Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/859

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FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ras. 21-24. 1906. 829 lirst, nineteen hundred and six; James W. Waxisworth to succeed · General Martin T. McMahon, deceased, whose term of office expires April twenty—iirst, nineteen hundred and ten. Approved, May 7, 1906. P glo. 22.] Joint Resolution Extending the thanks of Congress to General Horace [,1£“_{§}§Qg;, o r. __...M.. [Pub. Res., No. H.] Resobved by the Senate and House of Representatlves of the United States ofzlmeriea in Congress assemble , That the thanks of the people §,;;*jg_f,*g'(Eg,;grB¤g of the United States are ]ustl due and are hereby tendered to General w. for recovery or Horace Porter, late ambassador to France, for his disinterested and l’§{l§,_°f J°h" Pm patriotic services in conducting, upon his own initiative and at his own expense, a series of researches an excavations extending over a period of six years and resulting in the recovery of the body of A miral John Paul Jones from a forgptten grave in a foreign land and its return to the country which e had loved so well and so heroically served: Resolved, That General Porter be requested to furnish Con- gwé at A • • . . llDBp0· gress a copy of his remarks at the exercises at Annapolis, April gseclslepnxnminme twenty-sixt , nineteen hundred and·six, and that, when received, said °°° ‘ remarks be printed in the Record. _ Approved, May 9, 1906. [No. 23.] Joint Resolution Authorizing the construction and maintenance of [1g1g 1g3i3h wharves, piers, and other structures in La e'Mich1gan, adjoining certain lands in __..L.;..._... Lake County, Indiana. [Pu1>.1m.,N¤.2a.} Resolrell by the Senate and House of R esentatifves of the United States of America in Congress assembled, mt the owners of the prop- erty known as sections numbered thirty-three and thirty-four, town- muuuewnm·v¤s,em., ship thirty-seven, range eight west, Lake County, Indiana, be permitted °“· "' I"‘“ °°““°" to lill the whole or such portions, as they maiy elect, of the bed of Lake Michigan adjacent to such property, an within the boundary established by the extension of such section lines, out to a depth of water not exceeding twenty-tive feet, and that such owners may be permitted to build wharves, piers, and such other structures as may be useful for occupancy or to promote navigation inside of and out to , such twenty-five-foot ine: Hwided, That the owners thereof shall £m$ Ofwm, to present a, map, showing U18 line to Wlllcll they intend illling, and com- approve plims. etc. plete plans to the Secretary of War and Qhief of Engineers, and until they shall approve the same this_perm1ssion shall not be effective: flmvlded fa7·ther, That this permlt shall not conflict with any law or R°¤°¤"*=**°¤- statute of the State of Indiana, in which said property is located. Approved, May 16, 1906. [No. 24.] Joint Resolution Authorizing the Secretary of War to furnish brass June 4,1906. cannon to the General Howell P08i?, NUI11b9Fod Thirty-One, Grand Army of the lH··l· R·g8-l Republic, of Woodbury, New Jersey. [puh_ Bm, N0_ 24] Resolved by the Senate and House if Representatives of the United States of America in Lbngress assem ed, . hat the Secretary of War smug Army 0; me be, and is hereby, authorlzéd to dBi1V9i' to the General Howell Post, Mfg; °;,,,,,,,,n d0_ Numbered Thirty-one, Grand Army of the Republic, Woodburyr, blew gg¢¤gc¢g§¤g;0r;é$rv;· Jersey, if the same can be done without detriment to the (public service, N. .1.’ two brass cannon, now at the Frankford Arsenal, Phila elphia, Penn-