Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/789

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FII<`TY—1\INTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 3914. 1906. 759 UNDER LEGISLATIVE. _ L¤s*¤¤¤¤v<>- _ S'1`A'l.’EMENT OF APPR01·RIAT1oNs: For preparation, under' the direc- ,§”:f°¤*°¤°°f ¤PP¤>· tion of the Committees on Appropriations of the Senate and House P E on of Representatives, of the statements showing appropriations made, new offices created, offices the salaries of which have been omitted, increased, or reduced, indefinite appropriations, and contracts authorized, together with a chronologicalphistory of .the regular appropriation bills epassed during the first session of the Fifty-ninth Congress, as requir by the Act approved October nineteenth, eighteen hundred V°1-25-1* 587- and eighty-eight, two thousand dollars, to be paid to the persons designated by the chairmen of said committees to do said work. Cuxnrrms AND CoNsTrrUT1oNs: For the purchase from Professor m°t},*g{°¤¤ md ¤¤¤- Francis N. Thorpe of the manuscri t for a new edition of charters, 'rurdiiiiéenr much constitutions, an organic laws of all) the States, Territories, and col- §],;.;,,'{',§}{'*’°"‘ “"“‘“' onies now or heretofore forming the United States, and any Acts of Congress relating thereto, prepared by him, ten thousand dollars: Provided, 'I`hat he shall prepare a complete index of the work and do all roof reading in connection with the preparation, printing, and ' publication thereof; and the Public Printer shall print and bind six blmtiw **1** <“¤°¤· thousand copies of the work, of which two thousand copies shall be for ` tlge use of the Senate and four thousand copies for the use of the House o Re resentatives. Borsxmc GARDEN: For painting, glazing, and general repairs to gggjg Gardnbuildings, heating apparatus, foot wa ks, and roadways, and for recon- ` structing plant houses numbered one and two, south side of Maryland avenue, with cast-iron sills and gutters, wrought-iron rafters an purlines, lf·cypress sash bars, an reglaze wit twelve inch by sixteen inch cgiiible thick glass, under the irection of the Joint Committee on the Library, seven thousand dollars. PUBLIC PRINTING AND BINDING. For the public rintin , for the public bindin , and for r for ,§“b“$P¤¤**¤¢¤¤d the public Iprintinxg, incldding the cost of print§ng the dogg and b ding proceedings of Congress in the _Congressional Record. and for lithographing, mapping, and etrégraving for both houses of Congress, the Supreme Court of the Uni States, the supreme court of the District of Columbia, the Court of Claims, the Library of Congress, the Executive Office, and the Departments; for salaries, compensation, or wages of all necessary clerks and employees; for the purchase and installation of, and instruction in, cost, audit, and inventory systems; for rents, fuel, gas, electric current, gas and electric fixtures, and ice; for bipy. cles, horses, wagons, and harness, and the_care, driving, and subsistence of the same, to be used only for official puiéposes, including the purchase, maintenance, and driving of horses an vehicles for official use of officers of the Government Printing Office when in writing ordered bv the Public Printer; for freight, expressage., telegraph an telephonevserviceg for furniture, typewriters, and carpets; or traveling expenses, statlcnéry, postage, 8Hd ¤1dV€1'tlSmg;·fOr directories, technical books, and books of reference, not exceeding five hundred dollars; for adding and numbering machines, time stamps, and other machines of similar charafrttéf; fol’ I‘Gp8ll‘S; for othenneoessary contingent and miscellaneous items authorized by the Public Printer; and for all the necessary materials needed in the prosecution of the work, five million one hundred fb0l1S8D<]_ dQll3l‘S; and from the said gun; Am°l“‘°‘ hereby appropriated printingand binding shall be done by the Public Printer to the amounts following, respectively, namely: _ For rinting and binding fol` C0[lgl‘€SS, including_the proceedings Ml¤¤¤¤¤¤- and dgbates, and for rents, two mllhon ninety-three thousand five <><>¤s¤=¤¤—