Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/922

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892 FIFTY·N1NTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 923-925, 927. 1907. F¢}>I;¤;¤’Y2gi$é£U7- _ 923.-An Act Providing for the construction of a bridge across the Mis- W-;;.-' sissippi iver. . Pub1ic,N0.86.] I Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United gmggxc States ofnélmerica in Congress assembled, That the Saint Louis Electric nudge company my Bridge Com ny, a corporation organized under the laws of the State §,"f€°·°‘ “°*“"‘°““· of lllinois, H, and is hereby, authorized to construct, maintain, and operate a railroad, wagon, and foobpassenger bridge, and all approaches thereto, across the Mississippi River at Saint Louis, Mis- ·‘”"·¥’·“· souri, in accordance with the provision of the Act entitled "An Act to regulate the construction of brid es over navigable waters/’ approved March twenty-third, nineteenbiundred and six.

  • “¤°°***°°°'- Sec. 2. That the riglit to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby

expressly reserved. ‘ Approved, February 15, 1907. Fep!m;'wé!>§;%|W. m .0?2:é$;i£2;g%::;horize the reappointment of Harry McL. P. Huse as PubIic,N0.%. ‘ · { 1Be it enacted by the Senate and House of R esentatifves of the United §:{,!§ McL_P_Hm States of America in Congress assembled, mt the President be, and my be reappointed he is hereby, authorizedto a point, by and with the advice and coni§l"£“"°“ °° °°°iv° sent of the hSe1{gte, Iélagry P. Hugeanow a lprogessor of mathematics in the nite States avy wit e ran o comman er, a commander on the active list of the Navy, to take rank next after muon_ William L. Rodgers: Provided, That the said Harry McL. P. Huse shall establish to the satipfactilon olt the lSecrt-itgiy of tlge Nagy by examination ursuant to aw is p ysica ,' men , mora , an ro- Addmom mmm jlesgpnal éiltpgishto pgfpfm thewdlirticiix gg that 1g13d1e}: And_p({·ovi)ded D, U, ur er, e said arr i c . . use s a e carrie as an gr Q additional to the number of tyhe grade to which he may be appointed under this Act, or at any time thereafter promoted: And provided Y0 Mrk var fart/ter, That the said Harry McL. P. Huse shall not by the passage of this Act be entitled to back pay of any kind. Approved. February 15, 1907. F<·¤¤¤¢¤‘>‘ 151907- CHAP. 925.-An Act To auth riz th i m E A . ina ¥*¥;f*;*fi’;_ Qulian Taylor Mmm, Umm stm; Nsvy, llstllmusgistfsieilqebta iii llilislstinriiellillg [Public, No. 87,] avy. V Be it enacted by Senate and House of ltrizyzwesentatives of the United j]';§,{’,,T,Y,0,M,,,Er States ofzlmerwa in (tbngresa assembled, That the President be, and gstyngesgppgggrféi as- he is hereby, authorized, by and with the advice and consent of the WSenate, to appoint Acting Assistant Surgeon Julian Taylor Miller, United States Navy, as an assistant surgeon in the United States Navy “°"*·"'*'· with the rank of lieutenant (junior grade), to take rank and position at the foot of the list whenever, before the expiration of his present. H¤¤¤¤¤i¤¤¤¤¤· acting commission, he shall successfully pass the examination prescribed by law for the appointment of medical officers of this grade. Approved, February I5, 1907{ Fv?g¤gyé£&;9;>7· CHAP. 927.TAn Act To authorize the county of Clay, in the State of Arkansas, · _;, Wj;__ to construct a bridge across Black River at or near Bennetts Ferry, in said county {puma, xo, as.] and State. Be it enacted by the Senate andHmwe of R esentatiees o the United gggkclgitgeg Mk States o_/'Aznerica in Congress assembled, Tlmthe countybf Clay, one , my image, at seal of the counties of the State of Arkansas, duly created and organized "°“’ F““’>’· under the laws of said State, be, and it is hereby, authorized to con-