Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/662

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632 FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 3628,3906, 3907. 1906. June 1906. CHAP. 8628.-—·An Act To amend an Act entitled "An Act authorizing the con-

 R‘ MM`] demnation of lands or easements needed in connection with works of river and har-

[rnblic, No. 374.] bor improvement at the expense of persons, companies, or corporations," approved ' May sixteenth, nineteen hundred and six.

   Be it enacted   t/we Senate and Hmm of Representatives of tfze Ghited

§§},$,'§u§,‘}2t}},'§b°’§; States 0{ America m Congress assembled, That an Act enutled "An lgga Jor i¤=i>¤>v¤- Act ant orizing the condemnation of lands or easements needed in condmze, L. ms, amend- nection with worlcs of river and harbor improvement at the exyaense of · . persons companies or corporations ” approved May sixteent nineteen lkundred and six, be amended sc; as to read as follows: ’ S<=¤!¤‘i¤g ¤¤¤¤»¢¤=·· "T at whenever any person company or corporation municipal by pmm wma' or Hrivate, shall undertake to secure any,land or easenieht therein, gee ed ll; connection with a work of r1ver and harbor improvement uly authorized by Congress for the pur ose of conveying the same M%;¤!;;¤gg;ig;=·€(g*¤~ to the United States free of Jost, or for the purpose of constructing, A ’' maintaining and 0 ratinv locks dry doeks or other W01'kS to be conveyed tn; the giiited litates iree of costa, and of constructing, maintaining and operating dams for use in connection therewith, and shall be unable for any reason to obtain the same by purchase and P¤><=¢¢di¤8=·~ acquire a valid title thereto, the of XVKP may, in his discretion, cause proceedings to be mstituted ID the name of the United States for the acquirement by condemnation of said land or easement, and lt shall be the duty of the Attorney-General of the United States to mstitute and conduct such proceedings upon the gw- request of the Secretary of War: Provzded, That all expenses of said groceedings and any award that may be tnade thereunder shall be paid

g i;b§;a1  pe¤·s0n, %0mpny, 01* corporation,   secure wh1ch payment

c ye ry 0 ar may requu·e e said person company or

  • ’°¤¤· corporation to execute a proper bond in such amount as he may deem _

necessary before said proceedings are commenced? Approved, June 29, 1906. J s0,1¤0s. CHAP. 3906.-A A tT ththtm t {A ’ Ass' “’E§. mi geuaai. Campbell: ¤F¤a€d“Téa3I`.f’S:av$?E¤”JE ¤§i'3¤3.i Q31Q5m. £?;”aE2S%‘5§‘;3 {mule, xs. ams.] fates i avy.

 Be il enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives a fthe United

Raid L m Stages of Anwrzca ara Ormgwess assenghledi That the President be, and bel], he is hereby, authorized, by and with the advice and consent of the mQ_Pl{’{"';{l':a'Qnj'$j Senate, to apgpint Acting Assistant Surgeon Reuben A. Cam bell, ¢h<>ri=e<l. Lmted btates avy, as an assistant surgeon IH the United States xlilavy with the rank of lieutenant (junior grade), to take yank and position at the foot of the list, whenever, before the expiration of his present acting commission, he shall successfully pass the examination prescribed by law for the appointment of medical officers of this grade. Approved, June 30, 1906. J,,?;? 2?g;2L.5$1é;\é~L£gr§he ieliei of James H. Oliver, a commander on the [Public' N°' m'] Bg it enacted ay the Senate and Ibzme of Representative.s of the United N", Suites of America z n Congress assembled, That the President bq, and j‘¤;)¤;g·t<;¤;;*i as he is herelgy, authorized to app0int James Oliver, now a commander mn¤=¤&%%;2§.¤¤»-e on the retired list of the Lmted States Navy, to the rade of com-

 · mander on the active l1st of the United States Navy: iw-avided That

E**¤¤¤¤·¤<>¤· the said James Oliver shall establish to the satisfaction of the Secretary of the I\avy, by examination pursuant to law, his physical,