Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 2.djvu/1430

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2748 F IF TY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cus. 2584-2588. 1907. llgargl CHAP. 2584.-An Act F or the relief of John Laviue. U’*'*"*°· N°· 23***-] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatw}ves of the United John Levine. _ States of America in. Congress assembled, That the Secretaiyof War chE,.‘;g§:,,'{Q§_ “"" be, and he is hereby, directed to remove the charge of desertion from the military record of the said John Lavine, late private in Company A, Second Regiment Vermont Volunteer Infantry, and to issue to said John Lavine a certificate of honorable discharge bearing even date Prvviw- with the cha of desertion: Provided, That no pay bounty, or other N° I"' m' emoluments lsizll become due or payable by virtue df the passage of · this Act. Approved, March 2, 1907. ]H{*’fg_%bg4”l`*}· CHAP. 2585.-An Act Granting an increase of pension to James C. Strong. |*’¤'¤'¤·N°-’$“·l Be it enacted by the Senate and House ofR'?n·esentatives of the United m.,,, c_s,,,,,,g_ States of America in Oonyress assembled, That the Secretary of the P¤¤=*°¤ *¤°*¤¤¤¤<*- Interior be, and he is here y, authorized and directed to place on the pension roll, subject to the provisions and limitations of the nsion aws, the name of James . Strong, late lieutenant-colonel Thirty- eighth Regiment New York Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate of seventy-two dollars per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. Approved, March 2, 1907. {gg $,;,93- cnn. ance.-An Act ernnung n pension to edward w. nom. _ l*’*‘l'•*·=»N<¤ M-1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatices of t/ae United 1,,;,,,,,,, w_H,,l,,,,_ States of America Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the l’°¤¤*°¤- Interior be, and he IS hereby, authorized and directed to lace on the pensiotnh roll, subjeptég thei ppovgigns and limitations ot) the pension aws, e name o war . 0 an, late of Com n 1, Second Rpgimept élipted States Cavalry, and pay him a perigoii at the rate o weny dollarsper mon . ` Approved, March 2, 1907 . 1*:,*},*:*;,*: CHAP. 2587.-An Act Granting a pension to James M. Wood. lm*¤¤¤»N¤-MI Be it enacted by Me Senate and House of Representatives of t/ae United km,,,, M_w,,0d_ States af America in Ocngress assembled, That the Secretary of the Y¤¤¤i¤¤· Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to place on the pension roll, subject to thxiiprovisions and limitations of the pension aws, the name of James . Wood, late of Captain James Hankins’s copipapniy, Alalguaa Scouts andhGu1des, and pay him a pension at the raeo weve dollarspcrmon . Approved, March 2, 1907. lglaimrlé CHAP. 2588.-An Act Granting a pension to Abbie L. Hanford. (mmm. No am.] Be it enacted the Senate and House ofR?resentatives of the United Abb,€LH_um“,_ States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Pension. Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to place on the pension roll, sub]ect to the provisions and limitations of the pension