Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 2.djvu/1525

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xvm INDEX. Cosgrove, Carrie E. (widow), P¤8¤- I Coy, Eglwafd, P°K°· pension increased .,. 2504 5 pension inqreased ..-..--..----·- 1466 Cosgrove, James W, Coyle, Catherine (widow), _ pension increased . .. 2495 pension ..-.---.-—· · ·---- 1607 Costinezt, Carrie E. (widow), ‘ Coyle, John B., pension ________ _ ________________________ 1829 I pensmn increased ... 2266 Ootten, Aurelia (widow), 1 63 { Ooyner, Frances (widow), 1759 ension ...,._..,.._.,_.. 6 ension . . ..·.-.- Czston, John R., Crlaibzree, Job B., pension increased ,,,,_,,____,_____,,,._. 1620 } pension increased ... 2247 Cottrell, George, | Craig, panzel, payment to _,_,,,,,,,_..,,,,,,._,,,..._, 2661 [ pensxon increased ... 1880 Oottrili, Casey (widow), Craig, .Franklm, pension .,.,.._.,. . .. 1819 pension increased ... 2682 Coughanour, George W, _ Crazg, john B., pension increased ... 1855 penswn increased ... 1746 Coughlin, John, Craig, Thomas C., pension increased .,..,.. 1972 I pension increased ... 1780 Coulson, Saul, ‘ Craightorn, Solomon pension increased ... 2363 I pension increased, ... 2262 Coulter, John A., Craigo, Margaret E. (widow), pension increased ... 1512 pension increased ... 2706 Coulum, Andrew JY, alias Samuel Myers, Cramer, Andrew, pension increased ... 1654 pension increased ... 2901 Counter, Octave, Cramer, Peter, pension increased ... 1856 pension increased ... 2211 Countryman, Joseph, Crompton, David F., ` pension increased ... 2654pension increased . 1837 Counts, Mqry A. (widow), Crandall, P., pension increased ... 2124 pension increased . 2080 Court of Claims, _ Crandall, Henry, to hear claim of Esther Rousseau . 2408 pension increased ... . . 1694 S. W. Peel for services to Choctaw Orandol, James, Nation ... 2415 pension increased . 2044 Snare and Triest Company . 2567 Cram, John H, to hear Indian depredatmn claim of Brown, pension increased . 1709 John B ... 2411 Crane, John W, Lynch, John C 2411 p pension increased . 2668 Trabing. Augustus- ... 2311 | Crane, William, Ccrurtewj, Wdliam J, pension increased . 2472 pension increased ... 2550 t Gram, William B., Gcrvdl, Thomas G., . pension increased . 2398 pension increased - . .· 1690 { Crane, William J, _ Cowan, Caynpbell, pension.. .. . .. 2814 pension increased ... 2568 Cmmcon, Wdham H., Cowan, Garrett F., pension increased ... ; . 1440 pension increased ... 2734 Grooms, Benjamin B., Ummm, Henry R., 1964 Crpensionfxzcregsed . 2726 pension ... avem, 0 n ., Cowan. Jofm, , pension increased . 2773 pension increased ... 2557 { Crawford, Amhony 11., Coward, Nathan, I pension increased . 1538 pension increased ... 1787 Crawford, Emery, Cowen: James L., pension increased . 2327 pension increased ... 1448 Cranford, Dna} M., Cowell. Osqm· N., I pension increased . 2023 pension increased . . . 2777 I Cmujmd, Jolm, Cvwmq, A}¢S¢¢¤1¤d¢r‘ M. I pension increased . 1961 pension mcreused ... 2453 l C’ra·u,jford, Rohm B., Cox. Columbus. i pension im-mused _,_______________________ 2238 pension increased ... 2206 · Creqger, John W, Cox, Hdflky B..pension increased _________________ _ _______ 1809 pension increased ... 2021 i Ormgey, George W, Coz, Hugh M, pension increased .._...,,,___,____________ 1793 pension increased ..e 2584 ‘ Cmwlius, Clark, UM, James, · pension increased . 2648 1>¤y¤¤¤¤¢ ¢¤ -------—-··--·-··---·—------- 2661 ¥ cme mem (daughter) Cox, James B., » Pm1kg0n__ _ _ _ _ _ ’ 1905 pension increased ..,,,,_.,__,,._.,.. 1767 O · Ch;l;` · - -__`````````````'` Cox, Jmms D., ’ mi ’ . *9d pension increased ... 2538 P9 _ on increas`'`'``’’‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’ 1833 Cox, Joanna L. (widow), _ C"*’“P: Plf“·‘“"'*» pension; ingreased . .,.,.._,___ , ...,.. 2319 Pemlog mcwased ··--·-·-----·——·-·------- 2400 Cox, Wes r.,fic , Ly1IlG1I,j'I’., pensioneilncressod ... 2045 i pension ,.,. - .,.,,,..____,,__ _ _ _ _ 1710 ‘