Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/735

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FIFTY·NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 3914. 1906. 705 the printing and publishing of operations, not exceeding one thousand five hundred copies, and general incidental expenses not otherwise provided for, including purchase, maintenance, and driving of horses and vehicles required for oihcial purposes, ninety-five thousand dollars; ` one half of which sum shall be {paid from the revenues of the District mu from nisma of Columbia and the other half rom the Treasury of the United States. '°""°°°' INTERSTATE commmzcm commission. mgptpgéggd For salaries of Commissioners, as rovided by the “Act to regu- same. or commulate cominerce," thirty-seven thousand five hundred dollars; “‘{5‘§f“‘,,_ ,,_ M_ For salary of secretary, as provided by the "Act to regulate commerce," three thousand five hundred dollars; For all other necessary expenditures, to enable the Commission to §,*]>¤2j¤¢¤- M give effect to the Act to. regulate commerce, and all Acts and amend- xgé, pZiié4. ments supplementary thereto, including the joint resolution ‘_‘ instruct- ”“· ”· 82**- M ing the nterstate Commerce Commission to make examinations into the subject of railroad discriminations and monopolies in coal and oil, and report on the same from time to time,” approved March seventh, nineteen hundred and six, two hundred and forty-nine thousand dollars, together with the further sum of one hundred and sixty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, which is hereby transferred to said Commission, and made available for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and seven, from the -balance of the appropriation of five hundred thousand dollars for the enforcement of “An Act to regulate e0mmerce" and all Acts amendatory thereof or su plemental thereto, and other Acts mentioned in said appropriation, made in the legislative, v¤1.s2, p. aa. executive, and judicial appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred andfour, and reappropriated for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and six by the sundry civil appropriation Act, under the Depart- VM- $3-1*- **7- ment of Justice; of which sums not exceeding forty-five thousand c0§:=s5l°Ym°¤* °* dollars may be expended in the employment of counsel, and not exceed- ` ing one thousand five hundred dollars may be expended for the purchase of necessary books, reports, and periodicals, and not excee ing B<>¤k¤.•¤¢c. · one thousand five hundred dollars may be ex nded for printing other than that done at the Government Printing Ciiice: Prrrvided, 'l hat no p·¤»u:q.i other part of the sums appropriated in t is paragraph for the lntcr- °”"°°°"‘ state Commerce Commission shall be expended for printing. The unexpended balance of the sum of ten thousand dollars appro- r Aébgpcgcn of milpriated for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-nine by the °§.nLncZ$L°f§§}°pa. "Act concerning carriers engaged in interstate commerce and their °'$tj;,_,,yp_ ,,6, employecs," approved June first, eighteen hundred_and ninety-eight, which was reappropriated by the Act of March third, nineteen hun- - dred and five, is hereby reappropriated and made available for expenses that may be incurred under said Act during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and seven. To enable the Interstate Commerce Commission to keep informed p,}:g;•jY ¤¤‘°'·Y *P‘ regarding compliance with the "Act to promote the safety of employees 2v, kB31- and tmvelcrs upon railroads," approved March second, eighteen hun- "" ‘ dred and ninety-three, including the employment of inspectors to execute and enforce the requirements of the said Act, eighty-five thousand dollars. miscmmnxnous·rs, Txmascux nmrxnrmnivr. miscenxam-ma. Parma ron 1N·rnnNAL-REVENUE STAMPS: For paper for internal- Pew ¤¤d=°·*¤¤P¤· revenue stamps, including freight, sixty-five thousand dollars. _ _ I PUNISHMENT FOR VIOLATIONS OF IXTERNAL-REVENUE PAWS: Eor ug';'g;‘h;:€er;:Km°;,: detectin and hrin 'ng to trial and punishment persons guilty of vic- emit nm. lating the internaglrevenue laws or coumving at the same, including vox. xxxrv, rr 1--45