of Oklahoma shall appoint, on the Pr°v°m°° ap lication of the board of regents of said University Preparatory School, three disinterested freeholders of said county to appraise the value of the improvements on said lands belonging to the lessees thereof, and such improvement shall be appraised at the fair, reasonable value thereof, and the said appraisers shall give ten days} notice of the time when such appraisement shall be made by posting the same in a conspicuous place on each quarter section of said lands, and shall take an oath fairly and impartially to appraise the improvements of the said lessees on said lands at the fair, reasonable value thereof, and shall make report of such appraisement and file the same with the governor of Report. the Territory of Oklahoma with such oath, and the board of regents of said University Preparatory School shall immediately pay the amount Paymentso fixed to the treasurer of the Territory of Oklahoma for the use of such lessees and have immediate possession of said lands: Pmvided P¤·¢>vi¢<>¤- fur!/wr, That if either the board of regents of said University Pre- Avx>€¤J· paratory School or said lessees shall feel themselves aggrieved by the valuation of such appraisers they may, withm thirty ays from the liling of such report with the g0\’€!‘¤0r of the 'lerrltory, appeal to the Noticedistrict court of said county by filing notice with the governor of said Territory and filing a bond to be approved by the governor, conditioned that such person or said board of regents will prosecute such appeal to effect and without unnecessary delay, and pay all costs and judg- €<>¤¤- ments that may be awarded against them in said proceeding. And Damages. the overnor oi said Territory shall immediately cause a copy of the appiivation of said board and the appointment and oath and report of said ap raisers, together with the bond aforesaid, to be bled with the clerk og the district court of said Kay County, whereupon the question of the amount of damages sustained by such lessees shall be tried de novo by a jury: And provided fi¢7‘t/l€7', That the board of regents of feéggtmenr of difsaid bniversity Preparatory Sohool are hereby vested with. full ‘ authority on behalf of said Territory to settle and ad]ust the differences between said University Preparatory School and the lessees of